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Woohoo my Wii has never looked so good!


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I have also just puchased an HD TV (Pioneer 50" Kuro) and I have to say some games look fantastic while others are not so good. Wario Ware - Smooth Moves is positively chocolate for the eyes. Resident Evil 4 however doesn't look that great. Umbrella Chronicles does look lovely though. Wii Sports has a few jaggies but I'm not worries by that. For some reason I prefer sharp jaggies to smooth blurries. I like to have my Wii display on my TV at 480p. No upscaling for me as it blurrs the image.

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Wow, really? When I started Twilight Princess on my Wii and Samsung HDTV through composite, it looked absolutely awful... Worse than Ocarina of Time on a SDTV. I couldn't belive how bad the graphics were. The screen looked like a bad oil painting (like Red Steel, regardless of the cable.:heh:) and was simply unplayable. The difference when I switched over to component was huge. The graphics are still badly outdated though.


Oh no, I meant if I were to play TP with composites on an SDTV as compared with TP with components on an HDTV. The comparisons aren't so great.

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Oh no, I meant if I were to play TP with composites on an SDTV as compared with TP with components on an HDTV. The comparisons aren't so great.


Oh, I totally agree. I stuck with composite during the GameCube era and everything looked fine on a SDTV.

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