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This game is awsome. I have only played singelplayer but i love it :) cant wait to try it out live (i dont have my xbox live xbox at the moment).

So far the game is Higly recomended. I love the hotswap function. The singel player mode is made well and is much better than the "singel player" on pc.

Dont know how good it is in Multiplayer.


Anyone taken this baby online?


It got 7.2 on Gamespot. Apparently it just doesn't touch the PC game, shame really since it had so much potential. It would have been better if they waited and then put it on the 360 where they had to much more graphical capability.


IGN 10/18/2005 8.5 out of 10 85.0%

TeamXBOX 10/21/2005 8.9 out of 10 89.0%

Buzzscope 10/27/2005 A- 90.0%


"Modern Combat is a great game. Strangely, it's not just a great multiplayer game. Battlefield on PC has never featured a particularly exhilarating singleplayer mode, or even a good one, so when Electronic Arts vowed to deliver the ultimate Battlefield experience for current generation consoles, it had to create a compelling solo mode. Boy did it ever!" - IGN


I'm guessing the 360 versjon will be better. I'm gonna buy the 360version when it comes out. I hope they fix the problem with enemies that spawn on top of you in single-player :(

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