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N-Europe Last.fm group


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Hi there


I've made a quick last.fm group over at last.fm/group/N-Europe (sorry can't post urls yet, just a few more posts to go :D )


Feel free to join!

Also, if someone (staff perhaps?) has a bigger image of the logo, would be great! I might cut out the one in the header when i find the time.


I hope this is ok with the staff, if not, please do tell.

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whoops :D


I'll try to delete mine :D


As it stands, you can't delete a group. This is to prevent abuse.


However, if a group is older than three months, and has less than three members, it will be automatically removed by the system due to inactivity.




Let's see how the 'new one' rolls, if it remaines dead, it will be deleten after all.

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