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AVG Free 7.5 help needed.


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Have you rebooted? (probably a stupid question, but lets start from the basics ;) )


You have uninstalled any other antivirus software you had? Some offer removal tools from their sites. If you want to try re-installing avg, unplug your pc from the internet, uninstall the avg you have now, reboot, shut down every program you don't need when windows loads(messenger, xfire, firewall etc.), install avg. Then reboot and plug your computer back to the internet. Be sure that the firewall starts before you do that,

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Twozzok he was jsut messing about, hence "lol"


as for uninstalling everything, it seems like a lot to do.. will that really make the box tickable? I'll try rebooting it later on.


You don't need to uninstall everything (just the recently installed avg that doesn't work maybe), just shutdown the apps that aren't needed for the installation. Basically you'd just right-click on all the icons that are next to the clock and choose exit/quit.


And I have a vague memory that the pc needs to be rebooted to complete the installation for avg.

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