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This may be a dumb question.. Is it done?


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Are the internal specs of the Rev already finalized? They havent shown us any games, which makes me wonder if they have decided to beef up the specs a notch to make theyre games a lil more...presentable....when compared to 360. Or are they back on theyre "Its too soon..we'll be copied" trip

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Specs are final if you bought the console in a store - before much can happen. Of course Nintendo will change the specs but there is a certain deadline. I remember that the Gamecube specs changed a few months before release. The CPU got from 400 to 485MHz and the GPU got a downgrade in MHz.


I am almost sure that Nintendo could already tell us for what technical specifications they are aiming but they have reasons not to do so.

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A few months ago Retro Studios were complaining about the ever changing specs. Don't know if it's still a problem though.

Wow didnt know that, but we gotta think about that, are they downgrading the specs to make revolution even smaller? Or beefing it up so it doesnt eat dust left by competitors?


But, I think nintendo will confirm the specs at a date AFTER both of the other next gen consoles are released, just incase there is any other revolutionary aspects to the machine. Jim merrick said he was suprised by lack of info nintendo was giving out, because he said there was so much more to show off.

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I think Nintendo might not actually unveil specs. There are strong rumours that Nintendo's visuals can equal the competitors', but with less powerful spec machine. If poor specs are released (even if visuals match Xbox 360 and PS3), it might backfire the way those pre-release 'honest' specs of GC!

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