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Am I the only Tomb Raider fanatic on these forums? I hope not, mainly because the people on tombraiderforums.com are mindless, annoying idiots who have nothing better to talk about than complaining she has too many outfits...


DIE :horse:


Anyway, I really love the old tomb raider games mainly for the atmosphere, sense of isolation, beautiful locations (at the time) and sense of adventure. It really was ground breaking at the time and will always remain one of my favorite game franchises. Does anybody know why it wasn't released on the N64 by the way? Licensing Issues or what?


Anyway, thoughts, opinions etc.


i don't know why it never happened on 64 but it clearly was associated with playstation and it's early success(despite starting on the saturn).Well before gta helped the ps1 anyway.Maybe eidos has some sort of aggrement with sony.Who knows.



i don't love the games.i enjoyed going around the house more than the actuall game ha.The first game has yet to be beating,very challenging.


The first game is a BITCH to complete. Tomb Raider Anniversary comes out Q1 next year is a remake with the newer Legend engine. Looks promising, yet it will be easier due to the whole autograb, sprint climb stuff added in legend.

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