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V. Amoleo

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Everything posted by V. Amoleo

  1. amiibo (NFC)

    Some of the Skylanders you can get to scan without taking them out of the packaging. But if you're going to use them, why not just take them out of the packaging?
  2. amiibo (NFC)

    £11 is cheaper than the £13 I was expecting. So I'm fine with that. Especially as that's RRP. Give them a few months they'll be 3 for 2. I'll probably pick Samus, Link and Marth up initially. Then I'll get the rest when they're cheaper.
  3. amiibo (NFC)

    Plus, can we really expect to be ripped off by Nintendo in the same way that Skylanders/Disney Infinity do it? Skylanders/Disney Infinity create a need for the figures because you can't play the content of the game without them. It'd be like if Smash Bros required that you had the figure to play as the character. The amiibos as a 'platform character' would be bolstered by being in games like Skylanders/Disney Infinity where you're forced to buy them to play a part of the game. I'll be really annoyed if Nintendo start locking out content with the amiibos in their own games. It's no different to on-disc DLC! What they're doing with Smash Bros is perfect for me, but it's not going to get the figures flying off the shelves.
  4. amiibo (NFC)

    Yeah, they should have tried to get in with Disney Infinity and Skylanders to do cross promotion. The advantage of that is they could have created a 'need' to buy the amiibos to unlock content in games, without having a Nintendo published game requiring them to do so.
  5. Persona 5

    Surprised by the announcement of a PS4 version. I half expected it six months down the line in a FES/Golden version. Happy though!
  6. What Have You Bought?

    Yeah it needs a boot disc unfortunately. Some how there are way more hardware than discs around! You're not missing out on much anyway if you've got a RetroN 5, just a few games support rumble with the GameCube controller (I haven't seen any emulators which mimic this, though they probably exist!).
  7. General Retro Discussion

    @Rummy Bubble Bobble! The first game I played in an arcade too! Anybody have any suggestions for a good RGB Scart to HDMI converter? My TV's SCART inputs don't seem to be up to scratch so I'm finally starting to consider buying one.
  8. Doctor Who

    Capaldi is the first doctor since nuWho started where I've liked them immediately. The other three did eventually grow on me though.
  9. What Have You Bought?

    Wow @Happenstance! Getting a Game Boy Player with it is a nice bonus! Did it include the actual disc to make use of it though? I've finally managed to get my hands on this:
  10. Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm

    Surely the Game Boy Color was a true successor to the Game Boy. It was completely different. The chipset was different, there was more RAM and the screen was different. I won't comment on it's shape because that doesn't really mean much considering how different the GBA and the GBA SP were. You wouldn't believe how much it annoys me when any company calls their new product 'new <something'. Arrrghgh! Apple with their New iPad, which was the iPad 3 which makes the iPad Air newer than the New iPad. Nintendo with their New Super Mario Bros series. Channel 5 with almost any TV show which isn't a repeat.
  11. amiibo (NFC)

    I can't even find them on Amazon I wonder if we'll get Nintendo Club Stars with amiibos. I'm guessing we won't because we only tend to get them with games and consoles, not accessories.
  12. Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!

    Do you mind me asking where you picked that up from? After playing this it made me dig out my old cards but I can only find my 'collecting' set which is no good for actually playing a game. Does it contain two decks? So that two people can play a game straight out of the box.
  13. Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm

    I'm guessing the screens on the smaller one are slightly bigger so that you can actually fit Amiibos onto the bottom screen.
  14. Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm

    It would have been nicer to have a full size slide pad but I can't see how it would have been possible and still be able to hit the ZR button. Is this second analogue stick backwards compatible with games which supported the Circle Pad Pro? But then, even if they were, they'd have been made for a stick with more movement in it. This little stick looks like it doesn't really have very far to move at all.
  15. Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm

    But if Nintendo could do that for this New 3DS. Why can't they do it for the Wii U? Admittedly, when the 3DS first came out I remember people having issues with being too similar to DS. GAME even used to put little covers on their games making it more obvious. Booo! I was hoping by 'existing games' it meant in their version 1 state. With games being patchable I thought that there might have been a slim chance of them being able to use an update to make use of the increased specs. By next Pokemon game, do you mean after Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? Because they probably count as existing games too
  16. Nintendo 3DS Direct - 29/08/2014 - 12pm

    I really like the 'New' 3DS XL. The right analogue stick is a bit of an unusual size and position but I'm sure it will be fine. I can see myself spending far too much buying the shells for it. The head tracking 3D also seems really good, but whether it works in reality is a different matter. I also wonder how much of the increased specs are purely for doing that. I'm not sure how clever the move is for Nintendo. If they intend to release games which 'Only' work with the New 3DS, which Xenoblade Chronicles would suggest, they're going to get into a similar situation as with the Wii U. How will your everyday person shopping in GAME know the difference between the two devices? Additionally, if the improved specs are available for games, I really hope we get an update for Pokemon X & Y to make use of it. The battles chug along so badly some times! The shells are only for the standard sized one?
  17. Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

    Thanks, Serebii. Looks like I'll have to get both of the shiny SteelBooks. GAME are having a laugh with that price. I know the press release said that they'd have the statue too. Is that exactly the same as at Nintendo Store?
  18. Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

    So will Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have differing plots like the original game? Or will they be nearly identical like X & Y? Will GAME also be getting the Steelbook? Not a fan of them but there's a chance they're be marginally cheaper than Nintendo Store. But I've been taken in by their pre-order deals before and then never received them (I'm looking at you Super Mario 3D World!)
  19. The Price of eShop Games

    Are we really going to say that tweaking the emulator they use to make sure it works for a specific game is going to take more effort than the creation of a game for other mobile platforms? Please... Their prices are inflated because they feel they can ask the price and we keep buying them. There's not really justification beyond that and that's how business works.
  20. What Have You Bought?

    A black Wii. Yeah, you read that right. Another Wii. The white launch model was moved to the living room a while ago for the nephews when they're over (and wouldn't fit with the black colour scheme in the entertainment room) and buying another Wii was cheaper than buying the Component cables for the GameCube...
  21. Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!

    You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse But then I haven't played it since then. I need more hours in the day!
  22. It's probably to retain compatibility with Wii games. But I agree with you, make it emulate the Pro Controller (complete with rumble!) instead of the Classic Controller and it'd be excellent.
  23. So those controllers plug straight into the Wii Remote rather than being fully functioning GameCube controllers. I'm a little disappointed about that. I'm guessing these are the ones we saw photos of a bit ago so I'm also a bit disappointed that they're made by PDP instead of Nintendo. I've had no problem with PDP in the past but their shape is just that little bit off which takes them into dodgy third party controller territory. I don't understand why Nintendo would license this product out when they've announced an adapter for GameCube controllers. I assume that now there'll be these Wii GameCube Controllers and then proper GameCube controllers for the adapter.
  24. Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!

    @darksnowman I've bought it but only completed the practice match so far! I picked the Charmander deck from the professor. I'm hoping to at least do the first badge by the end of the week.
  25. Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!

    I can't wait for this tomorrow! I remember saving up to buy it as a kid. I still have the cartridge but the battery no longer works in it.