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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Why Nintendo are not calling this a handheld I have no idea?
  2. That kinda funny video is deep.
  3. I think it's more likely because fifa 18 hasn't been formally announced yet. I think more worrying is they flew this guy to Japan just to announce a custom fifa. There was really no need for it.
  4. Launch day releases are tragic. If you don't like Zelda there is nothing at all.
  5. The screen looks nice. Was worried Nintendo would go cheap. The build quality looks way better than the Wii U gamepad.
  6. Mario, smash and Pokemon will get them through 2017 I think.
  7. I can't believe the pro controller costs. What planet are they on.
  8. Amazingly I think you are right.
  9. Yes very likely because of zelda. I will defiantly wait out on one for my son though. Wait till splatoon is released.
  10. I just pre ordered on Amazon. I did one this morning but was Grey so cancelled and now ordered the colored version.
  11. My hope for racing games disappear
  12. Launch lineups generally are not great but what we have we don't want to see another wii u situation. I was expecting Nintendo to try and make sure the switch busts out of the gate hard. It's a shitty bonus
  13. https://mynintendonews.com/2017/01/13/koei-tecmo-announce-two-more-games-coming-to-the-nintendo-switch/
  14. No trophies/achievements I take it
  15. I would of preferred that. I'll likely get this still as I'm a sucker and want Zelda but this is a tough sell. The joycons price doesn't surprise me as they seem to be packing tech in those but the dock and pro controller costs are outrageous. Biggest worry regarding the joycons is they to me look like they are a receipe for people to accidently break.
  16. 64gb would of been nice but don't think they could go higher. You can't put It a Hard drive in a tablet I'm feeling that.
  17. Watching it again, man that was one incredible trailer.
  18. I think people should wait to see how the wii u version runs.
  19. I like it but $40. Please
  20. That's the biggest concern for me, how many online games will there actually be.
  21. They could of spoken about accounts and how they now work in relation to previous purchases software.
  22. The monthly download thing is laughable. Who wants a snes or nes game.
  23. Yeah but PS plus was optional. People could still play online. Free is nice but what's most important is the service. It's why live charging was never an issue as it was very very good. It's up to Nintendo to make sure they justify charging whatever the cost will be.
  24. Skyrim no sell for me then.
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