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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Maybe they need it cracked lol so people can get free games again. I dont see how sony turn the vita around. NFS. COD and AC did nothing to push hardware.
  2. Really struggling in Europe. Every week during the holidays sales just kept going down and now in Q1 it cant be much better. Vita is dead. PSP outselling it every week of the year. Looks the Wii U is selling similar to what the Vita is selling which is awful!! The 3DS really isnt do too bad in Europe and very strong in France!
  3. The mentioned the bundles by the competition as well which to me isn’t really something to blame as everyone knew that MS and Sony were going to offer cheap bundles when the wii u dropped. Just how Nintendo will probably do the same when they have a big IP when the next gen consoles launch.
  4. Hopefully we will get some good news with that direct and not just information about old ports. Need new third party games when they release for the 360/PS3. The thing is third parties will decide if they need the Wii U to sell there games. They have the PS3/360 and beyond to do that so its a question of whether they believe the resources needed for a Wii U version is cost effective.
  5. I think Iwata may resign. I am not saying he should go but it wouldnt shock me if he did. Q1 is going to be a bloodbath but nintendo have IP's to get things going in the right direction. Still does not excuse the shocking Q1 software release schedule. We need some news on th 3rd party situation as I am fearing the worst.
  6. All I can say is there is plenty of humility in that transcript and they certainly do know they have messed up with the wii u so far. Shame lessons were not really learnt after the 3DS launch and we are going through this process again.
  7. http://nintendoeverything.com/111618/sniper-elite-v2-confirmed-for-wii-u/ Yikes at that $49.99 price.
  8. There was nothing stopping EA and others producing core games on the wii but so many of them produced shovelware as they thought that was the easy cash in. The wii had such a huge userbase and it was crazy how 3rd parties didnt try harder to get a slice of the pie.
  9. Will be interesting to see if BF4 comes to the Wii U as EA did say BF was coming at E32011
  10. All is not well between nintendo and EA but I aint blaming Nintendo for that!! not really as they have to tell investors how many units they are actually producing. Retailers orders are an indicator of what the retailers demand is like from consumers.
  11. Nintendo will announce the sales figures. They always release the shipped numbers first.
  12. Who is it aimed at then? The nintendo core may of made there decision but they still want to attract 360/PS3 owners. If its just aimed at the casual then it still falls well short. It blows. They can do much better than that. Its not coming out on the same day. Its got a later release.
  13. messed up dubstep music!! The marketing and advertising campaign needs a complete reboot from scratch but no point now as the software isnt there. Once more games are on the horizon they need to basically treat it as launch again. considering Reggie is a marketing guy he needs to step the fcuk up and make sure there is a real decent campaign!!
  14. You have to remember the 3 mil is shipped to retailers. We dont know just yet what the sold to consumers figures are like. I dont think anyone wants it to be a disaster. I'm just frustrated with how nintendo have gone about launching it and that goes as far back as E32011. So many mistakes and lessons not learnt from the 3DS launch.
  15. Slightly as you have to take into account the 360 and Wii were both heavily supply constrained. The Wii U has not had stock shortages like that. We dont even know if the Q1 shipment will sell out by April 1st. The Japanese weekly numbers suggest it will struggle to do just that in Japan.
  16. Fantasy Life finally returns
  17. It's a real shame they didnt get Animal Crossing out in the West for the big holiday season 3DS title. Why was that?
  18. Other than the fact that the Wii was the maximum they could of shipped, sold out everywhere and nintendo couldnt match the demand. So no its not the same as the wii at all. 4 mil by end of march wont be to bad at all. Software side needs work though!! Animal Crossing: New Leaf selling 800k digital copies is immense!!!
  19. 3 mil shipped is ok but remember it’s the first shipment which would be large and they still had to revise the forecast by quite a lot. Q1 2013 financials could be brutal as I dont think they will be shipping that much extra.
  20. For me I was mad hyped for the Gamecube, Wii, 3DS and that hype didnt die quickly after purchase. With the wii u I felt underwhelmed pretty quickly and I'm not recommending it to any of my friends who ask what I think. It's strange as I've never felt this way with a nintendo piece of hardware before. Things like finding out the VC is coming and getting excited and then within hours finding out the games are likely to run @ 50hz is just a killer. Nintendo have released the numbers for Oct - Dec Wii U forecast revised. 4 million Wii Us (down from 5.5) 16 million Wii U software (down from 25).
  21. What annoys me is the lack of marketing, bad advertising and an inability to actually get across to the consumer what the wii U is. I think I remember reading somewhere that the marketing agency they used before actually quit as they thought Nintendo Japan had no idea how to market in the US and were trying to tell them what to do when they knew it was wrong. I'm not sure if that's true but something is majorly wrong on the marketing side and they need a reboot from scratch as what they have done in marketing the wii u has sucked big time.
  22. The HW Target wont be met but was realistic. The software forecast is just crazy and I would love to know how they come to that conclusion. Didnt know the nintendoland bundles were not included......Ouch its going to be brutal!
  23. Oh sorry. With the next gen consoles of course NDA's are there and they should be as it would be stupid to see games confirmed before the consoles have even been announced. E3 should see a whole bunch of games announced for those consoles. The question that needs anwering I suppose is 'is the Wii U futureproof'? Once these games are announced and and confirmed for the next gen consoles will we see downports to the Wii U?
  24. Recent and up n coming 3rd party titles. Metal gear Rising Bioshock 3 Crysis 3 Dead space 3 Metal gear phantom Pain Tomb Raider Dishonored GTA V Dark soul 2 DmC Resident evil 6 Dead or alive 5 Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Far Cry 3 FFXIII:Lightning Returns If no confirmed Wii U release is down to NDA's then nintendo need to stop with such policy. Personally I dont think it is due to NDA's and unfortuantly the games are not coming to the Wii U. Well not at the same time as the 360 and PS3 versions anyway.
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