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Posts posted by liger05

  1. 500k shipped in March. Pretty good numbers for what was considered a dead IP.


    You can't help but think that other 3rd parties have left money on the table not being on Switch at launch. I think Capcom could have made a killing if they had held off releasing MHXX on the 3DS and instead put it in the Switch, ready for launch.


    Unbelievable. I thought it would bomb at full price. Konami have made a killing.


    Don't be surprised by Capcom. They make decisions all the time.

  2. What is the point of hori releasing the arcade stick? Wouldn't be surprised if that is cancelled also.


    The switch has one new fighting game set for release. No tekken 7 no injustice 2, no marvel vs Capcom 4.


    Hori would be crazy to release that stick.


    Sucks for switch owners. Really wanted to play Tekken on the go. Lucky I can get PS4 version.


    The arcade stick is strange. Do they expect people to buy one to play neo Geo classics?


    That stick will lose a ton of money.


    Looks like Tekken won't be hitting the Switch anytime soon.


    I just don't understand this. We're they not given dev kits?


    Isn't the real reason Tekken Tag bombed on wii u and it's not worth there effort again?


    Also injustice bombed on wii u so is it that surprising the next games are not released?

  3. NintendoLife have done a great piece on the indie scene on the Switch. There are developers out there who feel they have been treated really harshly by Nintendo and have been left out in the cold.


    Well worth a read.




    The article comes not long after Dan Adelman vented his frustration on Twitter about how they couldn't get Axiom Verge out on the Switch due to Nintendo simply not talking to them.


    Some real madness in there. The no ports thing is bizarre. Why have they too some developers this but other ports are allowed?


    Not telling developers what the NX actually was is crazy. I don't understand why they would do this. It's nintendo though.......


    This is why Marketing and finance departments shouldn't be making decisions on studios.


    NOA never seems to look good and who runs that? Reggie

  4. I agree with the EZA guys when they said that Nintendo knew from day one what the deal was gonna be with the NES Classic. All the PR about more restocks coming, supply being increased etc was just smoke and mirrors.



    No doubt. A total farcical situation. From day 1 Reggie was lying through his teeth.


    Maybe they just realised SNES is where it's at? :)


    Expect the same lack of supply.

  5. It's defiantly not artificial. There is no way to company decides to keep stock in the warehouse rather than sold to consumers. The NES classic fiasco was was joke as t simply didn't produce enough.


    I'm prepared to give them a pass on the switch. The wii u performed so badly, I can see why they kept switch initial production at a conservative 2 mil.

  6. This is something the Wii U had to an extent and people were so dismissive because they didn't have to fight for a TV the whole off-tv play thing is pointless.


    I personally think it's amazing.


    Arlo did a good video here, but I'm always swayed by muppets so bias :p


    My experience with the switch and Wii U couldn't be more different. The switch can go anywhere, the wii u could be barely leave the bedroom. The Wii U gamepad was a chore to use, too big, too heavy, had a shitty screen and awful battery life.


    I don't like using cheap tablets so had no desire to use a fisher price emulation which the wii u gamepad was.


    The fighting for the TV was one of of the reasons Nintendo came up with which made no sense simply because HD TVs were in multiple bedrooms. There was no mention of this when it came it to the switch as people playing away from the TV isn't about not having access to one.

  7. Its certainly more anecdotal than evidence based, but it feels like a lot of Nintendo enthusiasts have been put off a bit by the Wii U.


    I had a great experience with my U however if the Switch hadn't been a hybrid i wouldn't have picked it up;from what read you wouldn't have if you hadn't traded all those bits in and then avid gamers like @Hero\-of\-Time haven't either...


    Yet somehow it does seem to have taken off, which is why i said before it's almost unwittingly happened! The concept is exactly what I want yet I do agree with you, the console is lacking in many areas (functionality wise) and we still don't know much about the online set up, which should have turned people off, yet somehow, some way it's sold tremendously well.


    Probably a good PR team to cover over negative stories, I still remember an IGN story about the "terrifying" feature of the Wii U turning itself off after an hour of inactivity (which my Xbox does as well) and stories like that sinking it, whereas something like the joy con syncing issue could have been a massive problem yet for the most part people have looked past it.


    I don't know, it's great for the industry and Nintendo as well that it's taken off like it has, but it's still a bit baffling!


    I think the age of the 3DS has a lot to do with it. People were ready for a new handheld. The 3DS was at the end and suddenly there a new device which is way more powerful than the 3DS as well as being a lot more easy on the eye.


    The Wii U bombed but even if you ignore that audience tens of millions purchased a 3DS so it makes sense that a new handheld device would be of interest to those. If anything Nintendo went above and beyond in the sense they have never released a device so powerful for the form factor it is.


    While smartphones have eaten into the handheld market the 3DS still sold 60 mil which is a huge number of potential customers.

  8. The NPD figures are in for March and the Switch has got off to a great start, second biggest console launch ever (presumably behind the PS4).


    This could really give the Scorpio a serious run for its money come Christmas time, if MK and Splatoon keep the momentum going world wide, could be out of sight of it!


    Scorpio like the PS4 pro isn't really made for mass consumers. They have niche audiences.

  9. There's some interesting videos on YouTube talking about this game and it's not all positive. The lack of computer A.I for single player games and lack of real replay value are some of the issues with this game. Having said that I can see the appeal for this game it's just I can see what this game could have been if more time had been spent on it.


    Anyway, I will probably get this game when the price drops below £20 or less which is fairly close to the recommended price of this game from Angry Joe on YT.


    Thats the biggest problem, no depth to it at all. It's just all far too basic and it feels like a throwaway title. Really hope we don't see Nintendo release another game like this. This was half baked and rushed, no doubt about that.


    Initially I thought it should of been bundled now I think it should never of been released. The game is pure trash. Calling it a game is generous.

  10. From what I read the online services arent even active for MK. I call bullshit.


    Anyhoo, just finished reading the Eurogamer/Digital Foundry preview and its exactly why I hate tech based reviews. They almost make the game sound average.


    That's a stretch to call it BS. I think they would of said if they couldn't review the online mode


    Plus this is Nintendo remember. It's not that hard to believe they would omit friend invites to play.

  11. Personally I'm not bothered about pushing the system as much as possible. Maybe it's because my Switch is my secondary console (to my PS4) so I don't expect cutting edge graphics (more concerned with gameplay and design).


    My best mate came over recently and said he wasn't impressed by Zelda's graphics. I felt like slapping him. Why people care so much for specs/graphics is beyond me.


    I think I'm getting old guys.


    Surely any system is best when it's pushed to its full capabilites? Those capabilities will be below the competition but for a handheld games will look amazing.

  12. Well fuck. I just got the lovely error code 2153-0321. It basically means that my system has a shortage in the jack port and wont switch on unless I have a headset plugged in. What the hell is up with that?! So now I have to get my system repaired, and god damnit Nintendo if you delete my 110-hour save of Zelda...


    This is why it's insane that they released it with no option to back up save data.


    I would be fuming if I lost my Zelda data file through no fault of my own.


    Cloud saves may be coming down the road but that doesn't fix the issue right now.

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