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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Apple say that the iPod battery should take 4 hours to fully charge yet mine says that it's charged after just one hour of being connected to my computer.


    How do I get it to charge properly for the full 4 hours? The battery runs down after like 5-6 hours and it's meant to last 14.


    Please help......

  2. OK so I was playing Headhunter on my Dreamcast and I was getting pretty pissed off cus I'm rubbish and went on a rampage around the house. I find myself getting frustrated a little too much with games and they put me in a bad mood when I get stuck on bits. Not great when gaming is a main hobby of yours.


    Anyway, what I'm wondering is, what games are there that you could sit down and play through over a sunday afternoon and relax to? My main ones that I can think of would be Shenmue and Shenmue 2. I could also have a nice relaxing afternoon playing Wind Waker.


    I suppose Nintendogs would be a nice game to play. What games would you pick to sit and relax with?

  3. I watched the video review of Shenmue 2 and wasn't that impressed by the voices. Didn't sound right. I mean Shenmue had a kind of charm with the voices, but 2 just seemed odd with the english voices. Thats why I'm not in any kind of rush to get it.

  4. Wow! Is all I have to say for my first impressions, just like the original.

    Its incredible how HUGE the area is, the whole atmosphere feels so new and exciting. Oh yes, the music is class too. At first I was worried I wouldn't get on with the japanese voice acting and english subtitles, but now i'm so used to it and in a way it feels perfect. It really does feel like you are in a totally different country and culture because of this.


    Its really unique...and i'm so excited about what lies ahead :awesome:


    This is exactly how I felt when I firsted played through it. I want to play it with english voices on the Xbox one day to see if its any different.


    Feels a lot different to the small homely feel of the first Shenmue, doesn't it? When you step off that boat you feel completely alone and it really does feel like another culture. It only gets better as it goes on.


    Still can't make my mind up which is better the first or second? I think they are both as good as each other really, only they both have a different feel to them. You'll have to let us know what you think when you finish it.

  5. Yeah, maybe you're right. I could always get Halo 2 and Kameo on Xbox 360. It's just at the moment all I have is a Dreamcast and the only games really I want to play are Headhunter and Soul Calibur. I may play through Shenmue again. Maybe I should save for a couple of months and get one.


    Where's the best place to get one?

  6. I'm going to get a bit of money soon and I'm wondering, should I buy an Xbox, or do I just save it and get a 360?


    Baring in mind the only game at the moment that I want on 360 is Kameo, and I wont have a lot to spend (probably just over £100), I'm thinking Xbox will be the better option for me at the moment. Also, the games I plan on getting, some of them wont play on the 360 (Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2). Burnout and Half Life will and I might get Halo 2.


    I'm thinking maybe I should get an Xbox as something to tide me over until Revolution is launched, or until some more 360 games are out and are more readily available.


    So what do you think? Is it worth £100 to get and Xbox and a couple of games?

  7. So I bought a Dreamcast off Ebay and it's not working too brilliantly. It'll load up games fine most of the times, but if a disc has the slightest of scratches then it wont play properly. Soul Calibur despite being in perfect condition will sometimes take a while to load between fights and the music skips a lot. NBA 2K will only load occasionally, and Crazy Taxi comes up with Disc cannot be read when it loads the Bad Religion song. and the graphics go all glitchy and the roads disappear.


    I think there may be a problem with the laser but I'm not sure and I've tried a laser cleaning thing but it doesn't work the laser just moves back and forth and the tracks wont play.


    Anyone got any ideas?

  8. PLEASE please please help me!!!!!! i'm playing Resident Evil 4 and I was playing it quite a lot for the rate I usually play games until a couple of weeks ago. Anyway I got to Chapter 3-1 and now I'm stuck.


    Basically I'm at the castle and use the rifle on those 2 guys patrolling above and then get to the catapult. So I get Ashley to wait and go ahead to that room where the guys were patrolling then call here back so she doesn't die from the fire from the catapults.


    Then the next step is to go up more steps to another place where catapults are being fired. Now if I leave Ashley behind people take her away and I fail. If I take here with me I fail because she dies from the fire. If I leave her in that room and then call her to me afterwards they still fire and I once again fail. I've yet to be stuck in this game and was loving it until this bit.


    What do I do? Please God help.

  9. I reviewed it not awhile back on DZ. It's an interesting game, but if you don't learn right away you'll fail and fail and fail and eventually just get bored with it. Unless you'e prepared to play until you win, I'd suggest renting beforehand.



    This comment has put me off. I do that a lot in games. Give up if I'm complete rubbish at them. Might get Prince of Persia 3 instead.

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