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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. Both of those companies seemed to make catastrophic decisions after they left though. It would have been good as long as they maintained their form but neither company really did, did they?


    Perhaps it would have been better to try and keep some of the talent that left Retro after MP on board or to buy another western developer that actually was having some success in the 360/PS3 years.

  2. Having actually watched the video now :p I am surprised by the inclusion of games like NES Remix and Captain Toad. (And also how high Shovel Knight was.)


    Those games were fine games to play, but I don't think I would ever even consider them for a list like this when there are other 'full' games to consider. Obviously, good gameplay can make up for a lack of content, but I don't think these had particularly high peaks in that sense either.


    Splatoon should have been higher than 10 as well!

  3. Actually I think I would like to play: The Legend Of Zelda: Party Chat (edition)


    In my mind this is a version of the single player that you play online at the same time as your mate. In the top left of your screen you get a video of what they are doing at the same time and you have voice chat to talk about what's happening (and perhaps lend items or hearts one way or the other).


    In this way it would emulate playing games in your room as younger children that you can't so easily do now that the real world has put distance between you.

  4. No I have not.


    Other than that one time I was one shotted though I have never had any problems surviving.

    I am guessing that you might not need being Brave and Default until later in the real game, otherwise they would have had an introduction to it.

  5. They could sustain the Wii U for another year at the current level of games, as they have been for the last two with Nintendo only titles. Sales would still probably continue the diminishing returns though.


    It's just that those titles have to be of the same quality. It only feels like Zelda will match that, if it gets released this year.

    That is unless there are some unannounced games.


    That being said, I hope NX will launch this year, but I suspect it won't.


    At this point, I feel like I almost need to know what it is so that I can properly look forward to it or, at the very least, get some details of a few unannounced Wii U titles to keep things interesting in the near future :smile:


    My thoughts exactly.

  6. Got an early demo code for this through the Nintendo Life giveaway....


    Not very impressed as a start for an RPG.


    Some guys wander into a town.

    They need a guide.

    You wander around town and find the usual RPG shops and stuff.

    A mixup causes the wrong guide to be selected.

    You can take on some quests, that all seem simple.

    Combat consists of selecting attack over and over.




    The most interesting thing that happened was that an enemy jumped out of the water and one-shotted me.

    I think I need either an interesting mechanic or something to happen in the plat to get me into a game like this.

  7. I thought this was funny:


    I'm too out of shape for virtual reality


    For the first time in my life, video games are about to enact a positive change on my lifestyle. If I want to experience fast-paced action in standing, full-body VR of the kind I saw at Valve's SteamVR showcase, I'm going to need to get into better shape. As an inherently lazy man, I'm not happy about that -- but it's a reality I'm going to have to accept. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go for a run. Because I want to play video games later. Man, the future is weird.
  8. Yeah I realised that, about the left/right handed stuff actually being mirrored.


    What I was getting at was more that they could have had the option to choose which way around you wanted the game as well as having the hero mode or not option.


    They released two versions of the game initially, one mirrored on each side, so why tie it to difficulty?


    I can't decide if I am going to get the game or not, but if I did I would want to have hero mode (for the difficulty, as I did for Wind Waker) with left handed link (as I originally played the Wii version so would like to experience the opposite).


    I don't see the point that it is somehow a benefit of hero mode - is that mode not enough on its own?

    Why are Nintendo so afraid of options in their games? :(

  9. There are two things in the game that are just really fun to use. The first is that weapon I refer to in the spoiler tags - if you have not used it/seen it then I highly recommend trying to get one.


    The second is infinite overdrive on the ground build. It takes some grinding to get something workable (or masses of grinding to optimise it to the best it could be), but one you do it is a great deal of fun to pull off.


    From the same Puges in FN406 you can also get the G-Buster which is a single enemy one shot wonder.

    There are better versions of both weapons in Cauldros, but they take a bit of grinding to find.




    There is a lot unexplained about the game - many of which I did not really understand until near to the end game. Or at least explained in such an offhand way that you ignore it at the time. To be honest there are things that I still don't really understand either - soul voices (specifically their configuration) being the main example.

  10. It happened (to a lesser extent) with Mario Maker this year as well. Both of these games we knew about this time last year. To me it just sounds like a wish in the investors report rather than something they could actually hope to achieve. If they needed that success they should have been working on the game it was going to be by at least 12 months.

  11. From the investor Q&A


    Nintendo want to put out titles for Wii U in 2016 that had the same favourable effect that Splatoon and Super Mario Maker had.


    So what is that then? Hopefully an unannounced game. Of the currently known games, only Zelda could even dream of having that effect surely?




    Can't wait to see what they do with the sequel and hopefully the single player gets expanded upon. Some sort of squad based 4 player co-op campaign would be incredible.


    Love that idea! Would buy in a second.

  12. At the point now where I have to grind support missions to get affinity up so I can finish all parts of the story. Now that's not fun.



    If you don't already, grab the Phoenix weapon from killing puges near FN406 (get the intergalactic variant - does take a few tries). This has an area of effect that will hit all of the enemies at the same time.


    Then fly to the island in the very top left hand corner of the whole map (not just Noctilum) and open the chest there to get the Draw-Opening Damage XVIII augment (you will need to sneak by a tyrant, but its quite easy)


    That should be enough to one-shot the enemies (add humanoid slayer XX augment if not - very easily craftable)


    You can then go in, kill all three times with the right position and gain 1/3 affinity heart for each other member in about 15 seconds. You spend more time in the menus than the mission, once you are practised.




  13. I would agree with all that Zechs Merquise said about the game. Last night, even 180 hours into the game, I discovered a new cave that I had not explored before.


    Although the director has hinted that there will be a better story in the next game, I hope that it doesn't come at the expense of a massive explorable world like in this game. I think my ideal would be a half way house between this game and the previous.


    Only five years to wait then..... :sad:

  14. This all sounds positive.


    If you can redownload games onto other devices they are surely going to find a way to make that more disappointing than it initially sounds.


    I am thinking of something that will make you still have to use an arcane method or will stop you actually using it.


    * You can't do it for some games.

    * You can't transfer saves games at the same time, or you can but the system is completely separate.

    * You have to deregister one device (and delete everything) before you can connect a second with the same account.

    * Only works on the New 3DS (*)


    (* Not really serious, but it is fun to speculate how they might appear to be finally getting there and fail at the last hurdle.)

  15. I am now at 185+ hours in and getting through the post game. Beaten a couple of the super bosses, almost all of the affinity missions and normal missions at am about 90% in most areas.


    I thought the post game would quickly die a death for me, (like it did with the original game) but in this one the addiction is still there. I think I must have completed the last chapter 60 hours ago.


    There is grinding needed in the post game, but I think you have to have a peculiar kind of love of the game to 100% it. :heh:

  16. The following was not well explained in the game:


    You can lose your skell, but if you pay attention and get a perfect in the circle thingy when the skell is destroyed it will get replaced for free, as long as you have one of your three insurances remaining. If you don't, it will still be free but use up an insurance. If your insurance is zero you have to pay - but it is better to sell it at that point and get a new set of insurance.


    Also - ditch it and buy a level 30 one from the shop as they are leagues better.


    Finally, don't worry about giving one to your team mates - as long ad you have insurance on it they will always perfectly dismount.


    Also: It gets an order of magnitude better when it can fly. And after that an end game skell is even faster at flying. :)

  17. I agreed with what John (I think) said on the podcast - you get an almost Metroid feel from the game world that opens up even more as you progress through the story chapters. Even after the story I was unearthing quite large underground caves that I had never noticed before.


    I also like the fact that one of them pointed out that the game can have more interesting and varied landscapes structurally because it is an alien world and so does not have to be realistic.


    In the latter chapters and post game, the ground combat becomes a lot more interesting as well, as you learn to use it more as it was intended. Better than XC in that regard I think.


    (Some of the) Music and grinding for items being the downside to the game though. I can understand why people are annoyed by it.

  18. Glad to hear you are enjoying it a bit more @RedShell. I would urge most people to get the flying skells before giving up on the game. It really does change the way it is played.


    Interesting to see how the game divides people so. On the RFN podcast James, John and Greg seemed as hooked as I have been whereas Guillame and TYP seemed to have had your reaction.


    I am firmly in the former camp - it is now my most played Wii U game at 135 hours, and I am well into the post game stuff, with no signs of slowing.

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