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Everything posted by MasterYoda

  1. I also bought two 500GB external hard drives and one 120GB external HDD a few days ago. I have more than enough free space now.
  2. Well yeah, the loading times are bad since the game doesn't use the HDD to load faster, but still I don't mind them THAT much. I have no problems with the music either, I like it. As for the crash sequences, when you crash keep pressing R2 a few times and they should end faster.
  3. The last level was fantastic, wasn't it?
  4. New Rockstar Games Franchise Exclusive to the PS3.
  5. Just finished watching Casino Royale on Blu Ray. So. Awesome. Both the picture quality and the movie (never seen it before).
  6. Yeah, I tryed button bashing the first time I played and I died. Thank god, this game really has a great fighting system. I've played the demo about 10 more times now, it's so awesome.
  7. I really enjoyed the Heavenly Sword demo, can't wait for the game now.
  8. You didn't button mash your way through the demo, did you? Because from what I read, the fighting is really awesome and deep unless you're a button masher. I'm still downloading the demo, 62% so far...
  9. Heavenly Sword demo is out, I'm downloading it now. Damn my 512kbps internet!
  10. Great, you've forgoten me. Bauer91 is my PSN Tag. I'm guessing all of you people have Resistance/MotorStorm, we should play online sometime.
  11. How is it not the same? Like I said, wasn't it the same with Microsoft, ''who needs HDMI and big HDD'' and now Elites are out with those features that should've been in the Premium models? People make mistakes... Anyway, can't say I miss rumble, it wasn't an important feature in my opinion.
  12. You didn't read my post, did you? So? Microsoft was all ''we don't need HDMI and big HDDs'' and now we have the Elites.
  13. I played some MotorStorm with Caris on launch, but didn't play online with anyone from here since then. If anyone's up for some MotorStorm/Resistance let me know.
  14. That's normal, you downloaded Time Attack mode before updating the game. Go to Game Data Utility and delete the MotorStorm Update. Then start the Online mode in the game and it will update to the newest version. Then, go to the PlayStation Store and download Time Attack mode again. Also, I finished both Resistance and MotorStorm.
  15. You need a program called Tweak UI.
  16. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Demo? It's not out on the EUR Store, download it from the US/JAP Store.
  17. Update it, you won't regret it. Everyone agrees that the picture is superb and I can confirm that too.
  18. PS3. Upscaled DVDs look fantastic. You still have your PS3, right Caris? Use it.
  19. Happy birthday man.
  20. Shit, then something does happen when you press Info when your TV is on? Because on my 27'' model nothing happens.
  21. What did you do to acces the service menu?
  22. Tales Of Eternia is awesome, one of my favourite games. I'm playing Tekken at the moment.
  23. I don't think it's j'etait. J'etais is l'imprefait, and j'ai ete is passe compose.
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