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Everything posted by Magicpaint

  1. Seriously it ain't coming.... And you'd have thought the sucess of Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 over their PS2 counterparts would beat sense into Capcom's head, oh well... when it bombs, maybe they'll learn how to target a product to the right audience.
  2. Secret Of Mana Majora's Mask Super Castlevania IV and Castlevania SOTN
  3. Umm, yeah Majora's Mask is better than Ocarina Of Time, my reasons: Better Art - it's so surreal, colourful, bizzare, OOT was pretty plain in this respect. Better Music - Subjective too, but come on, Clock Town, remixed Hyrule tune, Song of Healing... lovely. More challenging - more satisfaction in that respect :p Better storyline - Yup, the storyline was fully integrated in the gameplay, they work hand in hand, so it worked beautifully and was emotionally charged. The usage of Time - The three day system is the most innovative Idea ever conceived in my opinion, watching each character's drama unfold depending on whether or not you chip in and help is immensely satisfying and organic too, the characters here have a life, they are not cardboard cut outs like in OOT for the most part. Much darker and much more atmospheric. Granted, I loved OOT, but MM just stands out more, OOT felt like alttp in 3D. Protecting the Ranch was quite scary and surreal in a way, I loved that :p Also, following Cremia to deliver the Milk was such a treat, MM's side quest are awesome. Oh and Stone Tower is my favourite dungeon in any Zelda game. Oh and while the LE version looks much better than the original content, the N64 has better frame rate, no bugs, no sketchy music and a more balanced control system. I got an N64 copy and I wasn't disappointed about it.
  4. You can't do without Jet Foce Gemini, you just can't :p
  5. Ha ha. Indeed, just because you want to hurt some people, doesn't mean you have to, self control as I've said is what really determines whether you go for the move or not. People that claim to be violent due to videogames in my opinion, had other underlying issues before they started playing such and such. Videogames cannot directly cause violence.
  6. I've been playing violent games for ages, nothing violent has come out of me. People should stop trying to point fingers and blames at the wrong things simply because they can't realise that it's self control that is the determining factor on whether a person chooses to be violent or not. Violent people chose to be violent, not because a videogame let them to.
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