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About Kaxxx

  • Birthday 07/25/1977


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  1. I have 374 if anyone is interested.
  2. I'm going to pop over to buy turnips if that's ok
  3. Yeah, I got it finally along with the pups stage, was tough but rewarding I thoughtlt.....in the end. Never played much of Yoshi games since the N64 but really liking it.
  4. I'm not usually one for platformers but I'm finding this tough enough at times trying to 100% it. That Go Go Yoshi stage was infuriating.
  5. Just Labo VR and FFXII for me this month.
  6. Wasn't going to bother with Labo VR........pre-ordered now.
  7. I agree to an extent. Nintendo underwhelm...fact but at the same time the gaming community have unrealistic and idealist ideas of the way things should be.
  8. ^^^ well said. I think we all need to calm down a touch and remember this is just the beginning of the service. It will improve with experience and jumping on the gaming hysteria bandwagon does nothing to help.
  9. In 3 weeks time this will have all settled down and we can get on with playing games and not having panic attacks about scenarios like: "a tank ran over my Switch but I didn't renew my subscription because my electricity went off because I forgot to pay it so my WiFi didn't work and i lost my 2 year old saves for games I don't play anymore and..."
  10. I'm going to keep this on ice for a while I think. Put in about 170hrs first time round so happy to keep this for when I get another RPG urge. Spending way too much time on Oculus Go at the moment.
  11. Can't wait, amazing news. Played it a few years back on Vita but happy to start all over again.
  12. I don't see the issue with any of it. It's cheap, you get some free games and most games have cloud backup. Far too many moaning, priveledged princesses around. Far more important things in life than an 18month old Zelda save you'll barely use again.
  13. For some strange reason I got to level 12 in Bomb Chicken and it started to make me feel ill, sort of strange motion sickness. Not sure if the FPS drops badly but my god I felt ill. Tried again the next day and the same thing happened
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