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Posts posted by Londragon

  1. I just got my 5th ever StreetPass, yet another Japanese tourist this time a girl named Keishi. 3 Japanese tourists in Taiwan (I heard a rumour that the Chinese version of the 3DS doesn't have Streetpass functioning on it?), 1 when back in UK last year and one mate with a 3DS.

  2. Batman is amazing, but block ops 2 online with all of neurone doesn't appeal to you more?


    I've got a very slow ADSL connection here, and due to my location (in a high tower block) can't get the fast braodband connection to my place. If I want a 4Mb connection, which will be adequate, it'll cost me an arm and a leg, will have to consider it.

  3. I have been super hyped in the past about getting my hands on everything, the controller, ZombiU, Nintendo LAnd, etc. ATM I have completely lost interest. There has been a lack of new information from Nintendo and the fact that mine has to be shipped abroad means I'll get it 3 weeks after launch. So, an extra wait for me. Just hope Nintendo lay down the goods and start talking about the Miiverse and stuff

  4. Hey I get regular e-mails telling me how sorry Zavvi are for not delivering ZombiU and NSMBU on time!?!


    I'm getting the same from The HUT, which is basically the same company operating another 'rival' web dealer.

  5. The fuck? I knew it was low latency but didn't think it was faster than the TV.

    Could it be a difference caused by the TV itself though?


    Yeah, they bring this up in the Asks session. They all laugh about the TV latency being worse than the UPad. If you've got a crap TV then this is clearly going to be an off-putting issue. Hope my TV deals with it OK.

  6. It's obviously Final Fantasy XIII-3, which when finally released on the WiiU a trilogy pack will come out for the 360 and PS3 for a cheaper price and be out before the WiiU FFXIII-3 comes out. Keep that momentum going with just giving us the last of a trilogy.


    Didn't you hear, Retro's new project is a HD remake of Metroid Prime 3 for the WiiU. Whilst they are releasing the HD Trilogy on PS360. :heh:

  7. @f00had & @londragon, I hope you guys enjoy the game.


    Only had an hour with it last night, but so far am really enjoying it, despite me being pants and dying quite a few times. It does take a little getting used to and when those enemies who attack faster first pop up they caught me out big time. But, just like Punch-Out the key to it is to learn their offensive techniques, so that you can counter effectively. When done correctly, cutting a swath through a group of enemies it is soooo rewarding. Will be spending a lot of time on this. I like to return to areas I've already cleared to perfect my skills.


    Thoroughly recommended for all Punch Out fans.

  8. I did not know piracy is that wide spread. Is that the sole reason we only see news on release dates and sales numbers for gaming hardware and games in Japan, North America, and Europe + Australasia?


    Probably. I used to go into the equivalent of GAME here, and they would have 6 Wii consoles sitting on the customer service desk, all opened and chipping them there and then, completely open for everyone to see. Then, the night markets sell the pirated games, DVDs, etc. openly also for about 50p each. No-one bats an eyelid, it's just the way it's done here.

  9. YOU SIR! Appear to be in Taiwan. What are the prices like there?


    To be honest, I'm not sure if I can be bothered with getting two, it's a lot of expense and hassle.


    Yeah, moved to Taiwan over 6 years ago. Prices are similar to UK, but you can only buy Japanese imports, which then tends to bump the price up a bit. When the Wii came out in the UK, I bought a Japanese import from a retailer here for a reasonable price, but just like in China they chip it here as part of the service, and then games are dirt cheap. It took 3 years after the launch before they released a Chinese Wii here. Are you buying Japanese consoles?


    This time, though, I want a legit console, with English menus. I can't imagine playing CoD with all the those customisation options in Japanese again. So, I'm exporting from UK to Taiwan, and The Hut.com deliver games to Taiwan for 0.99p, bargain. So, I've stopped my piracy days and am going straight. Bought a UK 3DS, too and shipped that over here.

  10. I'm unsure what to do... On the one hand, virtually everything is chipped here in China, which means you can't play online, but the games cost 50p. On the other hand, I want to play online, but I've no intention of paying $59 for a retail game through the post, or the inflated price it will be here on Taobao.


    Buy 2, one chipped, one untouched. Only buy those games you deem to be worthy of online play at full price, everything else pay your 50p. I'm sure after buying 10 50p games the saving you've just made from buying them as retail products will pay for the WiiU itself. After another 10 games your laughing.


    This opinion does not reflect the view of the management, which condones the use of piracy to the nth degree with brass knobs on it.

  11. I haven't been this excited about a console launch since the 3DS:

    ZombiU Pack-in


    Batman: AC: AE (not sure if this is at launch, but pre-ordered it anyhow)

    Call of Duty: BlOps2


    Am seriously considering, especially for my son and I to play together;

    Lego City Undercover

    Tank Tank Tank (24 quid on The Hut)


    eShp Titles;

    Nano Assault Neo


    Maybe's, when price is reduced at a later date;

    Assassin's Creed 3

    New Super Mario Bros. U (this'll never come down in price, but it's a maybe)

    Ninja Gaiden 3 (upon good reviews and cheaper price point)

    Mass Effect 3 (when much cheaper)

  12. When you say 'restored older movies' which are you thinking of? I'm a collector of old films on blu-ray and don't own a single one which is 720p - not just spec wise, the difference is pretty obvious to see when projected. There are certainly many 720p compressed versions doing the rounds online, but those are nothing to go by and should be avoided.


    For some years now the practise as been to scan at a minimum of 2k after the photochemical resto (if any) is complete, do some further digi work and then downconvert to 1080p. 720p simply isn't a restoration standard - no respectable label does this (and in general only the more decent ones can be arsed to release older films!).


    Of course the few hd tv channels all still broadcast in badly compressed 720p and in the early days of blu there were a couple of dodgy sd 'upscales' like Escape from New York.


    You're perfectly correct. I was thinking of watching movies off of HD TV channels, with the, as you say, bad compression. But, also I do own a few early days HD DVD's (not BluRay's) with upscaling, and back in the day they looked quite good, but to today's 1080p there's no comparison.

  13. As much as it should mean it's 1080p, video game publishers tend to not agree and be very snide about it. It seems that, seeing the lack of court cases regarding false advertising, you're allowed to advertise your product as 'Full HD 1080p' providing there is an instance where it does.


    It's a bullshit marketing tactic, but the PS3 and to a bigger extent, the 360, are guilty of having publishers making use of that. I hope for the consumers sake that Black Ops 2 does run in 1080p because it's nothing ground breaking visually, but performance wise they're very keen on maintaining that 60 FPS. The one thing good I can say about the Call of Duty franchise, performance over graphics. How it should be.


    A lot of companies use HD-Ready, which sounds like 1080p, but in actual fact means 720p (a lot of restored older movies do this, you think you're getting the Full HD experience, but not so). If it says Full-HD that's gotta mean 1080p. It's just companies playing with words to fool the fool.

  14. The one shown there is the 360 version - which is the same as the Wii U version in regards to content. I think the major difference is the Wii U version (outside the different control schemes) is that the Wii U version displays in 1080p but the other console versions don't.


    WiiU 10 - 0 PS360

  15. Am actually seeing complaints that there are too many Nintendo Directs -_-


    Not from me, more please, more. It's fast approaching the biggest buying season for computer games. It only makes sense that every games company will be pushing hard for those extra sales, so bring on them Directs, I expect more to come for the WiiU soon.

  16. Even more wood for the fire, this time from http://nintendo3dsblog.com/


    Quote: "As expected, Nintendo has confirmed that a number of first-party retail titles for the 3DS will be released on the eShop in Japan. The full list includes:


    Mario Tennis Open

    Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

    Mario Kart 7

    Super Mario 3D Land

    Hana to Ikimo no Rittai Zukan

    Star Fox 64 3D

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

    Pilotwings Resort

    I wonder if we’ll see a similar announcement for other regions at the next Nintendo Direct."


    This would be in-keeping with their maintenance of the eShop, but I am really really really hoping for some DLC for Mario Kart 7, extra tracks (retro and new), challenges (with on-line leaderboards), voice chat implementation, etc.

  17. Have to say I think Cloudberry Kingdom looks pretty terrible.


    It's like it's trying to be the likes of Super Meat Boy, VVVVVV etc... except there's nothing nice about it visually, and it just looks like it could just be really really frustrating, instead of challenging.


    I'd probably throw my controller through the TV screen after playing for about 5 minutes by the look of it.

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