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About WiiUMarryMii

  • Birthday 12/21/1986


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  1. Oh, yeah I wanted that too. Wii U sounds kinda wonky. But as long as they kept the Wii brand alive was something that I thought was very important. Because lets face it, the Wii U is barely going to be 50% more powerful than what is already out there. And that's enough. It will keep productions costs down and devs won't have to spend millions creating every Wii U game. So it makes perfect sense to just make the Wii U a continuation of the Wii. Using the same popular brand names to get its foot in the door. And not have to re-introduce the console. And therefor, being at a disadvantage with the Sony and MS, who are keeping the brand names of their consoles practically intact with every generation. Xbox users simply moved up to the 360. 360 users will move up to the 720. Nintendo could use that same tactic, at least for the next generation coming up. After that, they can start from scratch if they want. Probably will have to anyway. Unless the motion control interface continues to be relevant and is not replaced with something better.
  2. But the Wii U was always suppose to be a continuation of the original Wii. Thus why you get to use the same controllers and add-ons. Plus the backward compatibility. And more importantly, how else would Nintendo cash-in on the million selling franchises they created on the Wii? Mainly Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Play (and Wii Music, that game even sold millions). If they named the console something else, they would need to re-introduce themselves with mainstream gamers. Basically, start from scratch. And also they would need to rename the Wii franchises. Instead of just directly making profitable sequels that employ the same brand names.
  3. Whadda you mean? The 3DS can't be hacked, can it?
  4. Indeed. The Pres of Nintendo did say that they wanted to avoid the same mistake they made with the 3DS's price. Lets hope they stick to that and sell the Wii U at an affordable price.
  5. Well its a shame that you don't find it interesting enough to watch. Because Hellboy 2 is very much influenced by mythical lore just like Thor is. I would think it would be something you would like... if you claim to LOVE Thor, that is. I didn't find Loki very intimidating. Or convincing as a supervillain. He seemed more like a pathetic weakling that was more like an annoyance than a real threat. Like a little boy who's been given too much power. And who lashes out because he doesn't get enough attention. I think Thor needs a more formidable foe or nemesis.
  6. Yeah I understand that. Its like GameStop does here in the US with pricing games that are yet to go "gold" higher than the actual (final) retail price. Still, y'know how users on the web react to this. Especially the ones that are Wii U detractors. They're going to have a field day with "OMG Wii U is going to cost ya $600 dallerz!". Oh well...
  7. Well who hasn't seen it yet? Its been years since it came out. Yet Thor is barely out of the gate, relatively speaking. So more people have not seen Thor than Hellboy 2, I think.
  8. Yeah but regardless of that, many users at GoNintendo are going bonkers over that suggested price the Wii U is going for there. Paying $600 dlls for a console is too much. Even Sony had a hard time making that price point palatable for its core base.
  9. IMO, the best one for that is Hellboy 2. The colours come out looking fantastic. The golds and reds. Beautiful to look at.
  10. Behind the scenes Mario Kart real Karts video! This is a new one, different from the last one seen on the web.
  11. It was good. But to be honest, there wasn't a lot for Thor to do in it. Give him a bigger challenge next time and I'm game.
  12. GoNintendo is reporting that a french retailer has listed the Wii U up for pre-booking. Here an image of it (IE users might not see this .png image) Source: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=167961&sid=f7fef4c777110f0be1027d9910c7f09b
  13. The first film was kinda wonky. I hope they get a more solid script. But I guess all origin stories are like that. Hope that they can get their act together by finding a new director.
  14. Have you considered owning a 3DS? Lots of good stuff available and coming our way next year too.
  15. I could've done a lot worse if I knew there was an award on the line. But I'll take it. Other suggestions for new awards this year: I like how you create new ways to celebrate mediocrity! You must be fun at parties. Merry X-mas!
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