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Big Red

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Posts posted by Big Red

  1. super mario land and my mum thought it was the best thing on earth seeing as i didnt macke a peep until the third time of compleating it or when she turned it off on me right near the end of compleating it the first time so that would be 4 times if you count intervention of the unholey kind

  2. 1.i would love fore them to do a good (as in not pants good) improved mega man game

    2.they should make a game with nightmare in it with his steel padle that would be fun no poncey light sticks just raw steel to the face baby....dont worri i do luv the stars of wars

    3.and going with the flow time splters only because perfect dark is no more boo hoo!

  3. me thinks power and graphics dont really matter that much any more its not like thers major jumps in in graphics like we used to see back in the day its just slight alterations witch make it a bit more realistic if i wanted reality i would stand out side and watch the world go by but if i want constent action i wont be going to the video shop to get the latest adition of arne blowing somthing up with a bazooka i want to do it my self! and as long as the controlls arnt as slugish as halo i will be doing it all day long-well night some of us have to work but the bottom line is game play game play people thats why most of us have stuck with nintendo. even the saga saturn had mor game play in its short lived life than the sex box

  4. dont worrey daniel if u could be locked up for crative visual excellence on order by others we would need oz back as in were kangaroos roam.because their wouldnt be enough prisons.and yes its about the right amount of any thing in life not just drugs so tack heed kids because theirs no bugga man to get u just ur own paranoid thoughts!!!!!!

  5. enigma hit it on the head with mega man series it is a must, probotecta also another classic, bionic commando, and of course the reason why playstaion loves the solid snacke and i dont meaan in a dirty way is metal gear solid the classic over in the plan view. have it have it allllllllllllllllll
