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Everything posted by Yvonne

  1. I'm esc, I'm non standard, because I jailkeep and learn the power.
  2. Piss off! Alignment investigator! (ps I'm drunk)
  3. I learnt that Rummy is an investigator. I really don't think he is mafia based on that unless this game is way weirder than I initially thought
  4. N4 results: @Mr\-Paul [*]@Jimbob [*]@Aqui1a [*]@drahkon Dead 5 Dannyboy-the-Dane Diageo Jon Dedede DuD Sheikah majority is 7 Day 5 begins. Day 5 will end 11pm BST on Monday.
  5. Actually @Rummy is legit. Last night I jailed him and learnt his power. Sorry to mess up your action, but I trust you now so there's that.
  6. D4 ends. Alive 14 @Mr\-Paul @Jimbob @Aqui1a @drahkon Dead 4 Dannyboy-the-Dane Diageo Jon Dedede DuD Eat phase 4 begins. Send me your selections.
  7. @Cube Diageo was shift - a townie.
  8. I'm voting with Rummy here, a cop falseclaim is unlikely vote DuD
  9. > makes sense to be honest, it is a comparison operator after all. I guess the results are just good and evil, not less than greater than?
  10. @Rummy I do think I would be more comfortable following an investigation if I knew the key that was doing it. Yup, caps lock, scroll lock, num lock. Maybe even the windows key!
  11. I have a theory cooking. I think all the toggles are mafia and the modifiers are town. Can anyone provide any information to the contrary? Eg toggle keys that are town, or modifiers that are mafia. That would be even more helpful! I haven't yet read today's stuff but I will get to it, so pardon the non sequitur.
  12. If anyone has questions about the mechanics of power interactions, or anything else, don't hesitate to PM me.
  13. OK! I'm back from convalescent leave! Today I will have a chance to reacquaint myself with this game and provide some value. For now I'll just give this - I am the escape key.
  14. Sorry about the protracted delay. Had a deadline at work...then I broke my finger! N3 results: @Mr\-Paul [*]@Jimbob [*]@Aqui1a [*]@drahkon Dead 4 Dannyboy-the-Dane Diageo Jon Dedede DuD majority is 8 Day 4 begins. Day 4 will end 11pm BST on Wednesday.
  15. Thanks for being patient everyone. The game will resume tonight!
  16. Got a deadline at work so this game is gonna be on hold until Saturday. Sorry about that!
  17. Definitely no redirection powers here.
  18. how do you feel about that ReZ...
  19. @Esequiel what were your plans with ReZ may I ask?
  20. VOTES: Jon Dedede (9) - Magnus Peterson, ReZourceman, Esequiel, DuD, Jonnas, Aqui1a, Rummy, Animal, Jon Dedede majority is 9; majority has been reached. D3 results: @Jon Dedede is super dead! He was a big scummy bastard. An indigo, violet, green, clear, yellow & black stripe bean fell from his cup. Day 3 ends. Eat phase 3 begins. Please PM me with the bean you want to eat or that you want to take a bean from the bag. Alive 15 @Mr\-Paul @Jimbob @Aqui1a @drahkon Dead 3 Jon Dedede Diageo Dannyboy-the-Dane TO CLARIFY: the yellow & black striped bean is one bean.
  21. VOTES: Jon Dedede (8) - Magnus Peterson, heroicjanitor, ReZourceman, Esequiel, DuD, Jonnas, Aqui1a, Rummy majority is 9
  22. They're suppositories!
  23. If anyone is confused about how a power works, please PM me with your questions.
  24. Get a room you two. I got plenty of white beans.
  25. Ah sorry about that, scanning too fast. Day ends Tuesday night 10pm if no lynch can be made.
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