1)resident evil 4, before this every dam resident evil game annoyyed me to da point id have a nervous breakdown its like the developers make shureee u run out of ammo but resident evil 4 was a god send i cloked this game 5 times (seriously) upgrading new guns never gets old
2) metroid prime, dat game was so god dam beautiful and rich in gameplay
3)super smash bros melee, greatest multiplayer game ever i still play it to dis day an kick every1s a** at it
4)super mario world, this game is sooooooo fun to play the gameplay still reamains unmatched to dis day in platforming games : peace:
5)metroid prime 2, they say no games as good as the original but i beleive this was as good but its just the fact of playing threw the world for the fist time that puts metroid prime ahead of its sequel but this gamee rocked aswellll and the dark world just kreeped me out i dreaded every time i saw a dark portal knowing id have to go through it:cry: