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About Volcarona

  • Birthday 08/08/1991

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Films and football


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nintendo 64, DS, Wii, Super Nintendo, Game Boy Advance and SP.
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Diablo II
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I thought Sissoko was ... well bad. I mostly saw our European matches but even there he pretty much sucked too. Obviously he was kind of overshadowed by Alonso and Gerrard especially in passing. He was probably the worst passer the last five years.
  2. I've been a fan of Lucas since the 09-10 season and in the previous season he became outstanding at times so the hate from my part is now history. :p Happenstance: I have a friend who consistently tells me Lucas is crap. He simply wont see he's brilliant he is. You have to be proud that you're at least trying to like him. Being a Dane myself I sure hope your prediction falls MadDog. :s
  3. Always nice to see the right team supported! Manchester Who? I've got to check them out ... :p
  4. I take it we're very few? :p
  5. I'm also pleased with Hendo's performances so far. The last few games have been great and I'd love to see them all on the midfield too.
  6. Me too, think he'll be strong teaming up with Adam and/or Hendo. I doubt De Rossi'll leave Rome in his career though (Please prove me wrong!), I'm voting for Keita in Barcelona. :awesome: No doubt Lucas will be back stronger than ever. I wonder if he'd be back against Fulham already.
  7. Very sad with Lucas today, will be a huge miss. I suppose it's up to Spearing to balance the team on the midfield the next month. Kenny might go shopping in January.
  8. What a player, so sad ... Best of wishes to his family.
  9. You just gave me an excuse to stay up longer Frank.
  10. Why thank you, my favourite of his! Not sure about the sleeping though. I'm just bad at going to bed. I usually sleep like an Abra.
  11. DannyBoy ... -.- And he does a good job keeping me awake! I wonder which kinds of replies this will get me ...
  12. I really fear for this one. There are so many talented actors in the cast, I fear they'll cram too much into one story. Which is one of my few (small!) complaints about The Dark Knight, it had too many characters and not enough screen-time for Batman which left him a bit flat. But Nolan's the man I guess and he's yet to deliver a bad film, so prove me wrong!
  13. Danny: Christian Bale wants to have a word with you.
  14. Well, it's been eight months ... So I made my account a long time ago, expecting to hang around the next few decades, but as it turned out I had to move, get a job which turned out to be night-shift ... Finish school, go through lots of other shit and eh. Apparently I made a full recovery by now and have high hopes of actually using my account. I doubt any of you remember this thread, but now, it's the return of the ... well ... I'm back anyway.
  15. Gotta love B & W! Me and my cousin did a speed-run not long ago in Black. Our main objective was to win the Elite Four and beat the Plasma-leaders without using items such as revives, potions etc. I ended up beating the game 17 faster than him. (Curse Hydreigon btw)
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