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Agent Gibbs

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Posts posted by Agent Gibbs

  1. I get what @Retro_Link is saying, there has been a lot of nobody asked for this games - Federation Force being the easiest example, but also changes to certain game series, the paper mario games are no longer what they were when they were successful and despite poorer sales of the altered series nintendo has released more with this changed format i.e speaking with our wallets hasn't worked. I'm sure some would argue Captain Toad is another game nobody asked for, a mini game from one series dragged into its own stand alone, i'd say that worked though.

  2. Skeleton key should be very useful as the loot drops from chests goes up to LL390 if i remember rightly, and as long as you know which strikes drop what you can then guarantee a drop for the equipment you need at a higher level


    I wish i could get consistent skeleton key drops


    How did the raid go? did anyone try out the swords?

  3. I'm not sure i want to Watch the Walking Dead any more? it just feels physically draining watching the show, or did last season because it had become so bleak, to the point where it feels like every episode is the gruesome death of the week, or the build up to the gruesome death. I've read some of the comics before, and stopped reading around this point in the overall story because it became so bleak. I know who's going to die tonight, the only 'shock' might be if more than one dies and if that occurs its a very very short list of who will, with my money on one person who's death was stolen recently by another character, the actual thought of having to watch it makes me sad, that and spoiler free reviews actual say it is very graphic even for TWD standards, so its starting to feel almost like a snuff film to me.


    I don't know, do i give it an episode or two to see if it picks up? i'm blind to the story now, but i just don't have the heart or stomach to every week sit down and go 'here we go' and wait for the shock death

  4. Hey all. Long time no post. Life stuff and all that!

    A fascinating approach from Nintendo. Consolidating their handheld and home offerings into one unit using industry standard tech and development tools is very smart. Putting all of their major titles on a machine that can be taken anywhere for local multiplayer is also smart. Local Splatoon, Pokemon, Smash, Mario Kart from Nintendo amongst third party competitive titles will be fantastic for the teen crowd; and adults who have less time to play on a traditional TV set up.


    I'm also hyped to see what further unveils remain. The VC will be fantastic if we can play every console on this (including GameCube) And what about Nvidia Gameshare? Would be a nice extra for PC gamers. Accounts/touch for mobile/DS/3DS ports and motion control for Wii B/C will surely come.


    Can't wait until New Year now!


    Nvidia game share? I'd not even dared to dream of possibilities of allowing the switch to operate like an Nvidia Shield! Fuck if they actually allowed that or similar then......that actually would be a megaton!

  5. There seems to be more rumours flying around of Gaf from Laura Dale (who was spot on with the Leaks along with Rodgers) that the dock actually has some effect on the way it works, either by a direct boost to performance through some cleaver chipset or it simply provides a power/cooling option so the Switch overclocks and performs better




    But also rumors of 3 hour portable battery life - no word on if that with everything set to max, but Ninty do usually quote max performance figures for battery performance, and slow consider this is leaks based on Dev units, so perhaps retail models will have a larger battery (or option?)



    If it does indeed boost performance in console mode, that should counter some doubt, and it makes sense not giving details on it just yet as it could confuse the message.


    Right now i have to say nintendo are on point with the way and amount of message they've revealed, looks good, hype built and desire for more info is at fever pitch

  6. If the system turns out shit - then no biggie. I've got a PS4.


    Ha I want that to be their official tagline.


    To be honest thats actually a good thing and maybe something nintendo have already considered - For years Nintendo consoles have been relegated into second console territory for most gamer, which inevitable end up being a choice between a handheld and a second console. Well the Switch if all else fails can fall into that position and fill that void


    Now if its actually a contender as Blade hopes (me too to be honest) with ports then it could also leech from the primary console market, the gamers who look for that console experience, but like the added option of portability.


    If it it took anyones market share its likely Microsofts, Sony have VR that give them a USP, Xbox really lacks that now, especially with dual releases on PC

  7. Gorgeous looking teaser trailer


    Why were there no platform details at the end? have they scrubbed them due to the fallout over the lack of PC mentioned? could platforms its released on be technically in the air? i'd probably get this for PS4 since my friends will play the online there, but i'd also consider a double dip on the PC, triple for Switch too

  8. If it ends up non touch screen that would be odd and right now i'm not sure how i'd feel about that - i don't like touch controls, but for menu's and certain things it would be good.


    But all the rumors have said touch screen and i really can't see them not including it considering how cheap it is these days


    The only thing i could complain about is that i want more info! and i want it now!

  9. Always said it needed a proper controller too and it has one. Surprised at the amount of games shown - mario kart 8, platoon.... disappointing as I want sequels NOW. Big big gaming tournament at the end, hope that's a sign of them bracing the community!!


    Opposite to Glen-I, not keen on the name, like the logo and animation.


    It's what i said it would be when Nintendo first announced it! 230-odd pages ago :)




    megaton confirmed right there! Vietnam baby now lets listen to some Creedence Clearwater Revival and get in that Huey

  10. There's got to be a press release with it right? I'm dying to know features... and yes, that one feature in particular.


    Why do you need party chat? you can just take your console to your friends house or play in big arena's






    Well i'm not overly keen on the full name Nintendo Switch, but just calling it a Switch seems oddly natural - awfully large logo though


    Looks very stylish and very unwii like


    the controllers look small, maybe smaller/thinner than wii nunchuks, which makes me fear loosing them, but i love the clip together ergo controller for them in 'home' mode, and its nice to just have a pro controller option


    but i need to know if there was magic editing, because the 'switch' was seemless, somehow i expected you'd need to pause the game and select you were undocking (kind of like PC's and USB's, which nobody ever does), so i was pleasantly surprised there


    And Skyrim! Whilst i do understand the whole its Arkham City/game you've played before again scenario, it is different in that its Bethsada! they just haven't supported nintendo, so in its own little way it shows they've courted a third party and a distant one at that! - now give me Fallout 4 Game of the year! with mod support (too much to ask there)


    but there must be a spec sheet? or a date for a full reveal?! whats the cost? the spec? the launch games? i mean come the hell on! fine you win nintendo the drip feed left my thirsty and i want that info!


    Might have to break that no more day 1 console rule i decided after the WiiU

  11. 40 minutes. Hype!


    And thus begins the N-Europe Un-Civil War :p


    I think the NX thread and Other NX thread should be renamed Team Iron Man and Team Cap, but lets hope nobody decides their gonna wreck cities over 1 old friend who's been trying to kill them and screw over all their new friends




    Kind of fits the 'console war' strangely

  12. Ahh yeah messing around with the monitors isn't exactly quick, the runs where we did that too were slow, very slow even! though we did a monitor run last night that was pretty quick, but it was our third time doing it and the usual poor jumpers were unusually competent


    it was when we were struggling to get the dps on Aksis someone checked youtube and there was some comparisons of Sleeper VS Gally on Aksis (Sleeper with the correct armour upgrades offers about 100k more dps as some of the mini rockets from the gally can hit immune areas) and the Swords vs Gally, which showed that Dark Drinker and Raze Lighter will do more dps overall to Aksis and because of how much ammo they use per hit are much more efficient.


    Seriously though the Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker are beasty when levelled up to 360+! We tried before will Gally's but you waste too much ammo taking out captains with them so there is not much left for Aksis. With the Dark Drinker it takes one R2 and 1 R1 to take out a captain and it barely uses any heavy. With Aksis you just stand at his legs and R2 away, because you are spiralling around you hit him multiple times, and his legs are a hit box too, so sometimes you get extra dmg. So now we have 1 sword, 1 Gally each area (although Sleeper can in theory deliver more DPS)


    In theory when Aksis jumps to the centre for his final hit him with everything bit, you can also jump up and use the swords again, however one time he managed to melee us and killed the three of us with swords and we didn't take him out, so the three sword users switch to gallys when he's down to the minimum health.

  13. Most of us have Outbreak Prime or the quest to do it (the main obstacle there was, we didn't play with 2 of each class type). Not everyone was 385 (I'm still not), and a few people wanted another shot at the NM gear for the shader, or to get our level up a bit to make HM smoother.


    I think we can manage HM though. I'll try and get an artifact before we start.


    Edit: funny that you say a raid takes 2 hours with all those problems, we've never done it that fast even if we do every boss in one go.


    Really? It can take longer if people have breaks and i know the first few times we tried it we gave in at 3 hours. Do you guys use the year two exotic swords? they are crazy efficient on Aksis and the captains before him


    I'm gonna have to act fast and get in on one of your raids
