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Agent Gibbs

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Posts posted by Agent Gibbs

  1. I got this game for xmas. I'm tempted to shelve it until the patch arrives.


    What Patch?what game breaking bug do i need to look out for?



    It looks nothing like an Audi R8 though, even that one in the article looks nothing like the Regalia!


    Look a lot more like a Cadillac Ciel...




    mixed with a Rolls Royce Dawn...




    And according to this article it was modelled on Rolls Royce (not sure how legit that is though).


    Actually yeah it looks like some love child of those two now you mention it

  2. Simply a superb film, the last act of the film was amazing, the syling and cinematography were fabulous and the last 5 min of the film were sheer nergasm


    The characters were amazing, Jyn and K2 being my favourites


    and the CGI wizardry in this was just brilliant (although the first bit was more noticeably CGI)


    gonna have to book some more tickets



    The only way I'm accepting it is if they change the evolution line-up so that female Cubones evolve into Kangaskhan, and Marowak is a male only evolution! You know, so it actually makes a damn bit of sense!

    Actually, that would also stop the stupid (yet hilarious) moment when you breed a Kangaskhan and out of the egg pops... Another Kangaskhan! Complete with baby in the pouch! That's always confusing.

    Until then, I don't buy it!


    that i can agree to! and as you've said makes it make an iota of sense on the evolutionary line - to me it seems its always been a connected line but at the time they didn't do it for reasons

  4. That bloody fan theory (Although they've pretty much retconned it in at this point) always annoys me.


    I mean, if it applies, why the hell is Cubone brown? Shouldn't it be Purple?

    And don't even get me started on the fact that female Marowaks don't have the pouch Kangaskhan does!

    This has more holes in it than an Exploud!


    three tier evolution


    Cubone - wears the skull of its departed mother and cries for its loss




    Marowak - still wears its mothers skull and uses other bones as weapons to defend itself until it grows up




    Kangaskhan - the fully matured Cubone no longer needs the skull having realised a piece of its mother lives in it and now with its own child it keeps them close to show it the love it felt from its mother....the love is so strong it will fight to the death to defend its little baby...thus starting the cycle again!


    Embrace the theory for it is all but confirmed now

  5. Look like they are working on the ground vehicle atm after someone uncovered an interesting folder within the update.


    I'm excited to build a base at my favourite planet. Have been there for a long time. :/


    The ground vehicle could be quite interesting if it switches to third person, because then they'll let you see your character - something previously they said you'd only be able to do via another players view

  6. One youtube channel that I found recently that I've liked is Roaming Millenial. It's just one person giving her opinion, but it's given me some clue into opposing views without being particularly extreme. I do like Philip DeFranco too, I never even thought about a bias from his coverage so I guess he's doing it well.


    I'm glad there is another beautiful bastard on here who watches the PDS

  7. January next year. Yep, I'm afraid you're not getting two Starters unless you do it the way I did. Good old fashioned trading with a cousin!


    Anyway, @ReZourceman. Your Greninja is ready to be given to you.

    Have you got me on your Friend List? I can't remember.



    Oh man I forgot about that! Well looks like I'm Litten then

  8. God damn i hate this game so much!


    I spent 20 min deciding if i wanted to play as a girl or a boy first (broke tradition and went girl)

    Now i've got to choose a starter and i want Litten AND Rowlet Why can't i have two?

    Maybe i should choose a Rowlet, get to where i can bank them (when is that?) and then restart and choose Litten



    this is character creator stuff all over again!

  9. I'd echo the request for good more right wing leaning sites to add to my news roundups! since the Telegraph got so expensive i've been resorting to the Daily Mail, but its too much like hard work and at times comes off like a parody news site. I really don't like how most popular right wing outlets are almost becoming TMZ


    I do also get a lot of news from Youtube, particularly the Philip deFranco show, which i really do find tries to be as centrists as possible contrary to claims by some left leaning MTV reporters who got annoyed when they were called out on hypocrisy

  10. I read multiple news sources both left and right wing (that don't include Facebook) - The bbc, Huffington Post, The Daily Mail to name a few, because in reality i don't trust any of them to tell the truth on anything, so to find the truth i find you need to read both sides and find the middle ground truth

  11. I'm okay with this, i've got too many games and with the Switch Launching in March (supposedly) this could mean i've got time to use it before i descend into the Shadow Realm and my Girlfriend looses me

  12. Lets just all not get too annoyed until we have some more info, because right now we have no idea of anything. The Switch could launch 31st March, Mario could be a launch game with some ports of Splatoon etc, Zelda could come out in May.

    Or the Switch could launch in March and we get some ports at launch as a soft launch, with a major drive in June when Zelda etc launch

    Right now theres no point falling out and arguing - sure debate the prospect of delays but don't get angry at each other over this, its like who's got a better imaginary friend at this point


    Oh and if you haven't seen the latest Jonathan Pie video regarding Trump (How & Why) I suggest you do.


    That Jonathan pie video is once again spot on, its something i've been trying to argue on GAF (arguing with a brick wall of indifference), liberalism is failing because its become smug, it feels it no longer needs to listen and engage with anyone who even has the slightest of differing views - anyone who doesn't immediately agree - closeted right wing, anyone centalist - closeted Right Wing, anyone who's right wing (not KKK extreme) - lying to themselves.

    And society wise people are creating echo chambers with safe spaces and banning decenting views in education establishments where they are meant to learn and debate. Liberalism is failing because it has become intolerant and all you get when you say as much is people incorrectly wheeling out cliche's of strawmen, slipperly slopes or just resorting to blanket insults.


    The right is rising because they are willing to talk to and listen and address genuine concerns and that has given them power to rise in Europe and America -immigration and genuine concerns have been dismissed by the established left wing governments and when someone comes along promising to listen and change things, regardless of some out their views, just like brexit they will choose between keeping things as crap as they are or risking change.


    And now the question is will the left learn to be what it used to be? the voice of reason which debated made compromise and learnt? rather than being that of self righteous smugness

  14. I didn't think it would be worth starting a game specific thread (only because not many appear to play it) but Trails of Cold Steel II arrived earlier today.


    Since completing the previous game earlier this year, in which it happened to become one of my favourite games of recent years, I have been eagerly awaiting this game and despite only spending a couple of hours with it so far I can already see that this sequel is unlikely to disappoint.


    It carries on from the cliff-hanger ending of the first game and it feels great to be back in Erebonia again. One thing the Legend of Heroes games do really well is world-building, narrative and creating a cast of characters that you really do care about with some great back stories and whist the games can be quite slow going to start off they are definitely worth sticking with. As is typical with JRPGs there is a tonne of stuff to do and I absolutely love the combat system, which due to events in this previous game, will have even more variety this time around.


    I really am looking forward to spending more time with this and if it is anything close to the greatness of the previous game then I may be constantly recharging my Vita for a while yet.


    WAIT WHAT?! today?



    aww shit i need to buy that

  15. Not all that surprised he won. I was telling people recently that there'll be loads of people voting for him that are too embarrassed to say.


    I can completely understand why he's won. So many Americans are disillusioned with career politicians like Clinton. Trump is a breath of fresh air for them.


    Some of policies are actually quite good - term limits for senators and enforcing a gap between elected Posts and becoming a lobbyist. Some of them are downright dreadful though.


    It's certainly going to be an interesting 4 years. One thing I can absolutely guarantee is that the Trump we've seen during the campaign will be nothing like Trump the President. He very clearly was putting on an act and saying what he needed to get voted In. His first speech as President-Elect shows this.


    I don't really know why the DNC wanted Hillary so much. Literally anyone else would've beaten Trump comfortably. My preferred candidate, like many people on the net, was Sanders. He would've wiped the floor with Trump and be president elect right now.


    Thats all any of us can hope, because if he was being honest and truthful during the campaign, then dooms day predictions could be accurate
