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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. Will be interesting to see what kind of price point this drop at and how it performs as I think this is a bit of a first.


    From what I know about the production costs surrounding the print runs of these cartridges though, I think this is a fantastic idea that this is going digital. The initial print runs for any game on the DS/3DS is very expensive and doesn't lend itself to a scaleable sales model. So if a game does really well or really badly then there's usually little anyone can do. This is why Castlevania games were always pretty rare, as was Ace Attorney because there was never quite enough interest to warrant another print, which limited exposure/publicity.


    By being digital, the sales can be relatively ever green and will sell as much or as little as necessary. It will also allow interest to bubble by word of mouth, which games like this and Ghost Trick needed to do.

  2. I've stopped watching now but before I forget did anyone else notice the guy walking down the stairs at the beginning of the killzone demo and think it looked a tad ministry of silly walks? He just sort of bobbed down them in a faintly comedic manner. Or maybe it's just late. Night :)


    There were animation problems all over that video.

  3. It wouldn't.


    Mario and Pokémon are pretty much the only character driven franchise that Nintendo can rely on to produce the sales figures anymore. And as for their Wii created casual properties, their success will very much depend on how many they can persuade to make the transition over to Wii U.


    Sony have in Naughty Dog arguably last generations hottest and most anticipated developer (Uncharted, The Last of Us). Likewise they also have Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond) and Team Ico.


    Along with first party franchises such as Gran Turismo, God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper etc... indie developers ThatGameCompany and Giant Sparrow.


    Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear are also two of the biggest gaming franchises and most associated with their consoles.


    Glad to see it's not easy to touch a nerve with you.


    I'll agree that Quantic Dream and Naughty Dog are excellent developers but team Ico have nothing to show after an entire generation. ThatGameCompany are also no longer tied to Sony.


    I won't go into the quality of particular 1st party franchises apart from to say that some of them aren't as strong as they used to be.


    As for GTA, that will go wherever the money is as Rockstar have always wanted it to be a blockbuster and is very much in the realms of a multiplatform series now. Kojima productions is one of the only big 3rd party franchises that stays loyal to the platform, which I expect to change once the numbers stack up.


    All of this is irrelevant anyway as the main point of argument still remains: Sony are still financially pretty fucked.

  4. Well I think if games don't impress you any longer then maybe give up gaming. :/


    Not sure if you're trying to misunderstand my point on purpose?

    I meant that I don't have much time for Crytek's philosophy towards games aside from them being a necessary evil as an engine developer. But games are not just graphics and Crysis 3 failed at being a game.

  5. Back to the discussion at hand. For me the most likely culprit to go would be Sony. Their financial position is and has been terrible for a long time and developing a whole new system seems like a difficult stretch.


    The problem for Sony is that they still don't have enough strong 1st party content. Sure they have some great 3rd party support... which has mostly walked away and I've loved some of the indie work on PS3 but it's not going to keep a system afloat like say Nintendo's content.

  6. Go take a look at Crysis 3. Then tell me with a straight face that the next generation isn't going to blow your mind.


    Visually perhaps but that game reviewed like backside because it's a game.


    If that's what the crux that the PS4 or Durango have to offer then count me out.

  7. I don't really want any remakes. Each game is a product of its time, so I think we should just move on...


    Totally agree with this. The only exception I've seen to my general "don't do remakes" has been Perfect Dark on XBLA and that's mostly because the game was ahead of it's time and online makes everything better.


    If people remember the Werehog, that's really unfortunate and unfair. And whilst I suspect I'm coming across as a fanboy here, I don't think the werehog was the abomination some people claim. Was it completely unnecessary? Of course it was. Was it bad? Not really. It was just a bit dull and out of place but certainly not on the same level as Big the Cat's fishing levels. It could have been so much worse than it was.


    When the big feature of your game needs to be completely overlooked, despite it being half of the game, to get to the good bit then you have a serious priority problem.


    Big the Cat levels were a silly (in a good way for me) departure that you could play at almost any point in the game. You can't avoid the Werebollox.


    Don't get me wrong about Generations and Colours. Not played them myself but meant to be great games and Sonic being back on form.


    And personally, I really enjoyed Heroes and it reviewed well enough too (the GC version anyway) - it seems to generate retrospective hate for some reason I've never been able to identify.


    Sonic has a serious issue constantly when it comes to gameplay balance. It's called unfair death syndrome and it was rife in Heroes. I've never played a Sonic game that I have refused to ever play again apart from Heroes and I hated after about 15 mins of playing it. Sloppy camera work, completely broken gameplay and just generally awful and cringe-worthy.


    I'm worried about this game, the fact that Unleashed has been linked to it does not bode well despite Colours and Generations being mentioned. Frankly the whole thing sounds like SEGA still not having a clue where to take this series. Everywhere from his duplicitous character writing to ridiculous inclusions of silly irrelevant gameplay.


    You know what everyone remembers from Unleashed? That the Werehog sections were complete crap on every level. Stop it with accessorising the experience and make a substantial and entertaining game.


    Adventure 1 is great with some important downfalls but the majority of the actual game bits of the game were excellent because they were distilled and focused.


    Can't believe they are still pulling this crap.... :angry:

  10. Except the need to produce physical items with actual NFC chips makes this more expensive - the e-reader was just a barcode scanner after all and it would be cheaper to knock up a pack of playing cards than a full deck of NFC equiped ones.


    Most of these ideas are just alternatives takes on DLC and will only end up costing more money than a typical digital download would as these invovle the poroduction of a physical item. I'd prefer to pay £3 for a download than £10 because they want to sell me a plastic toy. If I wanted the toy/model, I'd have bought it anyway - don't start using it as a way to lock content away from me.


    Let's not start "Skylandering" everything just because the tech exists.


    Having to carry a seperate memory card to transfer data to it via the NFC and then back through it sounds like a lot of effort too when they could just implement cloud storage with the ability to access your saves from any device - something you'd hope would be achieved sooner rather than later anyway.



    I'd personally prefer to see it as a way of linking game content to a phone app to allow a transfer of data between two devices that otherwise wouldn't be ableto communicate properly and open up new content that way. At least then, I'm more likely to get something different than simply paying extra for a toy I don't want just to get some extra gameplay that I would like.


    You could just put the NFC tech in the card which would hardly raise the production cost at all. But yeah, I'm very surprised that they bothered to put the reader tech in (expensive!) and not be using it at this stage. I doubt the devs even have access to it yet.

  11. I find it difficult to talk about games that I'm bored of because I don't really feel that many games at all are much of a fresh idea any more. It's not that I don't enjoy them (hell I eat bolognese at least 1 every 2 weeks and it's always great) but I've only played 1 series in the past 5 years that has really made me say "Yes, that's how you do it!" which was Portal and it's sequel.


    Yes Uncharted was impressive and epic but frankly not that much of a game and at worst could be accused of simply doing the things that all generic action games have been trying to do ever since 3D showed up but doing them well.


    I think back to games that felt like they leapt forward and opened things up to the point where I wanted to explore the inner world of the game for hours. Like when I first played Goldeneye, I was intrigued by how much I could do and what the limits were. Today I just don't care because I know where those boundaries will be already. Within minutes of the games starting I can see how they are going to increase the difficulty or mix up the situations and I just don't care.


    Also, I find games rely far too much on defeating AI, which leads to feeling like you have just outwitted the computer rather than having mastered a puzzle. I know it's problem solving of a different kind but it's just not satisfying for me.

  12. From that trailer, Ni No Kuni is fairly low budget. If Nintendo announced a massive Pokémon RPG - as in the "catch 'em all" - would everyone really be happy with something from two generations ago? A move like that could potentially damage the franchise's image.


    One thing that I think would work really well is a completely different kind of RPG, one that's story driven and not this massive quest to catch everything. Then everything could be much more focused.


    Agree to this. I think a "proper" Pokemon console RPG would damage the franchise just as an MMO would (@Serebii - let's hope no one starts that thread up again!)


    If anything the Pokemon franchise needs to diversify, as Cube says, make a different kind of game. Fuck, why don't they just make a SimCuty clone for the Pokemon world. It would make a killing!

  13. This game has really got on my fuckin nerves today.


    What's with the difficulty?

    There's just no need for it. The first game was difficult enough to 100% (Which I did after several tries on certain things) but this is taking the piss.


    The traffic challenges are just not even fun.

    Start - Restart

    Start - Restart

    Start - Restart

    Start - Restart

    Start - Restart

    Start - Restart


    That's pretty much been how my day has gone.

    Activity log shows me playing this game for nearly 4 hours today.


    In that time I've S ranked 3 challenges.



    That's 3.


    It's beginning to lose its fun.


    EDIT - As soon as I ranted I did the usual

    Start - Restart and FUCKIN DID IT!


    Yes bitches. Still wasn't worth the 4 hours :angry:


    Well, onto traffic challenge 2! ... :cry:


    It's brutal isn't it!? But honestly, I find the races and the sprint sessions the hardest by far. Can't even get 1st on the second racing event atm as I think I need to level up some other chars apart from Sonic.


    How is everyone doing for Stars? I'm up to 153 and last time I played I think blood came out of my nose

  14. I did not know they are being sold separately.


    CEX are a shop that sells only second hand stuff so all of these controllers are pre-owned. They strip everything down so peripherals get separated from games and they even take the games out that come with the Wii U!

  15. But aren't they going for a more "realistic" universe, where people are less accepting of these superheroes (kind of like Nolan's Batman)? As good as Green Lantern was (is Ryan Reynolds too busy or something?), it's in a universe where the people are more like "oh, a superhero. Woo! Go, superhero!".


    I suppose they could use a different actor and have the Green Lantern films a "this is roughly what happened" but have a few hints as to some thing that were a bit different, in order to make it fit a bit more.


    Wow.... just... wow
