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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. Anyone had a chance to try The Inside World yet? I bought it on account of the art and loving it so far. The main character is a wonderful simpleton as he's been in a tower most of his life and there quite a lot of politics and religion even if not taken very seriously.


    Will report back with mooooore

  2. @f00had - You sir are an absolute genius. That SD card is the BOMB and Monster Hunter loads is about 5 seconds now as opposed to 30. The music is working a treat and I can actually watch the FMV.


    I swear it's been bottlenecking a whole bunch of other stuff as well such as the download speed and my interface is much zippier now. Looking forward to having an entirely digital catalogue :-)

  3. Fuckin ell! Does everything needs dubstep now?


    Looking good generally however there is plenty about this game which makes it look a bit dated. And it's not to say that the artistic execution isn't good but the visual design just screams from the era that Thief 3 was made in. Really murky colours, lots of effects going on that have minimal visual impact. Basically a lot of Unreal type stuff.


    It's so strange that everything I've seen of this so far makes it look very derivative which is hilarious when you think what a bar Thief 3 set. I don't see it capturing anywhere near the magic of the originals and nothing from a gameplay point of view has stimulated me at all.

  4. I've meant to pick it up for ages and just never got round to it...


    Really fantastic game. Scared the crap out of me repeatedly and has a pretty solid story. It does a great job of making you feel threatened and vulnerable. This is not to be mixed up with the second game which was really different... and not necessarily better.

  5. Not loving the gamepad ISNT stupid and to say it hasn't been used to its full potential isn't stupid. but to say no one can justify its existence IS stupid.


    I agree with the positive points you're raising about the pad and I personally think it has been used well in a small amount of games. However I think using those positives to justify the fact that the Wii U is vastly more expensive than current gen consoles which deliver:

    1) Greater variety of experiences

    2) Strong release schedule

    3) Service that are much more attractive (PSN+ particularly)


    I understand why that is the case but when Nintendo were designing the Wii U as a product, they would have known this was the case. They would have seen what the costs were and they could have designed a product were the value proposition justified the price. Nintendo have gambled big and are losing (potential income) hard.


    The market is speaking, very loudly, about whether the pad is justified at the moment. Whether you or d.d like it or not really makes no difference.

  6. If people on a nintendo forum are putting people off the Wii U how do people expect the general public buy into it?


    It's an interesting question for sure, one that Nintendo doesn't seem keen on answering with any confidence.


    My purchase of a Wii U was entirely my own fault though. I have always enjoyed Nintendo's forays into new gameplay types and I put far too much faith into them making game that would justify all of their rhetoric concerning the Wii U braking new ground and bringing new experiences.


    So far we have had SOME new experiences but the reality is that as an early adopter you are buying into a promise of getting the types of games/services that you hoped for. In my situation, Nintendo have not got anywhere meeting that promise and, judging by their current trajectory, probably never will.


    In short, looking at the past, the present and the probable future of the console it's just not something that I want to invest my time and money in any more. For me to enjoy myself, I think it would be better spent elsewhere including more time on my 3DS.


    On a serious point though, my 3DS is completely fulfilling my Nintendo fix.

  7. Have watched episodes 1 and 2 now and am completely put off. Every one of the characters is like some pathetically shallow child (not the boss obviously) who is incapable of making anything but the most immature choice at the time.


    Story about adults that behave like adults please.

  8. I'm surprised they charged actually. Most devices should stand some knocks and bumps. Like @kav82 they must have considered the damage deliberate!


    Not deliberate but massively outside of the terms of reasonable wear and use. Can't say I'm surprised in the least at their decision as I would have made the same call but it's harsh that the most handled bit of the console really costs that much.


    Only stacks up as another question as to why Nintendo decided to design the console like this.

  9. Probably a good idea with all the leaks going round. To be fair, this was officially announced.


    Yeah I guess... Just wanted some bits to be a surprise. Shame as it means I can't come into thread anymore and get excited

  10. charizardx.png


    For those who haven't seen


    I know I shouldn't be expecting this thread to be spoiler free but recently people have been spoiler tagging stuff. Time to duck out so I don't spoil anything more for myself?

  11. No release date on this yet then?


    That sounds like it's going to be slipping into the post Xmas window then...


    So I was wrong! (In fact I think I made them announce the date by saying it wasn't coming ;) )


    I'm really looking forward to this but I'm not going to try the demo as I don't want to spoil anything. Fully set and ready to get my finger-pointing, desk-slamming, paper-tapping, whip-cracking, psych-lock-breaking, coffee-drinking, memory-losing, beard-swooshing, t-bone-steak-eating, crowd-rabbling, FFS-Larry!-ing, NOT-GUILTY-confetti-slinging, pay-cut-noodling, toupee-slinging, that's-a-stepladder-not-a-ladder-ing, grape-juice-drinking, blue-badger-robot-dancing SHIT OOOOOOWN.



  12. Newsflash: I buy consoles to play video games not some sh1tty @ssed Karaoke puke fest with Wing Han Tsang versions of songs. I don't care how much it sells. Sh1t sells, just look at X Factor, Big Brother, 1 Direction and Geordie Shore for examples. Doesn't make them any good.


    Then maybe buy your console until after the good games are out? Seriously man, chill out it's nothing to get upset about. If you feel that way about it (and I do too I'm just done being annoyed about it) then just sell your Wii U like I am.

  13. Just spent about an hour and a half trying to rationalise data with formulas that I'm not even remotely familiar with only to realise 4 things:


    1) I'm using Open Office which is vastly different to Excel

    2) No one at work uses Op Off.

    3) None of the formula syntax even vaguely works the same (and the graphs SUCK BALLS) so I've not even gained any useful learning experience out of my time.

    4) I've nothing of use.


    Fucking great.

  14. Somewhat furious to realise now that because I didn't have space on my SD card at the time, it didn't actually fucking purchase the game for later download. Hence I totes missed out on the offer, because it's a fucking retarded setup.


    Jarring. Absolutely jarring. I also now have £18 fucking quid on my 3DS account that I can't be sure I'll ever fucking spend. Wank setup.


    Plus the fact I bought a fucking SD card I didn't need. FUCK. CUNTS.


    Duuuuuuuuude... ball suckage indeedy. :hug:

  15. I'm 100% happy that Dennis Dyack can no longer ignore the reality that no one is going to accept him being part of any games creative process that has even the slightest risk. The guy has poisoned everything he has touched in the past 10 years and has no skill at working with any external companies.


    He might regain some trust if he kisses everyone's arse for 5 years and works very hard to prove himself again but I doubt anyone outside of silly investment firms are going to give him any money.

  16. 5000? Holy shit.


    I thought we'd never go lower than the Gamecube days but this really is something. All year I kept thinking Nintendo would have a dramatic 3DS-like turn around but it's going to take a LOT to save the Wii U.


    And I don't buy the advertising thing. Nintendo had plenty of launch titles they could have advertised all year, Nintendo Land and NSMU for example, and could have pushed Pikmin 3 and 101 in the Summer. It really does feel as though they're not even trying anymore.


    In the UK particularly, the people that did such a good job of advertising the Wii and the DS aren't involved anymore. Plus I remember reading somewhere that Nintendo was saving it's budget for Xmas where it will be used more effectively (read drowned out by xb1 and ps4 noise).

  17. Mario Kart 8 plays almost exactly like Mario Kart Wii, just with updated graphics, the anti gravity aspect is barely noticeable. Bit disappointed.


    This is exactly what I expected it to be after watching the vids at E3. They need to stop trying to cock around with the core mechanics and let people play online properly, with some other interesting modes chucked in.


    You know... maybe look at what Sonic Transformed is doing?

  18. A little disorientated playing this at the moment but enjoying it. I'm having major problems with what I hope is my SD card making the music all stuttery but it's leading to the occasional crash which is really annoying.


    Had to completely wipe the game after downloading it the first time and then reinstall it. Thank fuck a new SD card is on it's way as I rage quit after it crashing after playing for a couple of hours last night!
