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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. No, but it's somewhat indicative of there being some relatively strong demand and desire for the product rather than people not caring, which many people seem to think is the case


    From my perspective, the demand is pretty poor when you think about the IPs and brand names attached. Maybe we should be looking into why the PS4 has sold so well despite not having many games.

  2. I can see why it would be included (not watched it yet though). The way it was presented with little dialogue and no HUD. It felt like it was the father of 'beautiful' games. I certainly got the SotC vibe when playing Journey.


    Charlie presents it as being a tipping point where the player can't trust that what he is doing is necessarily heroic even if originally suggested to be so. I guess they saw it as a benchmark point of storytelling maturing in games and how that particular point is very poignant as gamers are in control of those actions.

  3. Loving Killzone. Just tried the online and it a blast like you'd expect. I also think the campaign is pretty great. There's actually a decent narrative and the gameplay with the OWL, the optional objectives, the exploration, all awesome.


    It's varied, too. The second level, the one in space, is creepy. Felt a bit like Dead Space.


    The secondary function on the main gun is brutal and amazingly satisfying to use. I love that it's a mid to long range sniper rifle wich blows people - and anyone around them - off their feet.


    Question is... does Ashley still suck at it?

  4. I watched and enjoyed it. It's obviously aimed at people not like us so I can see it's merits from that point of view.


    Firstly, I think the list is fine. Most of us have been so mind bogglingly exposed to these titles over time and similar lists that Charlie's one seems quite dull by comparison.


    He gave plenty of attention to Nintendo and their franchises, even looking at the Mario franchise as a whole and basically saying that they were all amazing (also showing footage of Mario 3D World too). Zelda got a graet mention as well. Just keep in mind that this was about games that changed culture and how they changed culture not games that were good.


    @S\.C\.G - Zelda did not change wider culture, despite having a massive impact on gaming. For instance it helped cultivate the audience that would enjoy things like WoW (which did change things in the way that would qualify for the show). There were also mentions of SEGA in there, particularly Sonic and rightfully none of that got into the list. Phantasy Star may have been one of the first MMOs (along with Ultima Online) however it's almost insignificant in terms of cultural impact.


    I think a lot of people have genuinely misunderstood what this show was about. I was thrilled to see Charlie address the Atlantic computer war, how games led to to the bedroom coder revolution and how that has now come full circle. In fact, the only thing I would complain about is that the early games like Space War actually invented the entire concept of computers having a graphical interface rather than something that was just CLI.


    As for those of you that wanted more Nintendo well pffffft.... there are a whole bunch of games that got missed out of this from the entire Final Fantasy series or the birth of games like QONQR. Nintendo may mean a lot in terms of the culture of gaming but I think that they got plenty of screen time based on the impact that they have had in the wider scale of things.

  5. I'm going PC and 3DS for the moment and maybe pick up a PS4 in Jan 2015 or something however I'm getting less and less inclined to with the more I fall in love with gaming on my PC.


    The thing I'm finding is that I can't really justify having more than 1 current Nintendo system. The 3DS has far more my type of games and when you get a Mario game on Wii U as well as the handheld in relatively short succession (yes to me 1 year apart is still a little too much Mario) then I feel like the classic franchises are pretty overplayed. Also when you get Mario Kart on both and now Smash, I'd actually rather have the handheld for all of them!

  6. The vast majority of this thread is the dullest stuff I've read on this forum in ages. I'm thankful for Dcubed for having tried to start an interesting discussion but sad to think that I genuinely don't want to join in the discussion as it would be a waste of time.


    At least half of the people on this thread are actually trying to address the OP whilst everything else is just reactionary bullshit.


    EDIT: Euuuurgh... just been into the Wii U thread.

  7. No, Bowser can't do that. Sakurai is just making a joke of sorts. The only way to protect yourself is to dodge or guard.



    "Pic of the day. A Dark Train goes full-steam ahead."


    YES! Loved spirit tracks and really happy to see some reference. Handheld Zelda do tend to get treated as not "proper" enough to be referenced as much as the others.

  8. For that amount of money and time, I'd probably do the same thing, even in England. 150GBP is a month's worth of petrol, plus food shopping. Bah!


    I always have the doors locked, whether I'm home or not, its far too easy to be doing something, such as listening to music and for someone to wander into the house.


    Thankfully, whenever my housemate and I have forgotten, we've been at home and we have 5 little dogs who really don't like strangers and can bark over any noise to alert us.


    Well until the person in the house goes over to the pups at least, but that's like 10 seconds of full on barking. :laughing:


    EDIT: Forgot why I was here.


    My body has decided last night was a good time to have a full body meltdown, headache, stomach ache the works, I'm sat in work literally trying not to move from the first position I've found that doesn't cause me agony and I'm trying desperately not to get up from my seat.


    WOw, sounds like appendicitis possibly... that or a harsh dose of trapped wind. Have you been chomping down chewing gum?

  9. Personally I don't think any are worth it. Certainly not at the current price and with the current line up. Although I'll be sticking to PC anyway. I may get a Wii U in a few years when the prices have dropped and there are lots of good games.


    I'm going to be very interested to see how the PC fairs against the current platforms. I know the system is a little more expensive but generally you get the best of many worlds and generally cheaper games.


    Honestly the only big thing that it's missing are the Nintendo or handheld specific IPs. And that's why I have a 3DS and a PC.

  10. I don't think the intention was for Eccleston to be the War Doctor, i think it always was meant to be Hurt, a forgotten Doctor,but i suspect the plan was to have the episode feature Smith, Tennant, Eccleston and Hurt, and the obviously when snobby arrogant Eccleston refused they simply wrote him out


    it makes Eccleston look even worse considering they got McGann to come back for the prequel short


    My respect for Eccleston is at an all time low


    I think it might have been a slightly more practical decision than that. Doctor Who or Thor 2. In my eyes he made the right choice.


    I'm getting a little tired of Doctor Who lately. It seems to spend far too much time making outrageous stories and then having to hurriedly path up all of the plot holes. To the point where you expect them to explain stuff away rather than solve it.


    Don't even get me started on how they "over baked" River Song.

  11. No its done over wifi not bluetooth. From my limited understanding there are two ways the PS4 lets you do the remote play. The closer range one kind of turns the PS4 into a wifi spot and the Vita connects to that and the other one if your wifi is good enough connects it to the router so you can play remotely from anywhere as long as its a good enough connection at both ends.


    So same radio card. Wow, that's not how I would have designed it but ok...


    Still don't think capacity would be an issue though. There's plenty of bandwidth for everyone!

  12. nobody cares about nintendoland.


    They fucking should do. It's one of the only things that validates the inclusion of a piece of hardware that increases the console's price by £75. It's the one of the only things that illustrates how Nintendo could change the game, how 3rd parties could create something unique on their platform.


    Why did the Wii sell well? I can tell you that it wasn't by launching with NSMB Wii that's for sure.

  13. ORLY? Didn't know that. I find co-op can make even the worst games bearable, if only to cooperatively mock the game.


    No this one my friend.... save your money.

  14. Perhaps Jamba’s dead.. He was viewing the thread, but he has not yet posted, which is strange considering his enthusiasm. Would be tough luck!


    Aha! I'm here though!


    Sorry, I've been viewing more than one thread at once and may have been dipping in and out. Not that I have much to say with the information above.


    @ReZourceman can you tell us any info about how you knew your power worked?

  15. Can anybody else not connect to Live? Even Xbox.com is down. Not arsed about the One as I'm not getting one yet, but I was watching Netflix on my 360. But lots of people will be mad they can't use their new console.


    Bastards! :D


    Fuck these Sony servers are awful!


    ... Oh wait a minute!


    ADDITIONAL: I think that the servers are just getting DOS'd to shit. The name servers even went down.... all 5 of them! At least one seems to be up now but the website is still not responding. OOOOooops.


