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Everything posted by Pit-Jr

  1. Costume Quest

    Finally... a game about the timeless ritual of trick-or-treating and cheesy costumes. I love the concept and it looks excellent for a PSN/XBLA game.
  2. Coolness Bears' Painting Frenzy!

    Goomba? That was my Zelda entry
  3. Coolness Bears' Painting Frenzy!

    quick and dirty. Love the Zelda one!
  4. The audience in the cinemas

    While watching Freddy Vs. Jason , there were so many Brendas at the theater that the film was paused, the lights were turned back on and security came in and told everyone to shut up. Worst cinema experience ever, on top of the movie itself being terrible.
  5. Films you've walked out of...

    I've fallen asleep through just about every CG/Pixar/Dreamworks movie ever conceived, with the exception of UP The only movie i ever wanted to walk out of was Hannibal due to 'guy who cut his own face off' getting so much screen time.
  6. Windows Phone 7

    But is it better than WebOS?
  7. [Spoilers] Where does Metroid go from here?

    Id like to see it on the DKC Returns engine. I dont like the logic that 2D entries should be on handhelds (mainly because i own/want one)
  8. N-Europe Secret Shames

    So wait, you're NOT supposed to pee in the bathroom sink?
  9. Costume Quest

    Such an awesome little game! Like Paper Mario Lite and even more charming if thats even possible
  10. Red Dead Redemption

    I played an hour or so of this today. The intro is hilarious!
  11. Horror Films

    I still love Blair Witch Project and make it a point to watch it every year around this time to put me in a Halloween mood. The Exorcist (directors cut) is probably the scariest movie ive ever seen though. I remember watching it at a friend's house one night and the drive home was mortifying
  12. Stolen

    I had my wallet stolen at work and found it about 3 months later behind a stack of buckets. About 300 dollars and my drivers license were looted from it. Could be karma from when i stole M&Ms when i was 5
  13. Paranormal Activity 2

    I fully admit i just watched PA1 for the first time this weekend, alone in a dark room and my heart was thudding out of my chest. The ending was textbook Hollywood garbage though, and the paranormal psychologist guy they invited into their house was laughably bad, otherwise cheap thrills accomplished
  14. Playstation Phone

    Fake or not, any phone that advertises games as a bulletpoint should have a set-up like this. That dual 'analog' touch surface thing looks like something Sony would do....
  15. The Paranormal

    Haha calm down , im not anti-science or anything. Far from it. I appreciate the fruits of it daily. I want to marry it actually.
  16. The Paranormal

    Case in point
  17. Uncharted 3 : World of Deceit deceives ReZ

    I hope the campaign is a little less linear this time
  18. The Paranormal

    I dont mean just ghosts and demons. Science sterilizes most everything conjured up by peoples imaginations
  19. The Paranormal

    Is it ok to hate how science takes the fun out of everything?
  20. I put 2 and 2 together when my brother and I found a stockade of Transformers and wrapping paper in our parents closet.
  21. The Paranormal

    WHAT??? Im devastated
  22. Costume Quest

    Im getting it as soon as i finish Castlevania
  23. Castlevania Retrospective

    you do realize you can get SOTN in the PS Store right?
  24. Night Shifts

    on the plus side, you can save a fortune working the late shift at the expense of not being able to party all the time.
  25. Touching

    i actually prefer a quick 'hand crusher' hand shake, over a soft clammy one. Shaking hands is a rather disgusting custom in and of itself though