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Thrill Mitchell

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About Thrill Mitchell

  • Birthday 04/13/1988


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Pretty much all of them
  • Other Systems Owned
    Pretty much all of those too haha.
  • Favourite Game?
    VVVVVV (Check it out, it's amazing)
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    They're all pretty irritating
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  1. Got to be the 360 controller just for the fact it's so comfy to use. Second to that though it's got to be the wavebird (shame about the lack of rumble though).
  2. Yeah definitely, in a higher resolution and with a bit more horsepower behind it, a game with the same graphical style as WW would be amazing. I'm not completely convinced with the way Skyward Sword looks like a cross between WW and TP yet (although I'm sure it'll look nice). I kinda wish they were making SS with the WW engine...
  3. Had mine since launch and I'm very happy with it, plenty to do straight out of the box and with Pilotwings and Street Fighter its kept me busy (apart from finishing off a few ds games but its on the same machine so I think that still counts?!). Anyone else think that the build quality seems a little bit off? I had the original 'fat' DS and it felt really sturdy, but the 3DS feels a little bit fragile in some respects, especially the screen hinge. On the whole though its a fantastic little machine. Well happy!
  4. I've had a 32" Samsung TV for a few years now and it's been pretty damn good really. It's not 1080p but that's my fault for buying it too early
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