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The Peeps

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Posts posted by The Peeps

  1. The Xpert team have finally added a feature that many people have been calling out a long time for...


    At the end of this season I'll be looking to merge our league with another one that's struggling. We will keep our teams and players but old data will apparently be lost - this might only be if we merge into another league rather than accepting another league into our own.


    Are people up for this or do we want to carry on as we are but with 15-20 teams?

  2. I'm happy for you to do the first post next season if you like but it's not a problem if I need to do it :p


    @Nikos9 sorry to be seeing you go as well, I've always looked forward to facing you each season as you've consistently had one of the strongest teams in the top division for countless seasons.


    At this rate we'll be down to one division next season! But we can rebuild, we have the technology!

  3. I thought about it for about 5 seconds to reply to you and the whole thing basically unravelled in my head...


    Their dying minds are 'downloaded' to the cyber mainframe or whatever so when we see Danny Pink we're just seeing what he thinks he can see... he's actually just code at that point. So my question is, if they can pluck the mind from someone like that then why do they bother waiting for them to die? Also why do they even need their minds at all? That's the first thing they delete usually! It's a lot of effort to go through just to get people to 'donate' skeletons... and if it's just a skeleton inside the metal suit then why is that needed at all either?


    Please don't ask any more questions, I was fairly content with the episode before now :p lol

  4. Remember that time you thought that Natalya had ran off to the starting room and that you hadn't picked up the key?


    Luckily, it turned out she had ran to the only room in the level with enemies left.


    Yes I was feeling very pessimistic at that point lol. Your optimism led me to her though :)


    Typical that she'd pick that one place to feel safe...

  5. Here is the video of our ending. Was a good time...got highlights of our football tournament still to come, plus a time lapse video. Unfortunately due to the way were pulling the footage through everything is a bit out of sync for that part but it's all good! An epic moment to finish the event on!





    Shame we didn't get to watch your Goldeneye you sound like a pro!!!


    Even though I spent hours trying to get through certain levels I do like to think I'm pretty good at the game. On the 00 Agent difficulty you can only take like 5 hits before you're dead and I dived straight in after not having played the game for like 10 years!


    I'm looking at buying some cables so I can record a playthrough at home. I've got a capture card in my PC but it doesn't have RCA ports so I need a converter and some splitters!

  6. Mount Your Friends was epic as always. Playing with our own faces on the characters was beautiful. Can't wait to see the footage of it. My personal favourite moment was doing the horizontal climb in teams. Me, Happenstance and ReZ on one team, Mike, Peeps and Cube on the other. Towards the end, we were flinging the characters along the pile. Time was running out on my go as I got about 75% along the pile and the other team dared me to launch my guy, thinking I would overshoot. I was running out of time, so I did it, only to cling on to the tip of the pile and basically win the game for us.


    That was an amazing feat of prowess! In no other game will you find brute force merging so elegantly with grace and precision.


    I can't wait to see it in the highlights!


    My Goldeneye run ended on Jungle and I'm quite pleased with how far I got through it. I spent far too long on Archive trying to defeat infinitely spawning waves of enemies when I should've been rushing through from the start. The Train level was another hurdle as my success was ultimately dependant on the Artificial Ignorance (I believe Goafer coined that one) of Natalya.


    I probably could have at least completed every level (my stretch ambition was to also unlock every cheat) if I'd kept with it for the whole 24 hours, but I would never want to abstain from the multiplayer fun. Cloudberry Kingdom, Smash Bros and Mount Your Friends were fantastic to play. The Sonic competition was great too but it's a shame we couldn't quite get Fibbage to work on our end.


    I would like to apologise to Happenstance who was sat nearest my TV and had an earful of near non-stop shooting sounds from Goldeneye for 14 hours straight!


    I still have an itch to complete Goldeneye actually so I think the Nintendo 64 will be the first console I actually set back up!

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