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Everything posted by Colossus

  1. Well I kinda just did, isnt that what this threads for? I might be better just pming them i guess
  2. I bet your asses hurt like hell when it was all over and done with Sitting on the floor and all................
  3. Its been down for me too. Question. Seeing as I unable to get access to the account i tried registering, may i get my name changed and email changed to the ones i registered(but have never received email) first with?
  4. It doesnt actually have a junk folder. Just a trash folder and an outbox/inbox. It appears im in quite the pickle
  5. Some help please I registered a username and never got an email for it, i then put in the request for a lost password be sent to this address, again nothing. It says the email has already been used but yet i cant use the account and have never gotten any emails to that account. So i had to register with this email under a name i dont really want. So what gives? I have no filters on my email address or anything!
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