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Posts posted by Caris

  1. I totally agree with what Flinky and HoT have said, I don't have much to say because they have said it all.


    The only thing I will say is that the Wii U is around the corner and that would be a prime time to try and get some new blood in here, there is going to be a lot of Nintendo buzz this Christmas and I hope N-E makes the most of it.

  2. The build quality of these tablets seems absolutely shocking, I was going to pick one up. But the reports in forums about various faults is so worrying. I've seen more people have a faulty unit than a working one.

  3. No charger? Quite possibly one of the most stupid decisions I've ever seen from a company.


    This is going to backfire so bad, the amount of returns is going to be crazy.

  4. It's amazing how many songs I assume are from the 90s, then when I look they're from the early 2000s. My next thought is "it seems like much longer ago than that!" Then I remember 2000 was 12 years ago.


    Haha, I'm exactly the same. That's why I put both in the first post.

  5. Ok serious thread time.


    Now, what I've seen about the Wii U over the past few does has actually really impressed me. They have changed everything people didn't like about the GamePad, I like the look of the online system, and the horsepower of the console is better than what I thought it was going to be.


    Even the E3 press conference I was satisfied with, it's what I expected. People who thought Rockstar were going to come out with GTA V on it, or Capcom with RE6 were just being un realistic IMO. The only thing I thought may make an appearance is Retros new game, but you can't have it all.


    So, everything has been going well. Here's me thinking my main console might actually be a Nintendo one again, colour me excited.


    But then this morning on Eurogamer I read this quote which could quite ruin yet another generation of Nintendo's home console for me.


    "The battery life of the Wii U's GamePad controller has been fully detailed by Nintendo, with a single charge expected to last between three to five hours."




    That is absolutely shocking to say the least, my Xbox controller get's 40 hours. iPad 10 hours, and the Wii U, say 4?


    That might not even be enough for one play session, the controller doesn't even have a CPU or anything inside like a tablet, it's just a screen. All the processing power comes from the console. Words can not describe what a let down this is for me, I was expecting at least 10. Maybe even nearer 20.


    So, so disappointed. Nintendo will never learn.

  6. I think what 343 is doing with Halo is amazing personally, it feels different yet the same. I do agree the E3 demo has a Metroid feel to it but that's by no means a bad thing as Metroid is awesome and it's also very different to every other shooter on the market.


    Maybe this is saying too much but I think 343 might actually surpass what Bungie have done.

  7. Post some your favourite 90's/early 00's songs, all the cheesy classics though. Stuff like TLC - Waterfalls, Shaggy - Wasn't me etc.


    I've been listening to loads over the past few days and I know I'm missing tons.



    I'll start.

