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Posts posted by Caris

  1. I'm suprised people aren't so hyped about the iPhone 5. I don't know what else I would have wanted, it's just better in every way.


    iOS 6 on the other hand is underwelming, I got the GM last night as it feels virtually the same as iOS 5. I will say the Panroma mode works amazingly though, proper blow away. Much better than the apps in the app store.

  2. So you claim this:




    And then say this:




    It's the same loo every other "stylish" person out there is wearing at the minute. And the thing is, you only think it's a great look because you've been told to by the fashion industry, and because everyone else is wearing it. Were you wearing it 4 years ago? Will you e wearing it in 4 years? No, because it won't be fashionable. So don't come out with some "I like to stand out and be individual" bollocks. If you follow fashion (the clue is in the word "follow") then you'e wearing the same mass replicated outfit as everybody else.


    Take the camel chinos (or worse, those one that end above the ankle and are shape as if you're bow legged and saddle sore). If you saw somebody wearing that 10 years ago you'd think they looked stupid. But because they sell them in Topman and River Island you all think they look amazing, and must rush out and buy some.


    Also, you both claim to love clothes that are high quality, yet you then wear/compliment jeans from Primark and a cheap t-shirt from Topman. I've owned some of hose t-shirts, and I worked in Primark. The quality is absolutely terrible.


    And you say my original post annoys you so much, but what exactly is wrong with it? Are you denying that you're just following trends laid out by the fashion industry (which is largely run by middle aged men)?


    If you truly wanted to be individual then you would design (and make) your own clothes. Claiming to following popular trends, buying from high street chains, and then claiming it's to express your own individuality or stand out, is quite frankly moronic.



    I also find it incredibly shallow to have one your your main interests as dressing a certain way in order to impress people and try and stand out as if you've moved your way up some sort of fashion leaderboard.


    Wow, ok where to start...


    First off with the rolled up pants thing. Not every single pair of pants or boat shoes look the same. You know, I do follow the trends. I've never said I don't, everyone does to some extent. I just like the stand out in that trend, for example let's take boat shoes. If 90% of people are wearing boats from Topman/River Island that all look extremely similar but I still like them, I would consider going to some of the more specialist shops in Newcastle and buy a pair that aren't exactly the same as everyone else's.


    Back to the high quality point you made, I said most cheap clothes don't last but not all. So that's sorted.


    About the making your own clothes point, I get a lot of my clothes tailored. That's not that far off. I might buy some baggy jeans and get them make skinny and tapered. Or even buy a long sleeve shirt and get it made into a short sleeve shirt. So unless I work in a chinese sweatshop, that's about as close as I'm going to get.


    Lastly, well I don't have much to say other than if you think someone being interested in the fashion industry is "shallow" then I really pity your outlook on life.

  3. I've never quite understood [high street] fashion. So you're wearing some clothes, and think you're trendy and stylish for wearing them, because some corporate middle aged men told you that if you paid over the odds for these clothes and wore them, then you'd be trendy and stylish? Is that about right?


    Gahhh, this post annoys me so much!


    I buy clothes from all over including the high street. I have some clothes that cost me a few pound, I have items of clothing that cost as much as game consoles.


    I do like to spend my money on nice threads, as said in the original post fashion is also one of my main interests. Some people find it crazy how much I spend on certain items of clothing but I don't get it. I see people on here for example spending stupid amounts on games all the time. I like games, no love games but some people spend 10x what I do on them.


    Getting back to higher end clothes, I don't buy them because I want to be trendy and fit in, it's actually the complete opposite. There is nothing worse than when I walk round Newcastle and see everyone wearing the same generic Superdry t shirt, or hoodie from River Island. I like to stand out, I get complements on my outfits regularly. I find more expensive clothes in most cases (not all) to be much higher quality, more comfortable to wear, last longer and aren't worn by as many people. But I think the biggest thing of all is that they fit better, I would gladly rather wear a £5 t shirt that is a nice fit than a £40 t shirt that IMO doesn't fit well. I also get a lot of my clothes tailored to fit me, probably half my wardrobe has been altered to some extent. There is no better feeling than putting on a item of clothing and it just making you feel like you can take on the world.


    So yes, in a nut shell if you are generally into fashion I see no harm in spending more on clothes than other people. Everyone has their interests, some people do up their cars, others may go to the pub every night and drink 5-6 pints.


    I think the only reason expensive clothes get all the stick is because everyone wears clothes, whilst other interests I.E gaming, not everyone does.


    Anyway that's might little rant/opinion over!

  4. Dear god has anyone seen the new

    ? The graphics are blow away! Halo 4 has the best facial animation I've ever seen in a video game, and yes I'm taking The Last of Us into account as well.

  5. I havent read through this thread so maybe this has all been said but...


    You can buy AppleCare anytime in the first year so you can have a think about it.


    It's only a warranty, not an insurance so if you have any accidental damage on your product it's not covered.


    And also you might be able to get it cheaper from somewhere other than Apple.


    Hope that helps.

  6. Yeah I've said this before but I think this is looking amazing, I never would have thought 343 would out do Bungie but from what I've seen so far I think they just might.

  7. Yup, I thought it sounded weird and then I tried it, twas amazing. Used water not milk obviously.


    I also made a bowl with a chicken OXO cube, cajun spices and roasted vegetables in it. Little chilli power on the top to garnish, again was lovely and super, super healthy.

  8. I think the secret to my diet is this.






    I didn't realise how much you could do with the stuff. You can put anything in them, from honey to vegetables with a curry OXO cube. Literally thousands of recipes sweet or savoury, and everyone bowl is filling with low calories, fat, sugar, salt etc.
