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Posts posted by Caris

  1. I have my iPhone 5 on o2 for sale, reason for selling is because I've decided to go android (gasp!). The handset is only a few days old as I got it replaced at my local Apple store as my old unit has a faulty home button. So the phone you're getting has no marks on at all and a nice new battery.


    The phone comes with everything you would get new, Ear pods, box etc.I'll also throw in 2 Water field sleeves I got shipped in from America.




    I'm asking £495 which is a steal considering buying it all new would be well over £700.


    Any questions just let me know.

  2. I'm thinking about building a Windows 8 based machine. I used to build computers regularly but over the past 5 or so years I've been in the Apple camp and my knowledge of the other side isn't great now, so I'm looking for some help.


    I would like you to use http://www.overclockers.co.uk for the parts as the customer service I've had in the past has been great.


    Also a few things...


    The £600 doesn't need to include a case.

    I don't want a SSD.

    I would like a Intel based system.

    If possible a pre overclocked graphics card.

    If possible a modular PSU.

    Last of all I would like a decent aftermarket CPU cooler to be included in the price.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. ml is a measure of physical size, 1ml = 1cm³. Your scales won't be measuring the size of the cream, they'll be measuring the weight, and converting it. Unless you set the density of the cream, then I guess the scales will just be using the density of water (1ml = 1g).


    Try squirting 55g in there and see if it's the same size. Or get a measuring jug and fill it with cream to the 55ml mark.


    Ah, of course. I didn't even think of it that way. It all makes sense now.





    Fat is good for you, taste good too. Low fat rubbish has to make up for the lack of taste with processed shit that is awful for you.


    Not necessarily, they probably just use skimmed milk instead of full fat milk when they make it.

  4. Right, something has been seriously pissing me off today. I just don't get it and I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious.


    I bought some squirty cream from Morrisons, the low fat healthy variety. The reason for this is becuase I thought it was so healthy, I could add it to coffee, fruit salads even cereal. Plus it's lovely.


    But after reading the can, I just don't get something. Here's the problem.


    It says, for 55ML there is 25 calories in it. So I put a bowl on my rather expensive set of scales, changed the units to ML's and kept the trigger pulled till it said 55ML. I did so, and there was a rather large helping of delicous cream in the bowl. I turned to my mam and said "that has 25 calories in it" and we both just couldn't believe it, far too good to be true.


    So I look on the back of the can and it also says per 100g is 223 calories.


    So I thought if I change the scales to grams, and squirt 10g in, that should be pretty much the same amount. Give or take a little.


    So I do just that, and when the scales it the 10g mark I stopped. Low and behold there is virtually none in the bowl, a tiny portion.


    WHAT AM I MISSING?! I just don't get this at all. It's being doing my head in all afternoon and I'm desperate for something I actually enjoy in my diet.


    Help meeeeeee.

  5. Well you see, I thought 10st would be too low as well. But I'm 10st 10lb now and still have a fair bit of fat around my chest and core.


    Then the other day I was looking at the weight of football players and a lot who are my height (5ft 11") are just above 11 stone.


    So I was thinking drop to 10st then put on a stone of muscle over the course of a year. Looking in the mirror and on the scales I think this should work nicely.

  6. What's your current diet like for curiosity sakes?


    I know you rarely every go out but do you find alcohol prohibitive to weight loss?


    Hahaha, I'm loling. Erm, well I only go out once a week and keep it to spirits with diet mixers such as a Vodka and Diet Coke. So no, not so much.

  7. Microsoft just seem to be dropping the ball everywhere at the moment, pretty much everyone agrees Windows 8 is rubbish, Windows phone is far behind iOS/Android and now there is some serious questions being asked about the next Xbox.


    Worrying times, oh and get rid of this disgusting Metro UI.

  8. Yeah so I've been losing weight the past few years as most of you know, I'm 5ft 11 and weight 11 stone. But I still have a clear belly and even a bit of weight on my chest, so I was thinking of going down to 10 stone but I fear that might be too low. I was wondering what people weigh on here that around my height. I don't bother with BMI charts as they are very inaccurate.


    Give me some help guysss.

  9. I've got a My Passport for Mac external HDD I'm selling. It can be used with Macs or PC's. It's in great condition, with basically no marks on. It's only been used for about 10 minutes every month just to do a backup of my computer. It comes with a USB 2.0 cable and a FireWire 800 Cable. I don't have the original box it came in but it will be well packaged when posted.


    Looking for £28 posted via Royal Mail Special Delivery.




  10. Wow, I genuinely never thought you would be on a Wii U COD thread asking to play with us. This is a first. However, I genuinely hope you enjoy the experience :)


    Believe it or not I'm actually a huge Nintendo fan, I've owned every single console they've released since I was born apart from a Gameboy Micro and a 3DS XL.


    I just really, really didn't like the Wii. If it was HD like the Dolphin emulator I probably would have, but the terrible picture quality spoilt games for me too much unfortunately. I'm loving the Wii U though.

  11. So over the past few days I've been on the usual gaming forums including N-E of course and I've seen the same question keep poping up, so I thought this thread might help.


    Basically a lot of people are saying the edge of the picture on the TV is cut off, unlike on the game pad.


    The solution for this is simple, and it's actually good Nintendo have done this as they have built the OS to give you the best picture possible.


    If you are experiencing this set your Wii U to 1080p, then go to your TV screen settings and it should have something like "display area".


    Change that to full pixel or whatever the equivalent is and the screen will now fit and be an incredibly sharp picture.


    Hope this helps.
