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Everything posted by Caris

  1. - Unbox - Set up - Update - Go through the settings, to achieve the best possible picture/audio. - Play Mario till I pass out.
  2. Wii U Price Check

    Just pre ordered one at Blockbusters today, Black model for £299. Should get one Friday without any problems, the only ones they can't promise is the ZombiU bundle. Also my old Ray Bans that I've had on Ebay for nearly 2 month just sold tonight for £50, good timing!
  3. Happy Birthday to the one and only Jive Talkin' Negros! Probably the most influential person on these forums. Have a great day.
  4. Wii U Price Check

    Just got my email from ShopTo!
  5. Reggie - CNN interview

    Ahhhh, how I've missed the Wii boards. When N-E turned into GameTrailers.
  6. Reggie - CNN interview

    I keep hearing stuff like this, am I the only one who thinks Nintendoland looks gorgeous? Anyway, it looks like I should be the owner of a Wii U on Friday, pretty excited.
  7. "What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"

    I knew that would be some depressing, sarcastic post before I even read it.
  8. "What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"

    I think only N-E veterans will understand this thread.
  9. The Apple Thread

    I have a Incase one that sounds exactly what you're after, try their website.
  10. ZombiU IPhone App

  11. good stuff thread.

    This is a good thing, probably the best meme I've ever seen.
  12. So I've been quite undecided about if I was going to get one on launch, but I think I will. Obviously places like ShopTo etc will be sold out for launch, I checked my local HMV and they are too. So does anyone know any shops that aren't taking pre orders, probably more like supermarkets. But are getting some in for launch? I'll probably have to que for a while but I don't mind. Also, totally off topic but it's something I still haven't found out. Does anyone know if the Pro Controller has been confirmed to have rumble?
  13. Weight Loss & Fitness 2012

    @ipaul is a absolute beast now from going to the gym, you guys should ask him for before and after pictures.
  14. Breakfast.

    3 Weetabix with a splash of skimmed milk, keeping it healthy.
  15. Instagram

    Who's on it? I love photography and social networking so needless to say I'm a instageek. Feel free to follow me/view my photos. http://www.instagram.com/matthewcaris
  16. Halo 4

    My tag is V Kutz add me if you wish.
  17. Halo 4

    Yeah, massive N-E games will be awesome. I Remember the Gears of War days...
  18. Football Season 2012/2013

    Mark Atkinson is a massive cunt, no way Tiote should have got sent off.
  19. Funny Stuff Thread

    I almost pissed myself at this a few hours ago, thought I'd share it. http://www.photoshoptroll.com/mustache/
  20. Funny Stuff Thread

  21. The Apple Thread

    Here we go again.
  22. The Apple Thread

    Good old Knope.
  23. Resident Evil 6

    I've tried the demo on 720p and 1080p and there is no tearing, looks like they've sorted it.
  24. The Apple Thread

    Download smc fan control and turn the fans up.
  25. The Apple Thread

    Got my pre order sorted with O2 for a 64GB black, can't wait! Just need to sell my 4S now.