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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth (PC/PS4/PSVita)

    I'd say people should be playing this and give it some time to get into it. I hated the original originally as I couldn't see past the gross aesthetics but the gameplay is top notch and very nuanced and the items just make every run different and unique and ridiculous. I want to buy rebirth but so much other stuff on the go will get it in the new year instead.
  2. Black Friday

    I don't understand the Black Friday craze at all....When I first moved to Canada it wasn't a HUGE HUGE thing it still existed...the american owned stores; Walmart, Best Buy etc.... did them but now everyone has latched on to it whole hog. The thing is the deals ain't even all that...if here is anything to go by it's only going to get crazier in England...oh jeez.
  3. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

    I'd second what Drahkon says in this instance. Although I did feel like the level structure makes practice harder in a sense as your going from one to the next. That's why I just play each level in order until I hit that star wall and then go back and sequentially try to master each level and get 3 stars. I have Dyson who seemingly had unobtainable scores and I've beaten a couple of them. Last night was in the zone on one level when I eventually bit the bullet I didn't even realise how high my score was.
  4. Xbox One Console Discussion

    What a bargain. It's still a great game, I enjoyed it far more than Destiny if I'm honest!
  5. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Yeah I think it's Day One as well as people who logged on straight away.
  6. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Microsoft have explained who got Limbo and who didn't; So I only got a copy because I logged on to to @Nintenchris' Xbox that weekend!
  7. FIFA 15

    Absolutely on fire in Ultimate Team seasons tonight. A few hard fought wins and then a 7-2 win to wrap up a title winning season! (Granted was 3-2 till around 75th minute when they just started attacking and keeping nothing at the back)
  8. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

    Yep I totally agree, It's like now I have less than hour where I could fit in some gaming not gonna settle into Dragon Age no point! Glad to hear your enjoying Rebirth as well I've not picked it up yet (waiting to see if it appears on Xbox One not sure it will) but loved the original.
  9. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

    I have to admit....not owning a PS4 and missing out on Resogun and also having only ever played Geometry Wars Galaxies on the Wii I'm also pretty darn excited for this in amongst all the madness of other AAA games.
  10. Xbox One Console Discussion

    See I got everything but the poster...because I wasn't a Day One owner I guess. However a lot of sites are reporting that Limbo is for Day One owners too and only available to them, yet I got the code. Only thing I can think is I did buy the Day One 12 months of Xbox Live that came with the Shadow Jago DLC so maybe that counted?!
  11. Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Yeah I've noticed a bit of choppiness when going from gameplay to cut scenes that's very disorientating. Also I wouldn't pine after the PC apparently the mouse and keyboard controls are not up to much. I used the tactics menu a lot in Origins but don't even think I did it once in 2 because of it's more arcadey combat. I've found myself in this game doing a mix. I prefer to switch character on some occasions rather than pause, be it to use Varic to shoot a far off enemy or use a warrior to get up close. I started as the mage. One issue I've always had is it kind of feels like I'm playing a crappy shooter at times and I struggle to shake that feeling.
  12. The Flash

    Yeah I completely fell the same... Whilst you could argue the same was with Iron Man 1. I don't think that was ever the case they always planned Iron Man 1 to part of that connected universe. I feel like Man of Steel was never made as the intended start point but then they decided to make Synder/Goyer as heads of the universe without really thinking. Wheldon was over viewing Marvel's stuff and prepping for Avengers without having directorial duties over any of proceeding movies. (Forgiven me I may be mistaken here)
  13. The Flash

    Yeah it's a very strange move....Which Flash is truly "The Flash" for me to care about. When compared to the fluidity of the Marvel universe this could confusing for more casual fans.
  14. Shadow of Mordor

    Yeah I would say that is the best way to describe it as otherwise the game may struggle for the entire duration of it's story.
  15. Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Yeah I feel exactly the same! I will likely go Rogue too when I finally get round to my copy.
  16. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Haha yes it is! Love that sound. I will add you later on! What games did you pick up?
  17. Halo: Master Chief Collection

    I don't think it's quite the same at least this has offline modes! Although I am pissed off as I got stuck with the Xbox telling me I couldn't play multiplayer due to parental controls.
  18. Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're assuming he will be going back to that bar.....what am I talking about of course he will!
  19. Shadow of Mordor

    I'd say the nemesis system does have a twist that is worth sticking around for.
  20. Dragon Age: Inquisition

    There are lots that would argue you should skip the second. I would say it did mess up the combat somewhat and sure it's scale was much smaller but I personally enjoyed the political meddling not every game has to be about the end of the world!!!!!
  21. Halo: Master Chief Collection

    I wonder if that means a return of all play lists. I've managed to get into a few games since they reduced the modes, but I've seen the fix list which included people not staying in parties together which is definitely something I've witnessed whilst in a party with friends. We should defo try and get some up and running one weekend.
  22. Shirtstorm

    Now that combination would truly have broken the internet!
  23. Shirtstorm

    I saw you had posted about this on facebook...it is ridiculous. As you've said to the casual observer there is nothing wrong with what he is wearing or his appearance in general. It's even dumber that a female friend made it for him as @Animal said. I'm not saying because she's a female she represents the entire gender, just like I suppose not everyone who wears short skirts is looking for sex? I mean people could be dressing like that as it makes them feel good or whatever. This is a very touchy subject the whole gamergate thing has showed a tide and switch in how this stuff is being viewed and covered. However the gamergate stuff is clearly a vocal minority, I wonder how most women feel? Is it offensive?
  24. Dragon Age: Inquisition

    OOOH that's handy thanks. Also useful for people like me who have simply forgotten! 2009 is way to far back to remember something properly.
  25. For me it has to be the original Rogue Squadron reveal that was shown when the Gamecube originally launched. Such a great way to show off what ended up being a phenomenal game. EDIT: I couldn't find it on google...think it was part of a Spaceworld reveal.