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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. The only common ground I can see is financial reports, the end of many fiscal years coming up in March, Sony and Sega both leaking money likely to have bad results at least these point towards positive moves. Sony are doubling down on the PS4 and putting all their resources into continuing the great sales. Sega putting all their efforts into their PC publishing arm and they already have a bunch of mobile versions of their franchises which I can only assume are doing well.
  2. Life is Strange

  3. New Terminator Trilogy - June 26th 2015

    I've no idea what this fourth movie you guys are talking about is but if there was one....I think I've posted this before but did you ever read this about how the film was pre Christian "I'm the lead actor" Bale made John Connor the focus of the film rather than just a voice. I've read this article a few times, just as it's an entertaining read wait till you read about the seaside resort!!!! http://www.chud.com/19577/exclusive-what-went-wrong-with-terminator-salvation/ T3 was a joke, it's ending was so at odds with the rest of the movie and was attempting to give a dark grim powerful ending that the film outright did not earn. I hated the "Judgement Day is inevitable" line wrecked "the whole no fate but we make" mantra of T2. The TV series did a much better job of yes you can control humanities fate but you got to do a lot more bloody work for it than just blowing up a building and destroying some computers. My hope for Genysis is that it is closer to the series with it's time meddling.
  4. Resident Evil REmake HD

    I clearly forgot all about this as I have no idea where you are talking about!
  5. Xbox One Console Discussion

    man their conversion rates suck £3.90 when converted back from the dollar price they charge. :p
  6. Life is Strange

    I've picked up the full season, going to go home and play me the first episode tonight.
  7. Resident Evil REmake HD

    Wow congrats. I'm yet to even touch it for the first time but now you're tempting me to try and out more work to get the 1000G.
  8. Best Mobile Game

    Don't have any games I wanna talk about but I love this book available on the google play; https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Brian_S_McWilliams_Spam_Kings?id=9ZlyBAAAQBAJ All bow before the mighty SPAM KING!
  9. Game Fatigue

    Happens all the time and nothing sticks.
  10. Xbox One Console Discussion

    I bought this one; http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/western-digital-my-passport-ultra/6000139076554 and it works perfectly you won't even notice the difference between the two and can change it to display everything as one and where you want your console to install by default. I've found no other issues whatsoever either, load times aren't compromised or anything. My only thing I would say is when you are on the look out bare in mind that anything above 3TB seems to need it's own power outlet. That's what informed my choice on 2TB along with price (actually paid $109 for this one as was on sale).
  11. Life is Strange

    Yes I heard something similar, results will still play out and if things go terrible you can rewind only so far to resolve these issues. I'm really hoping this proves to be more than the likes of Telltale games and Mass Effect where choice is actually just an illusion and nothing more than a divergent path towards the same end.
  12. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PS4/One)

    Well I played 1 on PS3 and 2 on PC so there is me not transferring any saves over. I only finished 2 in November so I don't think I'll be picking this up anytime soon!
  13. Xbox One Console Discussion

    You are dead to me :P
  14. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Yeah I got one too. Saves me having to renew this month now.
  15. PC Gaming Discussion

    So I finished the Vanishing of Ethan Carter last night and whilst yes I enjoyed it I'm not sure it's as a good as people were making it out to be. Even on my aging laptop I could still appreciate the level of details and it still looked great albeit with framerate hiccups. Firstly my favourite parts of the game were I guess side stories not tied to investigating wonder and the mystery and intrigue around them really made them shine. When it comes down to the actual puzzles some were frustrating more than clever I'd say. Although I did enjoy the chronology type stuff trying to put your own meaning onto what you see to place them in order. Also towards the end I felt the section where you shall we say in peril was misguided. However I've often said videogames is now my primary source of consuming narrative stories and that is where I feel Ethan Carter does excel even though I realize that sounds somewhat contradictory as a lot of the puzzles are tied to the story.
  16. (Maybe) Bye bye US Netflix [falsified]

    I really don't think Netflix are wholly to blame for not having the content everyone wants. Like others have said it comes down the licensing and they can buy what they can afford and what is offered. People would likely more pissed if they rose the price (even further) to accommodate this. Personally I have another set of problems...Canadian Netflix is also absolute toss but what really doesn't make sense is a lot of the other apps for Xbox and Playstation aren't available despite 90% of the channels on cable being US channels. Makes no sense why these apps that work with a US cable subscription and unlock don't do so here.
  17. Xbox One Console Discussion

    @Aneres11 you aren't half caning the achievements right now! As someone who is relatively low you were one of the few people I was hoping I could catch up with over time but you've been top of my 30 days friends leaderboard by miles!
  18. PC Gaming Discussion

    Afraid not about the only think I don't have a code for!
  19. Resident Evil REmake HD

    Well I never played 6 because of how crap it was meant to be....I'm looking forward to this and Revelations 2 though it's a good time to be a Resi fan.
  20. Xbox One Console Discussion

    THANK YOU!!!! I feel like so few people who have played both feel like that.
  21. Dragon Age: Inquisition

    So I got to the where you pass judgement (shall we say to stay spoiler free) and instantly regret one of the decisions I made. Chose something for the advantage of the Inquisition when I should have perhaps let justice happen. Suffice to say next time the people are probably going to die no matter what they did!
  22. PC Gaming Discussion

    Year Walk also in there and it's very interesting indeed.
  23. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Welcome to the gang! Will add you or you add me flameboyNE
  24. Xbox One Console Discussion

    I think there are the issues with the controllers packed in with the consoles....Both sets I've seen aren't quite fitted together correctly and do have some weird nuances likes squeaks and different clicks. However the titanfall controllers are completely fine.