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Posts posted by ArtMediocre

  1. On 9/17/2020 at 10:16 AM, drahkon said:

    You know what, I did some research and it seems to be correct. Ragnarök.

    I always thought it was Ragnarøk. I guess this is the Norse spelling.

    As a Norwegian, I just have to say no. This is just wrong and I hate it. It's spelled Ragnarok, and if you spell it with a ø or a ö, it just sounds silly :p

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  2. I would love if they went the "Super" route. It's such a cool name, Super Switch. New, exclusive games will have the name incorporated in the existing brand, like Legend of Super Zelda, Super F-Zero, Pokemon Super Blue and Super Super Mario! Can't wait :D 

    • Like 1

  3. 7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Given the amount of sources, there’s definitely a new Switch model certainly coming, it’s just a question of when and not if. As for selling your Switch, I’d keep it for now. A lot of electronics at the moment are using similar parts and many are hard to get ahold of. If you sell your standard Switch you risk not being able to get a new one for a while.

    It does seem like the announcement for it is to be made before E3, with possibly a closer look at it for the show. This would makes sense as it would allow for games to be shown in the best possible way. Similar to what Sony and Microsoft do when they show trailers but have a disclaimer at the bottom that the footage was recorded on the higher end models.

    That's a really valid point, and something I forgot to consider. Here I am, still waiting for my RTX 3080 graphic card order from last september to be delivered. Glad to know it seems to be a more when and not if though, because a better screen and more power is always a welcome boost to any console. 

  4. So just out of curiosity, are we sure there will be a Switch Pro/4K now? And when will we hear about it? Because I keep reading that "tomorrow is a good day!", "Be ready for may, that's the month!", "Next week is the news!" and "Switch PRO will drop this fall". How certain are we there will be a new version? I'm not really using my Switch at the moment with Covid making me stay home all the time. That's where my PC dominates. But I would love a switch with a bigger screen when I will start my daily commute again, but if I sell my Switch and theres nothing, I'm kinda fucked, aren't I? Is it better to hold onto my Switch until the actual news drops (this E3 perhaps)? 

    Sorry for the random words, just wanted to ask around and see what the general feel of the situation is. 

  5. Putting the focus back on the original switch for a second, bask in my new joy-con shells light! I had broken the warrant on my original joy-cons, and had severe drifting problems on them. I ended up ordering new shells and joysticks, and finally took the time to mod it. Having the actual D-pad is incredibly nice, and will work wonders on indie and retro games. It works so well, and I can't understand why Nintendo hasn't released an official version with it by now. The SL and SR buttons are purple as well, of course.


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  6. After clocking in 149.4 hours of play time on Steam (about 30 of those are probably afk though) it is done. Finished all the endings today. Oh man, oh man... this... this game....

    I've been staying away from every thread, discussion and potential spoiler filled article about this game until now, and I've been surprised again and again by this game. Of course I've seen the articles about the negative press, but as I'm playing on a PC with a RTX 3070 card in it, I've had close to zero issues. And the game itself? Fuck me dizzy, it's a joy to play. The story is interesting, and I love that you're playing a ballad between a punk and a rock star. The game takes a lot of fun turns now and then giving you the..


    possibility to take a rollercoaster ride with Keanu Reeves, chat with fun AI personalities (who can forget puppy loving pacifists?), play concerts with old rock stars, and do a good old crucifixion :D I also love the action packed flashbacks of Johnny Silverhand, those were a joy to play. God damn, that reloading and one-shot revolver was great fun!

    And the story... Man, I've had a lot of moments where the hair on my back rose pretty quick and stayed there. The heist was one of them, jesus christ that was fun.

    Now, one of the best parts of the game? It's gotta come down to the graphics and the characters. The characters are so well made. Just the detail of the skin, and how they get the wrinkling of the forehead so god damn realistic is beyond me. Facial expressions and the lightning in this game is so delicious to look at. I was amazed by just random NPCs in the streets, and if you start a side quest? Oh man, even if that character has nothing to do with the story, and you're just gonna see him/her these 2 minutes of dialogue? Prepare to be blown away.

    Also, the voice acting was top notch. So many good actors. And my darling, female V was awesome. Especially with her purple 'fro.

    Now for the ending...


    it actually tore me up a bit. I've become so attached to my V that, after all that time, I didn't enjoy the bad ending I got with her. I went with the Rogue ending, and just seing mama Rogue die before Johnny's eyes, and realizing that no matter what you've done, you still can't end the game on a happy note. You either give up your body to Johnny, or go back, lose Judy, and have six months alone before flatlining. But I enjoyed the fact that she wanted to go out a legend, doing a heist in space against the Crystal Palace. She's a mad woman, that V.  

    I ended up following the advice @RedShell posted earlier in december and did all the endings. So many different routes, so many different characters. Really well done for a game with multiple endings. Sure, it'd be nice to have more impact on the ending by doing side missions during the game, but this is like every other game which promises the same thing. "Do this and it will affect the ending!" ".....by altering a small cutscene." I don't really bother. I got a heap of fun from this, and in the end, that is all that matters. 

    Now I'm going to play the waiting game and wait for the DLCs and New Game + to drop. I want to carry my stuff over to my new playthrough, and I really won't feel good about starting a new game with a different V. So, time to wait for the updates :D

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  7. This is awesome! Here's hoping we'll see more games added to the list in the coming months. E3 might be a good time to drop some good titles. 

    I dream of playing Returnal, God of War, Spider-Man, Uncharted and maybe some PSVR titles, but it might be a bit too optimistic :heh:

  8. On 5/16/2021 at 9:30 PM, Ronnie said:

    Been waiting to play ME 1 and 2 for the first time since the Wii U when I stupidly played ME3 and fell in love. 

    Anyway, a good 5+ hours into 1 and I'm loving it.

    To create this universe from nothing, full of so much lore and world building is incredible. It really makes you wonder what's happened in the last few years where everything in media is so derivative. If it's not a reboot or a sequel it's a spin off or based on an already established license. 

    Couldn't agree more. They've had a lot of inspiration from various sci-fi universes, but in the end they've created something unique and solid. Also, if you haven't read the books by Drew Karpyshyn, you have a lot more Mass Effect goodness coming your way. He writes so good, it's a shame he left the studio after the second game. 

    Also, to be able to create such different creatures with so much history right off the bat is crazy. Just the whole history with the Geth and the Quarians is so deep and interesting, and that's just one of several histories. I love that each race has their own quirk too, like the Krogan and their history of war and so on. Great universe, and it made me love the games the minute I booted it up. Didn't hurt that the graphics at the time were insane. 

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  9. I'm still pretty early on in this game (just four or five loops in), but what I must tell you is that it is AMAZING if played with a PC VR headset. Again, a perfect example is Giant's Deep. Holy hell, that place is scary when you first break the clouds.

    The VR experience are just mods, but they are well optimized. Great head and hand tracking, but the zero-g moments really require some decent VR legs.

  10. Glad to see they're sticking to the VR standards now, as this will make it easier for them to port games from PC and the other way around. Clever design with the orb-style. Looking forward to seeing how the headset will be like.

  11. On 1/24/2021 at 9:02 PM, Dog-amoto said:

    Bought a Quest 2 the other day. Having a blast with Walking Dead Saints and Sinners.

    I really wish Oculus had a Game Pass style subscription. I’d sign up straight away. 

    If you have a PC that can run Oculus Link, then you could subscribe to Viveport Infinity. That's a pretty good subscription service with a lot of games.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

    The camera will now be inside of her butt, facing outwards.

    Perfect! Haha :p But(t) in all seriousness, I am really looking forward to going back into the Mass Effect Universe and playing through the games again. It's one of my all time favorites, and seeing it in good graphics (as I remember in my head) will be great. And I'm glad they're fixing the dreaded mako and other issues.
