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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Hahahaha, Suda51. That intro! I HOPE FOR NO MORE HEROES 3!!! Edit: HOLY BALLS YES!!
  2. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Has anyone noticed the fantastic graphics on this console? And finally, Unreal Engine 4 support!
  3. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Xenoblade with proper anime faces, finally!
  4. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Holy hell, Mario Odyssey, that was really unexpected . Redwood trees, NYC, PEOPLE??
  5. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Splatoon.....2!!! That was so cringe worthy
  6. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Yeah, Arms looks really, really fun. And I'm loving the artstyle! Edit: Oh no, Splatoon. Chaos incoming!
  7. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Yeah, the new switch-joy con dude was awesome . i like this new Nintendo .
  8. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    ....wasn't that the main actor from Black Sails? :P
  9. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    2.5-6 hours depending on the game is not a bad battery life. I can live with that. AND NO FREAKIN REGION LOCK
  10. Virtual Reality

    After looking into a heap of updated reviews (after the Touch controllers were released) there seem to be a bigger reason to choose the Oculus over the Vive. Mainly because of the exclusives and the better Oculus touch controllers. The screens and comfort are supposed to be a bit better on the Rift aswell. But that is only part of the reason. I can't afford a Vive atm, and Oculus has built-in headphones. Yes, it might sound stupid, but to have yet another wire aswell as the whole VR-google is a hassle. So, I'll enjoy the seated experience until I get the Oculus Touch sometime in march or so . I dont have the required space for the proper Vive-experience until March anyways, so that's kinda what won me over to the Oculus side. And also the fact that I've been using the DK2, so I have an account I'd like to be able to use in the Oculus store .
  11. Carrie Fisher passes away, aged 60

    Horrible news . What a sad way to end the year. I will miss my princess deeply . May she rest in peace, and may the force always be with her. Here's my tribute to Carrie Fisher :'(.
  12. Virtual Reality

    Has anyone of you tried Elite Dangerous with VR googles? I've been playing a lot recently with my Oculus Rift DK2, and holy balls its an amazing experience. It really does make you feel like you're there! It made me believe enough in VR to sell my DK2 and buy a proper Oculus Rift CV1. So it's in the mail, and it will be arriving in a few days time. Really looking forward to testing it out, and especially now as more and more games get official and unofficial mods that allow VR support. .....now, if only DoA: Xtreme 3 came out to PC with VR support..... hue hue hue
  13. Virtual Reality

    No game should really be free though, if not they've been made by some random dude in a bedroom. Just the fact that there are so many free games out for the VR platform is awesome . I tried Google Maps on my Oculus DK2 yesterday (just make Steam think it's a Vive, super easy), and it is an awesome experience . Great way to showcase VR for new people ^^.
  14. Overwatch

    True, if you team up with just one more person you can really change the game. It kinda sucks to play on PC while all you guys play on PS4, but that's just how it goes sometimes. But a general rule while playing as Mercy is to stick to the back, so people can come to you and get healed, instead of you staying at the front of the battle getting killed over and over. And it's up to the players you're healing to get any enemy attackers off your back. If they can't do that, they're doing a bad job :P.
  15. Overwatch

    @Eenuh, I get your frustration :P. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, especially when there are a lot of experienced players already playing. I would maybe reccomend looking at a few gameplay videos of players showcasing a few heroes, and then select a few heroes so you gain a bit of understanding about how everything works. To answer your questions: No you cannot run in the game. Only Soldier 76 can do that, and that is one of his abilities. With Mercy, you can slowly hover if you keep holding the jump-button. But she cannot "fly" other than the fly-to-teammate ability. If I can reccomend a few heroes, you should try Soldier 76, Tracer or Reaper for attack, Junkrat or maybe Torbjørn/Bastion for defence, Roadhog, D.Va for Tank, and Mercy or Lucio for Support . Those are pretty safe bets. And you should always go a few rounds with them in Practice Range. That gives you a really good understanding of them. ....hope that helps :P.
  16. Overwatch

    It's looking really good with Sombra and the new modes . I'm going to test her tonight, so I can give you my impressions after that. Really looking forward to trying out the 3v3 "deathmatch" as well. I'll let you know what I think later today or tomorrow .
  17. Battlefield 1

    Just started playing this gem now, and I must say, I'm loving every bit of it. The weapons feel rough and punchy with much recoil and without the precision of modern red dot sights, and the environments... my god. I love the fact that the terrain keeps changing during the match. Really well made. If anyone is playing on PC, I'll be up for a couple of matches a few nights every week. I'm not that good yet, but I'm getting the hang of it. My Nicname is ArtMediocre. Just add me .
  18. Overwatch

    Been playing this game for quite a while now, but never thought about posting here. If anyone is playing Overwatch on PC, please add me and we can play some rounds every now and then . My Battle.net tag is ArtMediocre#2365, and I'm currently kicking ass with Reaper and Junkrat :3. Also: Sombra. Gonna play a lot of Sombra the following days! Its gonna be epic!
  19. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Welcome to my country! Today will be a good day! Can't wait to see what Nintendo has to show, no matter what the outcome is. Neogaf has been in chaos these past weeks, and its about time thpse guys got some peace :P
  20. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Exactly this! I want a unified portable Nintendo system that I can bring with me when I commute to work, and that I can hook up to the TV when I get home (if the missus allows me ;D). If it has Wii U power on the portable screen, then great! And a small boost when docked would be even better. I love weird japanese games, and I would buy a ton of those if they ended their silly region lock. I really hope they do it this time. But in short, a unified Nintendo handheld with dock. Then I'll be a happy man.
  21. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Soooooo just a side note here, if noone else brings it up.. Remember earlier this year when rumors started floating about Beyond Good and Evil 2 suddenly being saved by Nintendo? And apparently going to be an exclusive, like Bayonetta? And remember when Ubisoft really praised the NX for being a really awesome system, them being like, one of the few developers that have seen it? Now, remember, Ubisoft is the publisher of Beyond Good and Evil. These past days, the director of Beyond Good and Evil, Michel Ancel, has said the 2nd game is now finally in pre-production. And he's been posting some new of concept art on his instagram page saying things like "Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned !" What the hell?? Isn't this just a bit too close to the NX reveal to be a coincidence? Are the rumors really true?? ...if they are, then god dammit Nintendo, you've might just have blown us away again :P. Source: Michelancel's instagram
  22. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    I bought a PC last november after seeing loads of great games coming out, and nothing hit the Wii U. Best gaming decision I've done in a long time. PC + Nintendo is also probably the best combo you can have, imo. All the great Nintendo exclusive you want, and also every other major multiplatform game in the business. It's great . And the steam holiday sales is also one of the best "games" I've played! ...even though it hurts my wallet :P.
  23. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Just gotta hand it to Ninty: In these days when companies are leaky as hell, and new products are known many months before they are announced and so on, they dont shed a single thing. If I were gonna tell someone a secret, I would tell Nintendo. Nintendo for president <3.
  24. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Hopefully that's what makes this reveal so "delayed".
  25. Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!

    Well, there is actually a big chance for the NX being region free. As Iwata, rest his soul, said in a share holder meeting some time ago "he was strongly considering tge possibilities". And with the Xbone and PS4 both being region free there's no reason for nintendo to be the weird one. Here's hoping! Source: http://kotaku.com/nintendo-wont-make-the-3ds-region-free-but-the-nx-migh-1704682379