OK, this is a topic I created over at the Moz La Punk forums. Personally I want as many sites to join, and since I've been a reader/ poster on the main site and (less so) on the forum, I thought I'd tell you guys.
I copied and pasted this---------------------------------------------------
Ok, me, Sage and Master were talking about starting a fanbased viral marketing site, which will proberbly be called vivalarevolution.tk or something. Anyway if you want to join us, just say...
What the Hell!?
Ok, some of you are proberbly wondering what the hell I'm going on about, well let me explian...
After the unvaling of the controller I realised that Nintendo's dream of expanding the games market will not work, unless we as the nintendo hardcore tell our friends and family. I mean there are millions of nintendo fans, but we close ourselves off... We don't help nintendo we hinder them, we give nintendo there nerdy image.
So now I think it's time we helped nintendo. We have played their games and enjoyed them, and I think we want to play with our gf, perants, grandperants... Everyone. So now is the time we help nintendo.
How will we do it?
Well this is the problem. This has never been done before, it is totally unique and if cone right can be one of the biggest things to hit the internet. I've already thought about creating posters with simple frases like 'Viva la revolution' and 'Join the Revolution', which could be put up in our local schools, streets and work places. But since the fans are making this, I think we should think of our own ideas and go with it.
Also telling your friends about the controller would help a great deal, but I've found there is a certian way to go about it...
Telling people about the revo
So here is what I usually do... And it seems to work;
- Explian how the controller works in person
- Show them the video
- Direct them to the articles
- In no circamstances do you show the pics first. People jump to conclusions, but we don't want them to do that. The articles and video will create a more informed conclusion than a picture.
What I want from you
Your ideas, your support, your skills. If you can make a poster, or a site or anything else tell us, so we can help nintendo.
Thanks for reading,
I can understand if you think this is stupid and you want to lock it, but I thought this carrys on with the revolutionary theme of nintendo's console... And it's a bit of fun. Thanks for your time, and if your intersted please say.