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Posts posted by jayseven

  1. I've been having serious thoughts about just packing everything in, selling all my shit (not much), finding a place to wither away and just be done with human interaction. I swear I just 'get' what people are doing when they do things -I mean psychology, body language, etc. I'm getting sick of being overlooked and disrespected because I'm not percieved to be of any potential gain for them. I am sick of having to continuously prove myself in a multitude of minute ways just so that someone will have a fucking conversation with me that goes beyond talking about the weather. I am sick of conversations abruptly ending because someone more rewarding to my conversee has walked in the room. I am sick of lies and nonsense and selfish behaviour and just generally sick of people.


    I am seriously contemplating just answering all questions with what I'm thinking rather than what I'm working out to be the best and most correct way to be morally correct because I feel like I'm the only one playing in the game of respect.


    I'm either a psychopath, schitzophrenic, depressed, bipolar, paranoid or several of them. I am angry at just about everyone. I worry about every. single. fucking. social. interaction with other members of my species and I apologise way too much. I can't perceive reality the way anyone else can and none of the properly-fucking-sensed people on this planet can fucking see this.



  2. @world accidentally shaving beard = being sleepy and forgetting to put the grade 2 shavey thingey on the end of the trimmer, then realising after a second that IT'S TOO LATE.


    Not going to post before and afters because I don't have any recent befores, and I currently have a massive zit, and because I hate my face.


    Enough about me and my face and more about ashley and his arms! He's army!

  3. Accidentally shaved my beard off today, but instead of people avoiding the subject and pretending nothing happened they remarked positively. 10% of me strongly (paranoidly) believes that compliments are only made in a slow attempt to socially say "I see you are not feeling good about losing the beard, so perhaps if I pretend it looks good and say so, then you will feel better and thus be less sad - even though actually I'm just creating a false reality which will shatter one day and leave you feeling like everyone is lying" -- though 90% of me does think that they're right and I do look like a tortoise. Which is a good thing. Honest.


    I don't know.

  4. I've spent time researching stuff and whilst it's not spot-on accurate from memory I know where to go to hit the legislation I need. I looked at what a CEMAP course entails (need one to sell mortgages) and saw that based on the module list I already know about 70%. If I did that course and was hired I would earn double what I am on now.


    Essentially the spark of realising I am worth something has been reignited, and as you say there's a journey I'm taking and it's far from over.



  5. I think this was the most consistent of the three series, but I think people worry with the direction. The show has gone form a pseudo-faithful modern adaptation to overly-referencing the original content, and now is seeking uniformity and reliability in a way which is normally found in longer series such as Doctor Who, Jonathan Creek and Hustle. The general popularity of the show is going to force it to 'evolve' in a way to adapt to the new audience, and I guess a part of me is sad to see the encapsulated, tv-movie episodes go in favour of the character-driven plots instead.


    In any which case, I have enjoyed every minute of sherlock so far, and wherever the emphasis goes I think there will still be something enjoyable to find in the show, whether it stays with the current 90-min formula or, perhaps, switches to a 45- or 90- min version to get more episodes into each arc.


    As for the way the show ended --

    Moriarty is dead. Reviving sherlock is one thing but that would be too much, and lead to too many "why didn't he do something sooner?" things. Potential moriarty proteges or aliases or wannabes or copycats = fine with me.


  6. Currently on £60k worth of offers for my clients in January. Month target is £40k! I've got more than all-but-one of my colleagues combined!


    Also got the last batch of birthday prezzies - a cool Edward Monkton desk calendar and a HARMONICA. I am going to make so much bad noise.


    Plus my bank account is like £400 better than I thought it would be. PHEW.

  7. Did anyone else play this? Just bought it today but won't really get to play it this week. I loved Shadows of the Damned and lollipop Chainsaw - never played No More Heroes and never got that far in Killer 7 but mostly just due to when the game came out in relation to how much I was still playing my GC.

  8. It's tough, because

    you can't figure out either case (the guard, and teh wedding guy [it's late, sue me]) without the other instance... if you get me.


    Sherlock knew how the guard died, and where, and when -- stabbed in a locked room with nobody around (thus leading to the possibility of a slow-kill. Sherlock knew the when, and most of the how, and most of the who. The entire wedding scenario afforded the opportunity, albeit through chance of a best man' speech and the other vaious stories and situations, to fill in the blanks.


    I definitely agree that it was not the cleanest portrayal of jigsaw-solving and I definitely cannot write how I imagine it's supposed to work... and I also definitely have to agree that the episode was quite forcibly written in order to convey the entire bunch of plots... it shouldn't be left to a bunch of amateur viewers to explain this sort of thing. It should either be apparant in the episode's script or direction.


    I previously wrote about being content with the general cliff-hangery-ness... The elements previously mentioned, including the fall, are not as potentially annoying as what Jonnas has pointed out -- because it can be argued that those elements are well written, whilst the issues with this episode are that they are not well written.


  9. @Raining_again iirc the occupational health levels aren't actually that strict at all, and are really in place for twebs who take hangover days rather than actually ill people.


    My understand of the NHS sickness absence s; if you've hit 5 days (or periods) of sickness in a 12 month period you may be asked to attend an interview, in which your 'illness' will be assessed and you'll be given a target for the next 6 or 12 months. If you fuck that up you get another review... then another, and another. It's not necessarily one instance each round unless your meeting states it is. If you have a long-term illness then you simply cannot go through what is essentially a 3-strikes procedure... The best thing to do is to make sure your employer is aware of any and all long-term illnesses, especially if they can sporadically occur. You have the equality act of 2010 to rely on -- so long as your employers know about it!


    That's only what I know about it - it's not going to be all THAT correct as I don't use it day-by-day or anything - if you have a link where i can read more please send it to me - I'm basically just leaning legislation left, right and centre these days, with the hope that one day I'll find a well-paying job to use the knowledge (providing I've not mislearned stuff!)

  10. they've raised $650,000... their goal was $50,000. Watch the video and the guy actually says "the printer was made out of household items. Literally, without spending a single penny, I had a working 3D printer"


    ... To be fair that was his prototype though - I would certainly add this to a list of shit-I-don't-need-but-would-buy (along with being mayor of Hell - $100 USD!).




    this was our best print to date!



  11. Do you have a contract? What sick pay are you entitled to?


    Aside from what you can get paid by work (most cases it's just statutory - about £85 a week for 28 weeks, then nothing), nobody can be fired or let go from a full-time contract of employ simply because they are ill. So long as you have the doctor's note, you need not return to work simply because you fear for your job.


    @Raining_again they can't terminate you! You work for the NHS so you are entitled to 3 months full pay and 3 months half, which goes up to 6 and 6 once you've been in the job for... 3-5 years? 10? I've forgotten.


    It should be your doctor's decision as to whether you're capable of working or not. You legally cannot be sacked because the doctor says you're too ill to work - if that happened you could sue and be RIIICH! Your employer has a right to stay informed of your situation, of course, and without a sick note you can be let go. But if your balls are exploding then don't be silly!

  12. It's obvious that there are people out there in genuine need who legitimately rely on benefits. But the welfare system has clearly created a group of people who see it as a way of life and not a safety net.


    The vast majority of people on that street (with the notable exception of the '50p man') are utter scum; a product of a system where you can sit doing nothing (or worse than nothing) and still feel entitled to a free meal.


    For sure, I totally agree with you - the people that live on the benefits system because, to them, earning more than £200 a week is effort... are just ridiculous. It's always simplystunned me that people are willing to live off the basic amount rather than to graft - to take orders and do what you're told in order to be a bit better off.


    There used to be 'traps' in teh system, where, for example, a single mum of two would be better off on benefits than she would working near-full-time hours. Factoring in the housing benefits, tax credits, job seekers, free dentistry, rebated travel costs to hospitals etc... the jump to working full-time and having to pay for childcare as well was, for many inskilled young mums, just an impossible task.


    The system isn't as bad as this anymore, but the stereotypical ideal of families on the estate exchanging tips on how to milk the dole whilst working cash-in-hand is never a great thing. I will question whether this is the majority of people on the dole behaving like this - merely because of the absence of facts or statistics relating the the matter. I know many people who have burned through their savings or hit really hard times because they were too proud to sign on for too long. Welfare should exist to support people in need, and that should be trumpeted. The people who abuse the system should not scare people away, and should not force people into depression or harder times.


    To finish this overlong post (something I find myself saying a lot!); the amount of bad caused by those abusing the system is outweighed by the amount of good caused by the system helping those who actually need the help, and I think that this should be reflected in public perception - which it currently is not. I think more good can come of better promotion of this beneficial elements than just repeatedly looking at the 'scum' that we know exists. There should be a drive towards making people feel like the welfare system exists to help.


    If 50% of people signed-on are 'scum', then why is there not 50% of media coverage of the positives? I don't know the facts (and only will be swayed by them) but I would assume that 100% of people on job seekers for more than 4 years are piss takers, and those that are on the system for less than 2 years are genuine cases. If the genuine cases outweighed the scourge by 4:1, then why can't we have this ratio reflected in public opinion or the media coverage?

  13. On the "plus" side Osbourne has essentially stated that the 25bn he wants to save is going to come in the form of cuts to the benefits & welfare system (as opposed to cutting education, NHS, or raising taxes for the wealthy). While there are most certainly scammers and conners on the dole, there are people who are genuinely in need of the safety net of a welfare system that get tarred with the same brush all to easily.


    I guess essentially my political views are to worry about the minority affected by generalisations. I get why people say "people on the dole are scum" but I'd much rather they don't leave out the "except for the people who genuinely need the help and are hard done by and eager to get out of the trap." It's definitely a point that should be made because it's not taken for granted and just perpetuates the wrong perceptions.

  14. As Rummy said, and something I mentioned about the first episode, there's a higher level of fan-service this series than what I remember of the previous six episodes, but in a way I do appreciate that this isn't simply an altered version of Jonathan Creek, and that there seems to be a desire this series to make the episodes a bit more stand-alone - hence why the 'over-arching' storyline isn't really present.


    What do we have? The guy with the glasses in e01 and the bank robbers in e02. e03 will wrap these together in its own plot and, no doubt, provide a decent conclusion to the series.


    I think that if we're to have episodes down the line where the relationship between Dr and Mrs Watson are crucial to the plot then it is well worth spending the time to build the relationship now whilst having a bit of fun with the formula, rather than shoe-horning occurring en-masse later on.


    I enjoy the show having unanswered questions - both in how sherlock survived the leap as well as the passing comment of "an elephant in the room" (whether that's a canon mystery or not, I have no idea) - alongside the glasses man and bank robbers it can help enrich subsequent episodes -- the anticipation of potential reveals is always going to grab the audience!


    ... to end an overlong comment; not my favourite series so far - but only 3 eps per season is always going to be too few.

  15. Thanks guys :) and happy birthday brother-from-another-mother @lostmario. The most popular blue-name birthdate is today... the most depressing day of the year :(


    Had a couple of drinks with some workies, and now home, with cider, having just ordered teh most disgusting and fattest pizza I could find. Undecided whether to play xcom or find things to watch on netflix... probably the latter!


    I also got a disposable ecigarette as a gift, so I'll try that out. Not the most exciting day ever, but hey! Day off work tomorrow so I best get working on that hangover...


    Many thanks to everyone who puts up with my shit on here. It's appreciated.

  16. @Clownferret as others have stressed, imagine if it had happened in the middle of the pitch with two defenders. That the ball has already been placed would probably make people think it was an even worse challenge. It's not the keeper's body that's tripped the player as you'd expect but it's the studs-up feet. Those kinds of challenges are outlawed because of the harm they can do to a player (and by extention, their career if badly injured).


    In this instance, it's not about foiling a clear goal-scoring opportunity.


    Ultimately the point is that there should be clarity with this rule, at least.

  17. I forgot how much I loved this show. I have to admit, I was a bit disheartened by the light tone of the first half hour, which seemed to be fan-service for the cumberbitches et al, but once it got into the crux of things there was tension, direction, and great ideas put to use for Sherlock's 'mind palace'.




    Sherlock did a quick once-over of Watson's fiance-to-be (I forget her name) and he just offered a look that sort of said "hmmm... ok she's fine" but no further commentary on the matter. With the attempt on Watson's life, as well as the glasses-man at the end (we assume to be the new antagonist) who was inspecting the bonfire footage, I would guess that she will be playing the role of the victim at some point.


    I like the idea of Mycroft being the villain, but I think that's an easy ruse that's being played. As with the explanation for how Sherlock did it and the eschewing of the Holmes parents, I'm more just hoping this will be a background tool for tension rather than Gatiss writing himself more screen-time! I don't know the Holmes stories at all, so I have no idea where it goes.


    With only 3 eps a series, I doubt we'll be kept in the shadows for too long! The wait for each episode is tough, but so far it has always been worth it!

