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About marky

  • Birthday 07/28/1984


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marky's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. if you want i can take pictures of my monster list ? might be a bit shocking tho some high numbers : peace:
  2. I had to send my first 3DS back (dodgy analogue stick) so I have a new code:


    I've added you already.

  3. i went to kings cross meet up , finnished off a couple of puzzle quests preeety good , i work in central london just offa oxford street had my ds hidden upstairs allday yesterday and got loads of hits i will do the same 2day :grin:me wii plaza is filling up nicley i havent even played that rpg ish game yet will do today
  4. ok ive added all up till now phew allot of numbers
  5. Yes mate. I'll create a match in the lobby if you join?

  6. ok im on ssf4 3ds on you wanna play?

  7. mines marky 2621-2594-0478 ill add most when im home later today
  8. the bowgun is awsome the bowgun is awsome the bowgun is awsome if your enjoying it you shouldnt limit yourself to ala try out diffrent combos and diffrent sets defo adren+2 with a gun in a group of 4 i think you will find that intresting im stocktaking at work so no mh for 2day if agna barry arena is on ville get those coins for barrage earing while you can that arena has like the slowest rotation of them all , i posted about the barrage earing in meet up thread it has to be the ultimate peice of equipment in the game and if your getting trigger fingers its defo worth the coins and time to get ,
  9. ahh ninja skill better for gunners as it means you get targeted less as you are standing in a spot shooting , not sure of the use with blademasters tho as your normaly runing towards the monster anyway but any skills are handy if put to good use , sorry vile about those clust runs had a random dude with us who refused to blade and had a pretty weird gun ? anyways just missed you the other day had my cluster group on and was trying to get a msg to you so if you need webs still ill get a team on for soem runs ,
  10. yay after some good hunts last night the game has sucked me back in again !!!! i will be on tonight from 9 ish if anyone is intrested , mainly for having a laugh etc i think the serious days of hunting are behind me now so if anyones around ingame name marky hr 450 probs will be in a gunner set of some sort
  11. hey all havent posted here in ages im glad to see all these new hunters and old still posting here , im out of retirement guns have been dusted and im ready for some hunts , just reading all the posts has got me in the mood again so if anyone wants help give us a shout !!!!!!!!!! and ill find ya
  12. Mack

    where the hell are you man... :(

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