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Everything posted by Shaolins_finest

  1. have you heard of starcraft 64?
  2. I would give the motion abilities of the wandlike controller to the nun chuck portion of the controller. I think alot more interaction with games can be acheived if both halves of the controller can be detected through motion instead of just one. The nun-chuck part should be a secondary motion. The wand does all the real actions but when a charater has to do things with two hands like fly a future space ship with two handles it would be cool to hold up the two parts and control the flying and shooting and whatever else. You can basically do about 50 things at once with this setup.
  3. How can he say retro games are boring and then go on to say Guanlet and pacman never get old. Just so happens these games are on the xbox live arcade. What kind of B.S. is that. If its not on xbox it sucks
  4. lol i pretend im playing something atleast 3 times a week with my tv remote.
  5. HMD means Head Mounted Display. Could this be a hint as to what the revolutions next secret is or is it just a quirky item in Animal Crossing. It's definitely not your everyday typical item like train models, Umbrellas and NES games. Virtual head sets aren't really even thought about in everyday life. Thats why i find this funny. Who would have just got the idea to put Virtual reality headsets as a fashion item in animal crossing? Why VR? I smell a hint.
  6. http://media.putfile.com/AnimalCrossingWW_HMD Could this be a hint on Animal Crossing DS?
  7. Hollywood (graphics chip)= Hollywood itself is a place of illusion, Movies aren't made with 30,000 people in the football stands or futuristic cities with 1000,s of people walking around. Hollywood always used technology to acheive shortcuts to a realistic outcome. Cube mapping etc. can make the Rev graphics amazing with low specs. This chip's specialty may be a chip comprised of many different 3d mapping techniques. Broadway (CPU Chip)= Broadway itself is a place of small numbers pretending to be large scale extravaganzas. A cast of 30 people can make a play seem as if they are in a city of millions. This chip for the cpu may be sought of like amd athlon processors or intel celerons, they seem smaller when compared to pentiums but they are just as efficient if not better. I think the chip is a small chip thats not so powerful. Its only powerful enough to handle the Hollywood chip. If you look at broadways specs you would think it sucks but its only purpose is to keep the hollywood graphics chip running perfect. This keeps it cheap and the hollywood chip is the magic of revolution. Low specs, cheap prices and next gen results.
  8. The development team is working on 3 other projects also which will appear on nintendo systems. They are under wraps now and probably won't be revealed until E3 06 as well as the companies publisher. http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/223 Edit by Moria: Just changing the caps away from the title
  9. They need to atleast show the Metroid Prime 2 demo using the rev controller. Why are they still keeping that stuff secret?
  10. The shell is stupid to include in the box. Nobody will take advantage of the revolutionary part if they can make games for regular control. The shell should be sold seperate. The rev needs to come with the remote and the nuchuk controller. nothing more.
  11. Ultra Nintendo = (U.N.E.S.) = Nick name UNES(You Ness) Ultra Famicom in Japan Ultra Nintendo Keeps in tradition with Super Nintendo. This name will bring alot of nastalgia back. People would look at it as Super Nintendo 2 and i think that's what everybody is waiting for from nintendo. Ultra was the nick name for N64 and everybody was excited for Ultra 64 so this will also play a role in to the conscious of those people who anticipated Ultra 64. The only problem with this name i see is Ultra isn't really a popular word these days. If you wanted to cater to todays standards you may have to call it Xtreme Nintendo but that flat out sucks. Ultra Nintendo sounds cool to me. Nintendo Revolution is too long. N5 is also cool.
  12. I highly doubt nintendo will send a rep to every store that sells there products to discuss shelf space and price etc. The only place a nintendo rep would go is a board room management office for best buy or toys r us or gamestop etc. They discuss the plans with the big wigs at the company and then the executives of the store chains spread the word to their stores. Do you know how much of a waist of time that would be for a nintendo rep to litterally go to every toy store chain? That doesn't happen so this is fake. Or he heard maybe a best buy exec explaining what was going down in the future but he definitely did not here it from a nintendo rep.
  13. being that your from austrailia i cant call you an idiot. Montreal is in Canada. If you were from the U.S. i would have called you retarted.
  14. Rumor has it another FPS game is being developed for Revolution by Ubisoft, this time coming from Ubisoft Paris which means 2 FPS for Revolution 1 of which is exclusive.
  15. http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=9865 German: Ubisoft soll bereits mit der Entwicklung von Revolutionsoftware begonnen haben (was zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ohnehin denkbar ist). Beim ersten Projekt soll es sich um eine Art Doom-Klon handeln. Dieses Projekt befindet sich angeblich zurzeit bei der kanadischen Niederlassung in der Entwicklung. Mit ersten handfesten Infos oder gar Bilder kann man aber erst auf der E3 2006 rechnen. Bis dahin heißt es abwarten... English Translation: Ubisoft is to have already begun with the development of revolution often commodity (which at the current time is anyway conceivable). With the first project it is to concern a kind Doom clone. This project is allegedly to time during the Canadian address in the development. On first strong information or one can count pictures however only on the E3 2006. Up to then means it are waiting... My Translation: Ubisoft is developing a Doom like game for revolution. This project is being created by Ubisoft Canada, the same team who made splinter cell and beyond good and evil. Info will not appear until the next E3.
  16. lol what BS. I don't beleive a single word he said. And the fact that you have to stand up and he was on a huge stage makes the gameplay experience suck. Who the hell has space like a stage? who wants to stand when your playing games at 2 in the morning? Also he posted this news yesturday which is when Shiggy stated he wants to elminate TV's and didn't want to talk more about his idea. He's clearly assuming shiggy's no tv plan is what the revolution will do. He's so full of crap.
  17. This is the kind of 3d illusions im talking about
  18. No this technology is very impressive, James Cameron even stated that he would never film a movie again without being in 3d like this. I dont know how they do it, but it's some way to trick one eye into looking at one part of the screen and the other eye looks at another part and the image pops out the screen somehow. It's hard to explain and it works from all angles too. It's basically an illusion that tricks your brain and yet it has no effects on your sight or brain. No teary eyes or headaches.
  19. Okay i may have jumped the gun, this is from the Broken Saints website: _______________________________ During the ShoWest film conference, a panel featuring George Lucus, Robert Zemekis, James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez, and a satellite feed from Peter Jackson discuss their plans to integrate cheap digital stereoscopic 3D into major theater chains by 2007. Here's where things get interesting: Burgess claims to know an agent who spoke to Robert Rodriguez, stating they knew of a game machine that would exploit this new wave of 3D entertainment well before Hollywood could jump in on the market. ______________________________ What gave this rumor legs was because it came from the mouth of Brook Burgess, If you dont know him, He's not some guy with a blog saying he works in a game dev company. He really was a top level guy at EA and left a couple of years ago to write and direct comic books. If anybody knows people in the industry its him. Alot of his friends and contacts are still in the gaming industry so he is definitely in the know. But this is still just a rumor but it's from a very big reliable source. The equivalent of him saying something about the industry is up there with old nintendo president Yamauchi saying something, neither of them are in the game industry anymore but they both still communicate and help around in the industry from time to time, so the rumor definitely something to watch out for.
  20. trust me it's all true, I found a link talking about george lucas re-releasing the star wars DVD and the big event with all the movie directors. Im looking for the link with the quote that a video game company is using this 3d technology. http://www.movieweb.com/news/news.php?id=7210
  21. yeah, your talking about a new way to view 2d in 3d (not cube maps) This new technology suposedly makes images appear outside of the screen litterally without the need for 3d glasses. George lucas is re-releasing the whole star wars trilogy using this technology on DVD's again. They had a big conference with the director of spy kids 3d, Sin City, george lucas, peter jackson and other well known directors. They all will be supporting this new technology by 2007. At the end of the conference the director of Sin city told a journalist that this new way of viewing movies is amazing, he then went on to say that you will not see this new 3d technology apear in movies first, he said a well known video game maker got the jump on hollywood and will be using it in its upcoming console in 2006. I forgot all about this until now. This was on regular news sites, not gaming sites like spong.com or ign, Maybe that company he's talking about is Nintendo and thats why they're not showing revolution games yet, because thats probably an easier technology to copy than the controller. Iwata did state back at E3 that when you see how the games look you will me amazed, so they can't just look like updated gamecube games since that wont amaze anyone and seeing that the controller can really manipulate objects on screen, to have certain objects appear to pop out fits the controller greatly. This would be a great thing to have and it will actually outshine Ps3 graphics. picture driving a car and you side swipe a guard rail and it looks like sparks fly out of your tv from the side of your car or Smoke in a game looks like smoke infront of your tv. This technology is real and its real that a certain videogame maker will be usings this technology according to the guy who made sin city. Of course he could have been commenting on a rumor he heard because how in the hell would he know what nintendo was doing almost a year ago when this story came out? Either Nintendo has this technology and are waiting for E306, The Sin City directors passing off rumors that he heard, or some cpu game company will make a game with this technology for the cpu. Either way the thought of this new form of 3d really sounded cool back when i read it. I wish i had the link.
  22. too much traffic, the video still works though. Thats the best part.
  23. Some guy from another board: For some time now I have been playing games with the same type of controller that has been around in one variety or another for 20 years or so. Now as well are all very well aware, Nintendo want to change everything on the revolution by using a special mid air motion sensing controller. I thought to myself that I could come up with something very similar using components that I already have at home, so thought I would give it a go. First off, the right hand motion detector. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...ationmouse.jpg For this I am using the Gyration Ultra mouse which is ideal for the situation. I read somewhere once that Nintendo were in talks with Gyration when developing the controller. If the sensors in the Rev are anything like the mouse, then I would expect it to be very accurate in what it does. It does not always detect movement, only when I press down on a button on the bottom of the mouse. This allows for centralisation should I need to turen further than my wrist will allow. Second up, for the left hand I am using the ASCII grip one handed PS1 controller. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3.../asciigrip.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...iigripside.jpg As you can see, it has the two buttons on the underneath like the Rev analogue attachment. Has a total of 10 usable buttons and as you can see is only a digital Dpad and not an analogue stick. I shall not worry about that fact for the basis of this experiment. This is connected to the PC with a PSX to PC USB converter. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...in/psxtopc.jpg Simple enough. Now my game that I tested was halflife 2: Deathmatch. The game does not have the joystick commands as I would like them, so used Joy2key to map out the various buttons and Dpad on the PS1 controller, to the required keys on the keyboard. Works well enough for me anyway. So onto the play. It all seems to work pretty good. Aiming can be a little more difficult than using a mouse on a flat surface, your hand will tremble slightly so it will shake the movement on screen as well. I am sure that with practice you can get this down to a minimum. I do think that I need to have more practice playing with this kind of a setup. I do think that it is going to work, just needs lots and lots of practice as it is a way of playing not used by the masses before. I made up a video of myself playing the game which should show a little of how I expect it to work. http://www.mswindo.ws/nrnmockup.avi (20Mb Xvid, No sound) As I say, needs practice from me and I do think that regular gamers will take some time to get used to it, but once they get it down right, it will be the best controller out there. --------------------------------- I wouldn't fear about his hand shaking comments. This can easily be fix if the controller is callibrated which all developers would do so that suttle movements of the hand wont transfer into real movements like a mouse which is what he's playing with. First Person shooters are better on the CPU than consoles because a mouse controlling your gun is more faster and accurate than an analog stick. This controller is gonna be so fun to play on a tv because it's basically a mouse with Extra Features. Now imagine playing that game(CS) and then you jump in an air plane and start dog fighting in the sky, when you jump in the plane you hold the controller as you would to fly a real plane and it controls with your hand movements, jump out the plane and back to FPS goodness. This controller can constantly change the way of play in the middle of games which has never been done before. The interaction between human and game is gonna be a whole new experience. Run out of bullets and pull out machettes for choping action. Imagine the 2 men left standing sword fighting after a standard FPS death match, dog fighting in planes, and now this sword fight to see whos the last man standing. That my friends is genius!
  24. I expect the Revolution to look equal to that Ruby clip if not better. That looks like its right inbetween xbox 360 and gamecube which is where i think nintendos games will be next gen. I think its safe to say nintendo will be using a card like this.
  25. That would be a great feature, if it supported DS and Gba games. It will entice people who don't own those systems to buy them for the Revolution thus making DS and GBA software sell more. I hear so much praise for the castlevania games, and a 3d Final Fantasy 3 is being developed for DS etc. Yet im never gonna buy those games because i never have extra money to put towards a handheld. I would love to play those without buying a nintendo DS or GBA. Im not into handheld gaming to spend hundreds of dollars but if i can play the handheld games on my tv through Revolution i bet i would. When you think of it though Nintendo doesn't even need hardware for this. They can Add Gameboy and Nintendo DS to the virtual console. You buy the games on REV and Play them on the tv.
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