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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Probably not quite as negative; but it's to do with who's the "victim", rather than the gender. If it were the other way around and she were the one here, I can't say exactly how I'd be; only because I don't understand women.* *Would the Govt. like me to turn myself in based on such an admission?
  2. Maybe you should be checking your own.
  3. *facepalm* I'm not going to get into an unending argument with you.
  4. Don't really know how to reply to that.
  5. I have little respect for women who fuck guys about; whether Goron's "okay" with it or not. I do feel for you Goron, but you needs time, and especially sleep, before you can even start to think straight. I hope you feel better sooner, rather than later; but unless she changes her mind, you should keep contact with her to a minimum unless you want to torture yourself.
  6. Civilisation V

    Would people here suggest Civ 4 or 5? I probably won't get one just yet (as I'm saving for a PS3), but they both seem to have great reviews, and seem to be rather distinct aswell.
  7. I can't help it. I'm just rather cut-throat about when it comes to people messing others about. I do feel sorry for Goron, and I know he's been shat upon before; I really hope he just realises she's not right for him if a little thing like that bothers her. I wouldn't suggest it.
  8. She doesn't sound worth it. Sorry...
  9. I've been dabbling; it seems to be full of...... undesirables. I actually met my ex online when a "kid", so I know online stuff can happen. We were great online friends for years before we thought we should give things a go.... now we're not.
  10. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Boulder knee-ers?
  11. Penn and Teller: Fool Us

    Ah right. The intrusion of Americanisms creates these problems.
  12. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    By the looks of his arms, I'm assuming he wont be punching any boulders this time around...
  13. Penn and Teller: Fool Us

    There was something on a few months ago presented by Lenny Henry; it was shit.
  14. I don't expect anyone to like me, but they seem to. The idea me would be fit, with a bigger nob; and a dictator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So what's the usual turn-down rate?
  15. Penn and Teller: Fool Us

    Penn & Teller have to be the best magicians ever. With usual magician's tricks, especially "big" stage ones, you can tell how they're done, or at least roughly; you can't usually tell with P&T's tricks, then they tell you how it's done! Brilliant! My favourite I've seen is their truck (lorry) trick.
  16. Me and a friend are supervisors for a shop with shutters and food and drink; there's also spirits for molotovs, lighters... unfortunately it's on the main road...
  17. Pikmin 3 Set For Wii U

    But that means you've never used a day to farm Reds!!!
  18. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    I have to say: Though it hasn't affected me, this OST thing is pretty stupid.
  19. Majora's Mask

  20. Halo 4

    Don't worry, they'll squeeze it in there somewhere. He travelled back in time and got it from one of his friends?
  21. Calm down you lot. I'm pretty sure I've not got depression; I feel pretty alright.
  22. Majora's Mask

    I never got round to getting Fierce. Maybe when I get round to playing it again I'll try 100%ing it.
  23. I don't know what on Earth I could really... appart from helping increase their frequency of using the word "no".
  24. Majora's Mask

    Indeed: Nintendo usually use ideas they didn't use in previous games; even across IPs. It wouldn't surprise me if at least two of the Wind Waker dungeons are heavily inspired by those cut out of Majora's Mask.