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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Your Fakémon are really good; much more original than a lot you see. I like your style too; you shouldn't try to emulate the official art too much
  2. E3 Is Over. Your Thoughts?

    Microsoft have gone insane trying to win over the mainstream/families; it's quite sad. The only other thing they're doing is cramming awkward Eyetoy controls into "hardcore" games and pretending the pre-eyetoy speech recognition of TC's Endwar never existed. I've always dreamed of building/modding a digital gun with my voice! [/sarcasm] Nintendo was all about the future. I'm looking forward to the Wii U, and it's nice to see the rumours about it confirmed, but all in all they could have waited 'til next years E3 and they'd've had over half their announcements. They were so desperate for news that Smash Bros was announced; they could've waited a year or so and did what they did last time: "Surprise! Smash Bros!" and got a much better response; now we're all just waiting at each E3 for Smash Bros news. 3DS news was pretty low too: Only Zelda, Starfox and Icarus before Christmas; which would be alright if two of them weren't remakes. Luigi's Mansion sometime (early?) next year... Hearing there's going to be a Pikmin 3 was probably the best news for me (fingers-crossed it's a Wii U launch title - and as good/better then the other two). I'd say Sony "won", simply because they've something to offer without waiting a year; and the 3mote wasn't their main focus. Maybe I'm just biased because I've yet to experience the PS3: there's plenty of software on there for me to experience properly.
  3. Flop console (PSP) now up to 70 million sold.

    I've never really "got" the PSP; nor do I "get" the Vita.
  4. I never unlocked much; the Story Mode Levels are too frustratingly harsh.
  5. Super Pokémon Rumble

    I read that as Super Pokémon Scrabble:laughing: Now that would be an odd game!
  6. Russell Howard (thrip)

    I meant the "comedy" used; it was all over the place.
  7. The Future of MotionPlus

    Indeed! The PS version of positoning shoved onto the Classic Controller made certain games unplayable.
  8. Killer Freaks from Outer Space

    That could end up being contraversial!
  9. Russell Howard (thrip)

    I'm afraid I though it was shit .... Worse than Russell Howard.
  10. No Confidence

    The UK Govt's pricing: Criminal ~£45,000. Soldier ~~£20,000.
  11. Magicka

    I've been thinking about getting it. The elemental system seems like something which should have existed a decade ago.
  12. Anyone know of any New 2011 MMORPG Coming out?

    I don't think there are any. Isn't Guild Wars 2 out next year?
  13. Zelda Wii U [Tech demo]

    Nope; Wind Waker is one of my favourite games, Zelda or otherwise, and I really loved the style*; and though I didn't like the look of Skyward Sword originally, I do now (did they change the style slightly?). Most fantasy games seem to look the same now: gritty, bland, brown and bloody; they all look the same. I like the look of this "tech demo" though, and hope Nintendo use it for Zelda U. *Hopefully the Wind Waker style in the games will stay just with the Four Swords and Wind Waker sequels however, it's been overused now.
  14. Resident Evil Revelations 3DS

    It's best not to take IGN's reviews/opinions seriously; it seems to be full of unprofessional mainstream fanboys who rave on about COD* and give more obscure games little, if any, time. *I actually really like Call of Duty by the way (people just rave too much about them, especially IGN; a trait they share with modern 10 year old boys). Until Black Ops, the previous 3 games are what me and my friends played when we weren't playing anything else. I do wish they'd reduce it to one game every two years however; the FPS genre is flooded with them and it gives each game less replay value as people jump ship from one to another (I'm aware Activision are concerned about money and not replay value).
  15. Luigi's Mansion

    I bought it off a friend a years ago for £10; he's borrowed it since I never managed to do the Mirror Mansion; you take way too much damage. After the Luigi's Mansion 2 comes out I'll possibly get a 3DS.
  16. Video Game Crossovers/Genre changes You'd Like To See

    I disagree, and place Terry Pratchett in defence mode!
  17. Katy Perry

    Isn't that the only place one can be bummed?
  18. This sort of rubbish is exactly why we avoided Vista. I'm sure Microsoft make every-other Windows crap in order to essentially force people into buying the next one. I hope you have less problems with Vista in future.
  19. What Have You Bought?

    I have a PS3 in my Amazon Basket ready for payday. I'll probably end up going into town to GAME to get one though.
  20. What Have You Bought?

    I only played the demo this morning and thought it was pretty good; maybe it's just because I've played Homefront recently...
  21. Username

    I know. I was originally Kurtle UK (years ago), but it seemed a bit genericly crass (if something can be described as such), so I ended up preferring Kurtle Squad enough to pay to change it, after a good friend's suggestion of it.
  22. Username

    Haha. I have actually tried different spellings and such, but none I found really work. I don't really have any accounts that I "need" to keep, appart from my XBL one; which is why I'm trying to figure out what Screen-Name I want now, before I get an account I can't change the name of, but can't abandon either. And don't worry about me "growing out" of Kurtle: I was called it as an actual nickname since at least 16 (during Sixth Form - over 6 years ago).
  23. Funny Stuff Thread

    Police Stations?
  24. Video Game Crossovers/Genre changes You'd Like To See

    If the Subspace Emissary taught me anything: it's that crossovers can work, no matter the franchise and game style differences. The crossover just has to be done in the right way. Ever since the April Fools of a Nintendo-themed Kingdom Hearts I've thought that a pan-Nintendo RPG type thing could be a brilliant game, and could have a lot more freedom and scope than Smash Bros.