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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. I'm afraid the Saiyan Jedi beats the Danish Defence Lawyer in this round of psychology! I don't feel I've much to give; I'd say I have good sides: I'm a nice person, can listen and give people chances, I work to the best of my ability (though I love breaks a bit too much too) I'm pretty logical minded. None of that amounts to anything though; nothing anyone else would ever realise, or which would help achieve anything substantial. If I were a nasty person I'd probably be able to get a few kicks*, and if I were ignorant I just wouldn't give a toss about anythint anyway. So maybe my bad side is that I'm not an utter c**t; at least not yet *Modern terrorists are absolute rubbish. I'm sure it can't be that hard to **** ** ***** ** ******* or **** ** * **** ****** ******** or **** *** ***** or some shit.
  2. I don't "love myself", but I know myself fine; that's part of the problem, it's difficult to lie or trick myself into something... if that makes sence
  3. In The Sims, they get confidence by talking to themselves in a mirror
  4. Have you been playing too much Sims?
  5. Free to a good home

    I think you'll find torture is illegal.
  6. Iran's Moral Police

    It's not. Working Class =/= Chav Chav = Chav The fact there's a correlation is irrelevent. A culture or way of life is up to anyone to label (especially ones without boundaries such as subcultures) and make up their own minds about; in the same way one can label Naziism as bad, one should be able to label any other way or life, or belief as negative/bad; such as Iran's totaliatarian tendancies. [] Actually, I reckon all this dissing of Iran is just a form of nation hatred! Disgusting!!! [/sarcasm] The Chav/"working class" thing is the next step in victim culture (that the media seem to love to push - They seem to be unhealthily happy to jump at the opportunity to be the voice of a "victim"). *Sorry for hijack*
  7. Forum User Photos

  8. Human Centipede 2 "banned"

    Be careful on the laws conserning that; it might be covered by similar legislation as paedophilic/beastiality imagery, depending on what's actually in the film: violent porn and such involving blood etc is illegal.
  9. Iran's Moral Police

    As do I. I do however believe that the Government's role in such matters should be to nudge, not coerce. I appologise if my original post was misleading; but the UK is a stepping stone or two away from similar policies.
  10. I don't think I could be bothered with the effort (and costs) of a long distance relationship again.
  11. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    ^I've not even a PS3 yet
  12. Iran's Moral Police

    That's not what I said, nor suggested: Do not accuse me of Thought-Crime. That says it all really.
  13. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    Thanks. When/if I do get round to playing the series I would've played the first anyway (unless it was awful); it wouldn't seem right not to.
  14. Iran's Moral Police

    Well it only covers childeren; so it's not quite the same.
  15. From experience I wouldn't suggest making it long distance after a period of it not being.
  16. Iran's Moral Police

    Don't you mean Fashion Police? Anyway; the Tories are close to implimenting similar policies.
  17. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    I'm assuming you lot would suggest the Uncharted series as a PS3 must buy?
  18. Forum User Photos

  19. 999 (Old TV Show)

    That explains a lot!
  20. Majora's Mask

    And people hate Tingle? Anyway: Best Zelda EVER!
  21. Paper Mario: Sticker Star

    I've not completed Paper Mario 64 yet; I think I got a little bored as it felt like I'd played it before: TTYD. It wont stop me picking this up if it's any good though. Isn't it supposed to be out before Christmas? Maybe I'll pick up a 3DS before Christmas if this, Icarus (and Mercenaries) are good - and I have the funds.
  22. Kirby: Mass Attack

    I thought exactly the same.
  23. Luigi's Mansion 2

    Why Luigi's Mansion 2 is on the 3DS!!!
  24. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    Well I was exaggerating a little; probably a bit too much. It just seems way too much for the distance travelled - especially since in some stations you seem to walk for as long, if not longer than you're on the train (I do have a Bivalve Mollusc Card)