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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. LEGO Model That Will Blow Your Mind

    Amazing; this is what LEGO was made for! I wonder how an AT-AT would fare against it
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    If you wait 'til the end of summer you'll be able to pick up more good games....?
  3. Iran's Moral Police

    I was misled by the British media? It was bound to happen to such a large extent to me sooner-or-later; at least I'll learn for the future to require to be even more scrutinous of their shite. I never realised they'd stoop so blatently low.
  4. Forum User Photos

    Generally tall, or tall compared to you?
  5. Sonic Generations

    I don't get why proper Sonic is now so light furred either.
  6. Iran's Moral Police

    It's not different in terms of the reasons of targetting: Only Burka type gear is banned in France Only "Western" gear is banned in Iran Neither have anything to do with direct practical reasons. France is supposedly to be a bastion of Liberty. Edit: It still isn't
  7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    GAME online is actually run by a different company on GAME's behalf (Gameplay). The GAME cards are linked to the site, I assume they just haven't bothered to link gift cards; though it's not unusual for online branches of retailers to not accept them (it helps them get free money). I assume that Gameplay running the online side of things is also why people haven't yet recieved their Special Edition cases and such, even though the GAME stores apparently recieved the Sp. Ed. cases ages ago.
  8. The Best Gaming Music Ever.

    I'm afraid I have hard spot for: Jungle Strike Audio (If you want to link Youtube sound you copy the letter/number jumble between "=" and "&" and put them inside [ MUSIC ] tags.
  9. Iran's Moral Police

    That'd be pretty difficult: suffering from lunacy isn't a race. Anyway; I'm pretty sure this would be the act of Muslims, though a close second would be "Feminazis", especially because of all this "pimping" kids nonsence. A thrid would be someone trying to cause trouble: Reichstag Fire style. Forth might be an anti-skinny campaigner; the model looks like she could do with a bit of cake. A kid (or adult) just having a laugh/being a nob would be drawing mustaches, nobs or other things.
  10. Free to a good home

    If it was any other character I might take you up on the offer
  11. Sonic Generations

    I still don't get how people can prefer Modern Sonic's design:shakehead Anyway; I'll keep an eye on this, though I've not played a Sonic game since Rush/Secret Rings. Appart from the RPG, but that doesn't really count.
  12. Starfox 64 3D

    Not really. Not being able to play a game with friends simply because they don't own a copy is annoying. Of course, online means you can play whenever you want. I don't get why they wouldn't have added it.
  13. The Best Gaming Music Ever.

    ^Mega Drive fo sho. I'm pretty sure the MD always had the better music when it came to ports. Maybe I'm just biased because I was a Sega boy 'til the Playstation... P.S. :cool:Cool Spot Rules!
  14. Boom Street

    I wonder why the cloud Koopa things were chosen? Their name escapes me. I do hope the hidden characters aren't Dry Bowser or some nonsence.
  15. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    Are you sure it's not your postman?
  16. Starfox 64 3D

    Single Card Play!!! Woo!!!
  17. That's over the line of faith, soul-mates and destiny: It doesn't compute.
  18. Iran's Moral Police

    Okay; I've Deleted my post too. Though I wouldn't usually; I know how it feels to be misrepresented by ones own words. Just to wrap up: I would gladly read the book if I felt it would have something to offer me other than frustration with the writer.
  19. Forum User Photos

    Thanks; I've always gone for a similar, plain style since I had to start wearing them. Half of the reason I got semi-rimless ones was because they don't hold the lenses in with the bottom frame; meaning there's no screws to become loose to cause your lense to fall into your bowl of cereal. The other half of the reason is they look a bit neater. That's no way to speak to your elders I'm just clean shaven in that pic; I'm 23 in two months and a week. Concerning the latter part of you post: I was in a serious relationship for years - I've just little/no experience of "bitches" beyond that.
  20. ^Don't worry. A needy woman is a massive turn off for me; plus I've no gold . Part of the problem is that I did have someone who liked me for me... but then I ended up not being good enough. If someone did "fall" for me again I'd believe it was because they didn't know me well enough, or they were just deluded. Both those seem more likely to me than it being for a substantial/proper reason.
  21. Iran's Moral Police

    We've been censored!!! CENSORSHIP, CENSORSHIP!!! (Everything's in my penultimate post though). (Leaving this post incase someone gets confused)