My Top 5 Nintendo Games of all time!
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) – This is quite possibly the only game that has ever filled me with true joy upon competition. I’m still not 100% sure why it is the case for this and not others, as there were many agonising times throughout (the Water Temple is one of my worst memories ever)! However, I shall never forget the final shot of Link and Princess Zelda reunited in their childhood. Quite incredible. The fact that I played this game after many graphical superior titles on the GameCube shows just how timeless it is!
2. Goldeneye (N64) – The only game that I have ever had non-stop fun with from beginning to middle (that’s right, it hasn’t reached an end yet! I’m still playing it today!).
3. Resident Evil Remake (GCN) - A fantastic storyline with brilliant characters and in my opinion the best sound score ever! This game still gives me the shits, even though I’ve already completed it. All topped off with the finest visuals I have ever seen.
4. Metroid Prime (GCN) - A huge adventure of epic proportions with a fantastic combination of gameplay elements. This does not fit a category and is one of the most unique, diverse games I have ever played. Never are the FMV’s over used, the story and mood of the game is created as you play it, something which developers rarely succeed in doing these days.
5. Pokemon Red (GB) – I’m not a huge Pokemon fan these days, but when I think back to it, Pokemon Red gave me hours, days, months and even years of enjoyment. It took me well over a year to “catch em all†and to build my elite squad of Level 100 Pokemon, but when that happened, I became unstoppable. It’s probably the most engrossing game I’ve ever played and ever will play.
These titles were very difficult to choose from, and it is possible that some may be changed before this feature finishes. Nevertheless, these are fantastic games!