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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. During my Easter holidays, I have done hardly any work at all. Probably about an hour over the three weeks I had.

    Three weeks? Three weeks?



    Seriously though, everybody does exactly the same thing. Just cram and stress about it and before you know it, the exams are over and all you have to do is wait for results day. Simple.

  2. Sorry, but I really do hate fundamentalists and people who run organised religions. Other than that, most people are ok.

    Apart from bible bashers.

    and the guy who owns Mc Donald's.



    I hate organised religion for the same reason as MunKy: killing people "in the name of God", constantly lying and attempting to disallow change.

    Listen, change the record mate. We all know that religion is "holding us back" and is a "blight on society" blah blah blah. But the fact is, it's not gonna be deconstructed through simple hatred like what you are spouting at the moment.


    It'll fall apart of its own accord eventually, just give it time. And in that time, find some sort of inner peace and, like Haver said, tolerance for your fellow humans.

  3. Oh my God fish, are you really so stupid as to let all that I've said fly over your head?


    I support evolution and Darwin.

    I am not a Christian.

    Do not lynch me.


    I've merely been highlighting how zealously someone can support something that they know so little about. You've helped me immensely.

  4. Yeah, and you can see why it might have happened as it did-it's survival of the fitest. It's logical. It can, over a span of time, be proved. That is where science totaly, in want of a better word, pwns religion.

    In my eyes, you're a scientific fanatic. Everybody knows that evolution is the best way to explain everything. Nobody needs you to lay it out for them.

    Metaphor my arse! It's all bullshit. And I should know. I go to a Christian-foundation school (only becasue I was garunteed a place as my sister was already there)

    A simple way of looking at it is this: science put a man on the moon-religion didn't.

    Yes, bravo. Once again you prove your amazing brainial knowledgery.

  5. 'Cause the Church is absolutely one unified body and has no separate factions within it. And this totally unified body totally wrote the entire Bible with the clear vision to lie to everybody and do nobody any good whatsoever.


    Also, Darwin invented the theory of evolution. A very convincing theory, but it's not proof of anything.

  6. how do you know it is the right answer?


    What if the ancestor of the chicken did not lay eggs. therefore the chicken would have to have been first.

    Chickens right.. come out of eggs. Got that? So, if something were to give birth to something that you might deem a chicken, and was not hatched from an egg, it wasn't a chicken. Birds come out of eggs, that's how they're gestated, they are just not born like mammals.


    Egg first.


    Why do people use Windows XP on a Mac, then?


    Probably because they are too scared of the new, and compatibility problems as a lot of games/programs dont work, even with the so-called "windows emulator" (its in quotation marks because it is not an emulator, just called one as to not confuse people)

    I don't think people are necessarily scared of Apple Macs, just that they cannot be arsed switching all their shit over to a different computer.


    Granted, if my Windows PC were to fuck up an awful lot, I'd endeavour to get a Mac. But it doesn't, so I don't.

  7. Why do people continue to use Microsoft Windows?

    That's because some people can't afford the outrageous Apple pricing plan.


    Oh and to those two other people who answered the 'which came first, chicken or egg?' question, I already answered it. With the correct answer. That being Cube's answer.

  8. No, never played it, but from what I've heard it wasn't as open as Oblivion.

    I felt a lot more 'free', as it were, in Morrowind than in I do in Oblivion. This is only because of the mountain barriers in Oblivion being do far removed from the infinite sea of Morrowind.

  9. I'd love the time, money and backing of the BBC. I'd do something really useful avec it as well, such as document the arguments that internet forumers have, and how they have neither right nor wrong answers to anything.

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