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I like nintendo

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  • Location
    ontario canada
  • Interests
    saying Eh? living in a igloo during the fridgid cold summer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    DS, Gamecube, N64, nintendo,super nintendo, game boy, game boy colour, game boy advance, game boy pocket
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2 PSP PS1
  • Favourite Game?
    Animal Crossing
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    King boo
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    ACWW: Name: Kirk
    Town: Toontown
    Friend Code:5455 2322 5407

I like nintendo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. This isn`t the usual psp sucks, but my stupid dog just ate my psp battery!
  2. huh? What's a VGA? *cries at n00biness*
  3. I was playing it in best buy a few days ago, seems decent... I'll probably buy it...
  4. except for mario, you guys may be missing the point, it MAY be an eyetoy like thing and there is a 1 percent chance of him having time to play it, yeah, that's it...
  5. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Well I'm posting to tell you that I downloaded ver. 2.0 Don't you dare tell me I'm a little behind...Wouldn't it be sweet if they had KH2 for PSP And DS
  6. 3rd one won't print for me
  7. hmmm... I didn't even know the first one came out yet!
  8. Or... Maybe he's only saying it so that nintendo keep doing this while microsoft race ahead in sales...
  9. at first I thought it was a portible pop vending machine, but it's still hlarious to me, doesn't anyone else find it funny when he says: In no way am I advising you to buy this crap! And then what they have so colourfly cslled colour display, then he turns the box around and it's black and white beep games! 0_o It has two colours I guess: black and white hahaha! Oh what a nice postman, Why doesn't sony sue them? That's funny the way he says "My pop station value pack" Imagine some kid trying to decide to buy a PSP or not and he/she saw you playig this, so he says are the graphics really like that? And you say yes. I wonder how much one of those retails for?
  10. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! Is that a serious thing or just some nice photoshopping, hahahahahhaha!!
  11. I use samus, because most of her attacks are projectiles
  12. DS for me why do I have to post a 15 character thing huh huh??? (just too take up room :p)
  13. hey! While every one is sitting their thumbs going to get a PSP going du du du du du du du, duh duh duh duh duh, why don't you go run out and get one! ON topic- yeah, my PSP UMD slot doesn't "pop" anymore either
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