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About Hudsoo

  • Birthday 09/12/1988

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  • Interests
    Gaming of course,Drawing,Filming,Taking pictures and do whatever else i can physically do
  • Occupation
    College.....no job yet


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS1,PC???,Mega Drive
  • Favourite Game?
    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender
    a male

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  1. must be the fun factor to super smash bros melee is why you like it...........or some other.....mysterious reason
  2. Everyone so far who has posted has a more sensible way to buy games than i do.........well i will not put myself down so much but sometimes i do go for games that have not been praised well......(Goldeneye: Rouge Agent....and others) and find out the hard way......it was not worth it...even if it was like 10+ quid down from its normal price.......andddd i am a sucker for sonic games, bought Shadow The Hedgehog and last year Sonic Heroes when both barely came out, full price......worth it? Sonic Heroes.......well lets say i do have my moments with it....Shadow The Hedgehog?...should of known something was not right about it.....that being guns and vehicles.
  3. could it be the price?......the franchaise/character(s) being well known?......maybe even wanting something unusual.
  4. if you have a powerful pc then go for call of duty 2...on the pc
  5. you get the handcannon weapon which you buy for free from the mercant if you get a 5 star rating on all 4 stages with all characters in the mercenies
  6. wish i found XIII for a fiver, just go......change that to buy it.....even if you do regret it....you would only lose five pounds.
  7. well this is the list of the platformers on the gamecube Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Rayman 3 Pac-Man World 2 Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers Super Mario Sunshine Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly Dr. Muto Zapper Vexx Wario World Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Jet Fusion Spirits & Spells SpongeBob SquarePants: The Battle For Bikini Bottom Sonic Heroes Fairly OddParents: Shadow Showdown Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue Scaler The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Plat Spyro: A Hero's Tail Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Robots Scooby-Doo! Unmasked Tak: The Great Juju Challenge Frogger: Ancient Shadow
  8. £0-30.....well i suppose i would extend my budget but the less content there is to a game, the less time i would most likely play it
  9. now i do not expect it to be good.........nah well still it has had its critisims from other game sites
  10. too right yes, good thing though with the 4 player mode in sonic r........too bad it is the only 4 player mode in the collection
  11. ok thank you, did you finish sonic cd with the good or bad ending
  12. of course unless you have played it......you proberly would reckon i am a nut case.......anyway, i have looked upon various sites to unlocking the demo's but it has not worked, does any one out there...somewhere...know how to unlock them.
  13. Would be nice to have Soul Calibur 3 on the gamecube, only one thing i wonder is how many people bought the gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 just for Link.
  14. I edited stone cold steve austin's entrance by swapping his usual music with the shattered glass version by Disturbed, if you want to have a look for yourself, download it off http://rapidshare.de/files/5670245/steve_austin_edit.wmv.html and click free........unless you want to choose the other option (you may notice.........thats if you watch it, the picture isnt centered......well thats because i didnt center it when i was using the adobe premiere program, i may do another version of it.......of course with a centered pictured
  15. the next generation Sonic The Hedgehog game, using the revolution sensors to guide sonic could work.....only saying could because ideas are only determined as good or bad if they are made.
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